If you can approach a girl anywhere...


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2009
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how do you do it?

I over-analyze way too much. If a girl is walking, reading a book, drinking coffee, etc... I use these things for excuses not to approach. But I realized girls rarely will be sitting and doing nothing waiting for a guy to come talk to them. I think that I need to start thinking with my d*ck. If my d*ck says it wants to f*ck that girl then that's my cue to go over there and talk. The only time that I won't approach is when the girl is with a guy. Everyone else is open game.

But I want to hear some approach stories from guys that approach girls in any situation. More importantly, should I be direct or indirect?


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
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i used to rationalize the same way until yesterday when i said "f" it and approached a girl while she was on the phone and it worked. so for now on i dont care what shes doin, im takin my @ss over there and interrupting and im a get to know her. be direct. ive been finding that direct has been working for me. shes not dumb she knows why you are approaching her so why beat around the bush.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Only time I won't approach is if she has her IPOD headphones on or is on the phone.

* The Ipod issue is I hate repeating myself
* The cell phone issue is because its just common courtesy to me. I hate trying to talk to two people at once.

Everything else is fair game.

A story that stands out to me was when I worked at home depot and I saw perhaps the sexiest girl, ever. I still to this day seldom see a woman who can compete in natural genetic beauty. Anywho, even though its against store policy, at this point it didn't make a difference. She was sexy and no obstacle was going to stand in my way. Even the fact that she was with her Grandma!

Taboo by most guys standards, right? I mean what guy would try to get a girls number who's hanging with her granny?
A: Cola!!

I proceeded to walk over, speak to the older woman, and say: Excuse me, I don't mean to impose, but your grand-daughter is so pretty and I would like to introduce myself.

Grandma smiled and said "As long as your respectful"..
I nodded, and proceeded to game her grand-daughter.
Number closed, nothing more came of it because two days later I lost that cell phone, but none the less an example of approaching in any situation.



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Direct or indirect. It doesn't matter.

It's in the vibe you give off that counts, and the emotional response you trigger immediately as you approach.

Just be relaxed, be playful, tell her honestly that you'd think she'll be an interesting person to get know (hence your approach), and take it from there.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
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I also used to have this problem. From on though like few ppl said in here. As long as she is not with a guy then everything else is fair game.. I might not talk to her if she is on the phone, have to see how the situation is played out.

Only thing I can't get out my head. Is since I take the train from work. I see alot of girls in the train. But they seem like they are tired since it's early or I see alot of ppl nearby. I should still try and talk to them right?? Even if they dot give me no eye contact or io? Just go after them no matter what and see what happens n don't care who is listening??
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
cola said:
A story that stands out to me was when I worked at home depot and I saw perhaps the sexiest girl, ever. I still to this day seldom see a woman who can compete in natural genetic beauty. Anywho, even though its against store policy, at this point it didn't make a difference. She was sexy and no obstacle was going to stand in my way. Even the fact that she was with her Grandma!

Taboo by most guys standards, right? I mean what guy would try to get a girls number who's hanging with her granny?
A: Cola!!

I proceeded to walk over, speak to the older woman, and say: Excuse me, I don't mean to impose, but your grand-daughter is so pretty and I would like to introduce myself.

Grandma smiled and said "As long as your respectful"..
I nodded, and proceeded to game her grand-daughter.

That was smoooooooth!:up:


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
In "The Game", the author talks about a 3 second rule. Once you see a girl you want to approach, you have 3 seconds to make contact before you either over think it or talk yourself out of it.