Im asking for your opinion. Pretty straight forward

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Ex wants to get back together and i would gladly if she decides she isnt waiting for marriage anymore. Thats what she always told me but I feel like her morals are pretty weak and could change. I love her to death but I dont want to get stuck in another sexless relationship

Should I not mention the sex thing and tell her I want to take things slow, if we start having sex then ill take her in as my girlfriend. If a month goes by of casual dating and she denies me of sex then I just tell her its not working out.

Or be upfront with it and tell her im only willing to get back with her if she is willing to give it up. (I obviously wont word it like that to her)

Which is what you would try? Or would try something totally different.

Don Zorro

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Well we can just use this as my first post i guess. New to the boards, not new to the game.

Personally I'm all for no-bull**** relationships. I prefer just fooling around with multiple girls overall, but if it comes down to a relationship I don't want all of the stupid crap with it. I suggest you just be upfront about it. Your relationship is already rocky since you've broken up, and she seems pretty moralistic. If it really is a deal-breaker for the relationship for you, then be upfront and either way you end up with the ability to get sex. If you go the other way, you're really just wasting your own time here if she's not going to be down for it. And if she is then it will be a "you tricked me and only got back together for sex" ordeal.

But hey, we're not the same person.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
We see pretty eye to eye. Thanks for your imput and welcome to the forum.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Five To One said:
Ex wants to get back together and i would gladly if she decides she isnt waiting for marriage anymore. Thats what she always told me but I feel like her morals are pretty weak and could change. I love her to death but I dont want to get stuck in another sexless relationship

Should I not mention the sex thing and tell her I want to take things slow, if we start having sex then ill take her in as my girlfriend. If a month goes by of casual dating and she denies me of sex then I just tell her its not working out.

Or be upfront with it and tell her im only willing to get back with her if she is willing to give it up. (I obviously wont word it like that to her)

Which is what you would try? Or would try something totally different.
Why rush into a relationship so fast. I say you guys broke up and everything that was in the past is null and void. Why don't you guys start dating again and see where it goes.

In my opinion, When I really truly love someone I am willing to accept a lot and she should also accept a lot. I have been with a girl and waited 2 months for sex with her, but I did not mind at all; I liked spending time with her and if sex happens then its icing on the cake.