If i could just....


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
Tonight i went to happy hour with some buddies and just had 3 beers after classes. After these two or three beers i am such a relaxed, smooth and confident person. I wish i could feel this confident/motivated when i haven't drank any. I talk to everyone around, just have a blast hitting on girls without any pressure from myself and am just so smooth and comfortable in everything i do socially. No nerves to face, no anxiety.

How do i get to be like the person i am after 2 or 3 beers without the beers?? That is my goal is to act how i act after a couple beers without the beers. Any tips, or anyone relate?


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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It's difficult, man. There IS something magical that alcohol does to you to open you up and melt away your inhibitions. However, as a person who recently decided to quit drinking altogether, I've found that socializing is a bit more difficult w/o alcohol, UNTIL you realize that no-one sees YOU any differently when you're not drinking. The only difference is on the inside, and I guarantee, that you're no better looking, no more confident, and no more intelligent after a few beers than before. You just have to learn for yourself that alcohol is a crutch, and it CAN be done alone. The most difficult thing is taking yourself out of your comfort zone, and putting some of the theories that you've read about into practice.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
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That is a good point. I went out later that night and was talking to some people and at some point in the conversation they said they were just bombed and i really couldn't even tell. So i think it will also help to realize that everyone else is buzzed as well and they have no idea if you're drunk, buzzed, or completely sober

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I suggest tapering off the beer. Just start drinking them more slowly with glasses of water in between. Trust me - the ladies find the water in between drinks very clever and will mirror you. It saves you money and face. You're much less likely to be offensive ever so milldly buzzed than completely blitzed.