Master Don Juan
It is so nice that it has to be posted twice!
This is a re-post of the reply I made in The Edge's pro"male wh0re" topic.
If more people seek to not establish an LTR then this would be a more messed up world simply because children won't feel secure when they are brought up in an environment that is saturated with unstable reationships/weak bonds. A child will be filled with anger and not feel immportant when s/he sees his/her father show no respect towards his/her mother.
If you wish to live to fvck and cut relationship short then you should do the world a favor, don't have any children...your genes doesn't deserve to be spread...don't bring any dysfuncional people into the world.
This is a re-post of the reply I made in The Edge's pro"male wh0re" topic.
If more people seek to not establish an LTR then this would be a more messed up world simply because children won't feel secure when they are brought up in an environment that is saturated with unstable reationships/weak bonds. A child will be filled with anger and not feel immportant when s/he sees his/her father show no respect towards his/her mother.
If you wish to live to fvck and cut relationship short then you should do the world a favor, don't have any children...your genes doesn't deserve to be spread...don't bring any dysfuncional people into the world.