Ignored Message


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score

Just wondering an what you guys thought about women who ignore messages or calls.

Last week got together with this girl and seem to do ok i.e got off with her at the end of the night. Anyway we made plans to see each other this weekend.

She didn't phone me or owt yesturday which was expected. Sent her a message asking if she was still up for going out.

*Now I know I should of just called her and I realise this now but Im still learning this game :)*

She hasn't sent one back and its been over a day now. Im just wondering, shall I leave it untill she gets in contact with me and keep the ball in her court or should I pick up the phone and give her one last call.

Ive played it cool with the one message and not seeming desperate with other calls or messages. Should I next her if she doesn't get back to me today?

Thanks :)


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Hehe I guess its been one day but I actually made plans to see on the weekend last Monday!

Thought nothing of it yesturday becuase its saturday and everyones usually shopping and clubbing etc...

I guess if she was interested she would of text me back by now. I know she got the message becuase I got the delivery report back.

Im gonna go down the gym in a bit if she don't call. Can't wait around all day for her. I don't know if to call her one last time before I go out or just leave it and if she calls me tough luck :confused:

"Where you ailing from anywayz"

I haven't heard that saying before but if you mean where im from, im from the sunny lands of staffordshire in uk :)


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
"Good Luck with the girl"

Hehe cheers but I think my luck has gone...

Decided to phone her so I knew what was going on. No answer...thought to myself, sod it. I heard from my mate that there isn't many land lines in the region that she lives in. So thinking she might not have credit on the phone and missed the call, i called her again and it still rung out.

Well thats it, Im off down the gym, can't hang around.

Cheers for the help The_Shezzler


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Originally posted by Devilish_Nitro
She didn't phone me or owt yesturday which was expected. Sent her a message asking if she was still up for going out.

*Now I know I should of just called her and I realise this now but Im still learning this game :)* [/B]
The problem with messages is the confirmation. Who knows, she might not find the charger for her phone etc. What is even worse is if she suddenly sees 3 messages with increasing desparation :p