I'm drunk and I think this may be a sh!t test



Unstopped text exchanges, she says:

So what are you doing besides texting me?
about 20 mins ago

I'm about 9 shots in, no date yet. My drunken state is telling me to not respond until tomorrow.

If you were to respond that will send her hamster spinning(she threw out a fvcking hamster bait) what would you say?

Please change thread title to incredibly likely pigeon craps on your car sh!t test.


30 minutes later she sends me a self shot with breasts hanging out.

Ha, this **** is unbelievably predictable.

No response until tomorrow it is, hope I have enough liquor. Thanks for everything guys!


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Let me get this straight...you are drinking by yourself to ignore a girls's supposedly sh&t tests...hahahahaha....just tell her you are doing something and too busy to text and meet her whenever date is setup for...i hate it when they start non stop texting like that even if they are sending sexy pics...


Yeah, I shouldn't have binged during happy hour. Buddy drove home save, no DUI. That self shot is still lingering. She was seeking some sort of validation with her text and again with her self shot. I think I may feed it in an hour.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Preferably with "what a terrible pictue! - come over now and show me them properly"

Youre welcome.


I didn't respond to the text and she texted me an hour later to give her a call when I had the chance. Pretty good interest for our initial exchange after I got her number.

Then my roommate wanted to play BattleShots....

Then I called her near blackout drunk.....

Then I checked my usage the next morning...

20 text exchanges after the phone call + a 10 minute conversation after.

I don't remember anything and I deleted the text exchange. Probably because it ended terribly. Too bad, she was an (8) blondie.

This is probably the 10th time in the past year that I have lost women/plates due to my binge drinking. Calling it quits now.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
LOL, you don't need to call it quits. But you do need to control your binge drinking if you want to be solid at this game. It's all in balance, but for the majority try to limit your drinking to no more than 4 drinks. Most likely you'll feel fine after 4 drinks, but trust me, in an hour you'll be pretty drunk or really buzzed.

I've had a battle with alcohol, and have lost many plates as well. The best advice I can give is to count your drinks. If you don't you'll get lost in how many drinks you've had and before you know it you're shytfaced making bad decisions.

I don't think you've lost this girl. Yes she knew you were drunk (and girls find this a major turnoff) but when girls are younger they don't see it as big deal. If you guys were ten years older, then yes, you're done.


Sandow said:
LOL, you don't need to call it quits. But you do need to control your binge drinking if you want to be solid at this game. It's all in balance, but for the majority try to limit your drinking to no more than 4 drinks. Most likely you'll feel fine after 4 drinks, but trust me, in an hour you'll be pretty drunk or really buzzed.

I've had a battle with alcohol, and have lost many plates as well. The best advice I can give is to count your drinks. If you don't you'll get lost in how many drinks you've had and before you know it you're shytfaced making bad decisions.

I don't think you've lost this girl. Yes she knew you were drunk (and girls find this a major turnoff) but when girls are younger they don't see it as big deal. If you guys were ten years older, then yes, you're done.
You're right on counting the drinks, moderation is key. My room mate likes to drink and we feed off from each other. It's hard to say 'Bro, let's have only 5 shots tonight' and stick with the plan. Once I drink, my inhibition tells me that just one more is fine. This was my first binge in a while and it so happened to coincidentally be my exchange with this chick.

I like to keep it optimistic, but it's nearly impossible to recoup from my past experiences. I've got dates with women after talking to them drunk on the phone, but I don't remember anything I said. Most of the time I would repeat the stuff on the date and they would catch on quick. It's best for me to just prematurely give up.

One chance. One woman. One lifetime.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
What Sandow said. Don't write it off just yet and see how it goes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Nothings ever over till you know 1000% it's over. Don't ever count anything out. On a side note, it's not good if you're always blacking out. When I know I'm going to get shytfaced with my friends, like you mentioned above, I never ever call, text, email any chick on my phone. I know this is hard, but I make very conscious effort to avoid this. But now it's so ingrained in my head, it's pretty easy to refrain from drunk dialing or texting. You should get in the same habit of telling yourself no drunk dialing/texting when you drink!


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
I didn't respond to the text and she texted me an hour later to give her a call when I had the chance. Pretty good interest for our initial exchange after I got her number.

Then my roommate wanted to play BattleShots....

Then I called her near blackout drunk.....

Then I checked my usage the next morning...

20 text exchanges after the phone call + a 10 minute conversation after.

I don't remember anything and I deleted the text exchange. Probably because it ended terribly. Too bad, she was an (8) blondie.

This is probably the 10th time in the past year that I have lost women/plates due to my binge drinking. Calling it quits now.

All you had to do was tell her you were busy and would talk later. Also, that is why i stopped doing shots and drinking liquor of any kind...it makes you too crazy.....pro tip...stick to beer...you will never get blackout drunk unless you are drinking all day long. I hate shots...you don't ghet anything from them except intoxicated...you can't casually enjoy drinking a shot...it's just one shot....i like to casually sip on a beer or wine much better than mindlessly downing shots. Only time i take shots is when i am getting a chick to drink with me so she will take a shot as well and speed up the getting tipsy process..


I don't know what triggers my urge to drunk text/dial.

Maybe it's my subconscious Beta/AFC is waiting for that moment to break out of prison.

Maybe I'm the Beta/AFC who uses alcohol as an excuse for what I truly want to do.

I texted her and she responded right away.

Horrible night
What happened? =\

I don't even know how to play this sh!t, man.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
I don't know what triggers my urge to drunk text/dial.

Maybe it's my subconscious Beta/AFC is waiting for that moment to break out of prison.

Maybe I'm the Beta/AFC who uses alcohol as an excuse for what I truly want to do.

I texted her and she responded right away.

Horrible night
What happened? =\

I don't even know how to play this sh!t, man.

Respond to her "What happened?" with part of what P.Filth said.

"You sent me the pic and it came across blurry. I was going to tell you to come over to hang out (or show me in person) and I wound up falling asleep instead."

That could be your "horrible night" excuse. I wouldn't say anything about previous texts, nor drinking. Completely put it on her pic, hanging out, and you just fell asleep. Then see when she wants to hang out.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
yeah, i would cut to the chase...no sense in texting to build rapport or do damage control...if she rejects then next...no worries...


It was done from the get-go.

One woman. One chance. One lifetime.