If you worry about your date...


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
When I was on a way to my date, I always kept thinking about how to behave or what to say etc.

Reading stuff on sosuave.com or the DJ Bible about beeing ****y and funny and bla bla did´nt fix it for me, because I ended up thinking about strategies and such things making me even more insecure of MYSELF.

So, for me the following worked :

When I had a date with a new girl, I approached different girls on my way to the location (what worked best for me was driving by train because it´s an awesome location for approaching chicks.. It´s like them sitting there and waiting for you to choose...) going for their#. In this way, my mind relaxed, I was instantly cured from anxiety and could meet my date in an easy and cool mood.

It´s the snowball effect : you approach girls knowing you already "have" one and then you meet her knowing that you just got additional "options". Good bets for you ;)

Hope this is helpful for someone...

CU !
