Hi guys its Damascus im back. My story is in my signature. I had a good time cracking jokes at, but i had girl problems. I want my ex back. Since i was banned here, I went to for help but all they did was say "poor you", and too forget about her, and received dumb advice about destiny, and fate, and how my soulmate will find me. Then i read this:
Committed Relationships,The Biggest Trap for Inexperienced AFC's by the Logical Player
I had my brain roasted! I am an expeirenced afc and i am going thru a transformation. I have done the following:
I cancelled my three World of Warcaft accounts and said my goodbyes ( a sad sad day for me, over 9,876 hours! )
using proactiv for my acne
im doing cardio running with my personal trainer
have started changing my wardrobe from slogan tshirts to button shirts.
I am doing the laundry now instead of the maids
moved my computer from my room to the living room so i won't look at porn all the time
Stopped reading anime, and watching the new Naruto episodes
I gave my action figure collection to the salvation army
Created a savings account, and sold my hentai and retro video game magazines collection at craiglist.
I am wearing boxers now, no more anime underwear for me.
I am taking dancing lessons, salsa to be exact.
I got the courage and asked my dad if we an spend some time together and he said yes. We talked about everything over fishing and i might quit the computer store job.
I deleted my Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, and have left Digg and Propeller.
Sold all my PS2 and XBOX 360 video games to Gamestop , except for Final Fantasy 12,( my name is in the game)
Sold my Avion sword at the pawn shop. I cried but the positives outweight the negatives. I had to let go of my emotional attacment to my fantasy world. I am not a knight or whatever, and my reality has to change.
I am ready to start a new life. But where do i begin? Im like a kindergartner, what are the basic of the basic steps? I don't have any friends except for my science club partners.
Where do i start? I want to be a don juan, but i need guidance. The DJ Bible is too abstract, and im the biggest nerd in the world. They say money buys happiness, but its not true, im rich, and im miserable. my biggest issue is how to live in reality, and not in a fantasy world.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you
Committed Relationships,The Biggest Trap for Inexperienced AFC's by the Logical Player
I had my brain roasted! I am an expeirenced afc and i am going thru a transformation. I have done the following:
I cancelled my three World of Warcaft accounts and said my goodbyes ( a sad sad day for me, over 9,876 hours! )
using proactiv for my acne
im doing cardio running with my personal trainer
have started changing my wardrobe from slogan tshirts to button shirts.
I am doing the laundry now instead of the maids
moved my computer from my room to the living room so i won't look at porn all the time
Stopped reading anime, and watching the new Naruto episodes
I gave my action figure collection to the salvation army
Created a savings account, and sold my hentai and retro video game magazines collection at craiglist.
I am wearing boxers now, no more anime underwear for me.
I am taking dancing lessons, salsa to be exact.
I got the courage and asked my dad if we an spend some time together and he said yes. We talked about everything over fishing and i might quit the computer store job.
I deleted my Myspace, Twitter, Facebook, and have left Digg and Propeller.
Sold all my PS2 and XBOX 360 video games to Gamestop , except for Final Fantasy 12,( my name is in the game)
Sold my Avion sword at the pawn shop. I cried but the positives outweight the negatives. I had to let go of my emotional attacment to my fantasy world. I am not a knight or whatever, and my reality has to change.
I am ready to start a new life. But where do i begin? Im like a kindergartner, what are the basic of the basic steps? I don't have any friends except for my science club partners.
Where do i start? I want to be a don juan, but i need guidance. The DJ Bible is too abstract, and im the biggest nerd in the world. They say money buys happiness, but its not true, im rich, and im miserable. my biggest issue is how to live in reality, and not in a fantasy world.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you