If you're losing your hair PLEASE READ


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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I posted this in the main forum, but I feel it's important enough to be shared here too. Hopefully, though, guys that are here--and likely are into health and fitness--take enough pride in their appearance to not need advice like this. Nonetheless, a recap of a day that left me incontinent with disbelief:

I just got back from a law school convention in Nashville, and holy Christ, I have never seen so many mis-managed balding heads in my life.

Most of the lawyers there were bald on the top of their heads, or at least at the crown, yet they let the hair on the sides of their heads go unchecked, sometimes down to the nape of the neck, exaggerating the contrast between the hair and hairless parts of their heads.

Several others that were balding in the front gelled their hair back a la James Dean anyway, exposing giant "horns" of hairless head above each temple.

Then there were those that were bald and/or balding, kept a cut that didn't accenuate their bereft areas, but also kept a big bushy beard. Fellas, when you have more hair on your face than your head, you look F**KING RIDICULOUS. Don't these people own mirrors?

And don't even get me started on comb-overs.

Rogaine? Propecia? I prefer an alternative method that is just as effective: every month, flush $60 down the toilet while praying that your hair will grow back.

None of the touted "miracle treatments" work, and comb-overs and other hairstyles designed to disguise baldness simply make you look stupid--and insecure. The only solution that works? Shave your God damn head and pump iron. Seriously. Prove to the world that you don't need hair to be confident, and that you're not afraid to embrace your baldness.

Women get damp over a sexy well-built bald man. How do I know this? Because I am one. I shaved my head two weeks ago and have since gotten more looks and compliments than in the preceding two years.

Losing your hair? No problem--lose it all.

Sorry if I ranted and vented on this post, but after staring in disbelief for six hours at a large assortment of immature chumps, I had to let off some steam.


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
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Good advice. I have always thought men who attempt to cover up their hairloss look ridiculous, while men who just shave it all off look more macho (if they have the body to go with the shaved head.) Although, I would probably try some of those products for a little while just in case they work on me, but I would quit quickly if I didn't see any results.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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Don't put down scientifically and FDA proven treatments for baldness such as propecia and rogaine. They work for a lot of people. Propecia stops the progression of hairloss in 83% of men. It works by lowering the hormone DHT that is the cause for hairloss. The point is to hold onto your hair until better treaments come out, and they will. If you dont need your hair, more power to you, but dont knock others who want to keep theirs. Good luck man. BTW, how far on the norwood scale were you, and what treatments did you use???


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2003
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I disagree with the OP. Propecia does seem to work for a majority of men. It's as simple as popping a pill once a day. Can't get much easier than that. And if you shop around you can find it well under $40 a month which is less than many guys blow on a single night at the bar.

There's nothing wrong with shaving your head of course. It's just that it doesn't leave you with any other options. Once it's gone, it's gone. However, if you work to counteract hairloss in it's early stages it is quite manageable. See a dermatologist if you're not sure whether you're at risk or suffering from hair loss.

Certainly there are women out there who go for the "bald look" but I would say that there are some women who are turned off by it too. On the other hand, "hair" rarely turns off a woman. So if you want to shave it, shave it, but realize that there are other options available to you.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2001
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Hair loss is one of the most depressing things that I have gone through in the last 4 years,I am almost 23 and I started to lose my hair when I was 19. Some guys ***** and moan at the fact that they are in their mid 30's and start noticing hair on the pillow day after day. Imagine been 19 and noticing this? It was quite a shock been so young and balding. I agree with FLEX,I decided to shave it all off.I don't think that I could go back to that whole "banger" look that I used to sport back in the day. I know that for some of you guys that are contemplating shaving your head because of hair loss are worried about issues like "what if my head is an odd shape"? or "maybe I won't look as good as I used to if I shave it all off"? These fears for the most part are unfounded. Yes get a gym membership and get yourself into shape,there is nothing to be afraid of,I've had women come up to me and ask me if they can rub my head ( there are countless of C&F responses to this question) no chick ever asked me if they could run their fingers through my hair when I had it:D


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
I know losing one hair must be depressing, however this is the 21st century and I do not really feel too bad for guys losing their hair. My point is, there are so many ways to deal with male pattern baldness.

1.) shave it all off
2.) Use Rogaine or some other stuff to detect it early
3.) Get a damned hair transplant (you should always have hair on the sides and back)
4.) Hair club for men

I am 26 and still have a full head. As long as I keep it to atleast 40, I am happy. After 35, we all start to become old and unattractive anyways...so who cares.


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
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Originally posted by mahon83050
(you should always have hair on the sides and back)
You really think so? I think that if you are a 25 year old man with that hair style, you won't look too good at all. I would rather go completely shaved.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Originally posted by Zelemont
You really think so? I think that if you are a 25 year old man with that hair style, you won't look too good at all. I would rather go completely shaved.

You misunderstood me because I did not clarify myself (my fault) What I meant was, you will always have hair on the sides and back for to transplant the hair to the bald areas! I do agree having hair on the sides and back only is gay!


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
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Ahh.. alright :cool: