making me do so (in order to get a 3rd world woman here). I figure on divorce after 5-6 years (get another where this one came from ) She was so eager to become a US citizen that getting her to sign a prenuptial agreement was a snap. Not that I have a lot, but I might one day, and no ex is getting ANY of it. If she aint in my bed, she's just another face in the crowd. also, never, ever let her know of your stash of stocks, gold, or whatever! You DO have a stash, right? If you don't, you are nuts, and it should NOT be in a bank, not even in a safe deposit box. The Patriot Act lets the man search boxes, close down the banks, etc.
Put your stash in several (buried) pcs of PVC pipe, not on your property, not close together, and if you use 1/10th oz gold coins (as you should) then bury the stashes near metal. A cemetery is an ideal place. Just make a list of the names of the cemetaries and the names on the headstones (in a simple code) and stash the list, someplace not on your property or in your safe box. then you can always SEND somebody to get them, if you are locked up or iin the hospital, out of the country, etc. send them for ONE at a time, and if they don't do what you want, pick somebody else to try for #2, cause the first guy is a thief. junk yards, near metal guardrails, fences, etc, are good stash spots, too. Don't have just one or 2 stashes, make the contenst small enough that you can have 4-5. then the loss of one stash will not be diastrous for you.
Put your stash in several (buried) pcs of PVC pipe, not on your property, not close together, and if you use 1/10th oz gold coins (as you should) then bury the stashes near metal. A cemetery is an ideal place. Just make a list of the names of the cemetaries and the names on the headstones (in a simple code) and stash the list, someplace not on your property or in your safe box. then you can always SEND somebody to get them, if you are locked up or iin the hospital, out of the country, etc. send them for ONE at a time, and if they don't do what you want, pick somebody else to try for #2, cause the first guy is a thief. junk yards, near metal guardrails, fences, etc, are good stash spots, too. Don't have just one or 2 stashes, make the contenst small enough that you can have 4-5. then the loss of one stash will not be diastrous for you.