Debate: I think it is a good idea to tell the women you are dating on the 2nd or 3rd date that you have grown out of games and you beleive in being straight forward and honest with her. I have noticed that when I do this the girl let's her guard down and allows me to use all the tips and tricks I have learned over the years. This also settles any thought of me being a player that she might have based on previous dates we have had. If she tells her freinds that she isn't sure if i'm a player or not, by telling her this one simple thing you have justified all your actions. " He didn't call me when he said he was going to" She say's to her freinds. Well now, because I have told her that I don't play games she will assume I was busy instead of thinking i'm trying to toy with her.
I would like to know what other peoples thoughts are on this?
I would like to know what other peoples thoughts are on this?