From my and other's experience, if you get DOMS then you can be sure that you had a good workout the day before and vice versa if you had a good workout and you know that given bodypart is susceptible to DOMS then it's highly likely you'll get some. But on the other hand if you don't get DOMS, it doesn't mean you had a bad workout, especially if that given bodypart is not susceptible to DOMS.
For example, for most people if they have a heavy quad session they'll get DOMS in them the day after, even 2. As for shoulders, never had DOMS there and most people I know haven't either. As for the other bodyparts, sometimes but usually after a routine change or a few days break.
If you have a chest day and get DOMS lasting 2 days, it does not mean you are doing wise to batter it again on the 3rd day. Eventually you will overtrain the muscle and regress on your lifts. It also kills energy needed to train other groups. Again, stick to the template, that way everything is trained properly. You don't see people posting threads asking if they can squat again and again haha.