I would like to kiss you :(


New Member
Nov 22, 2006
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Hi Guys!
(First of all I'm from Europe so sorry for my english :rolleyes: )

I have just screwed it up!
I have a lot of chicks in my class and I have a lot of social proof... I have quite good social circle (a lot of femele friends)... Recently i hanged out with one of my social circles (4 females and me).
We were in club and we were dancing... and one of them started suddenly touching me really heavy... and than she said to me in front of her friends "I want you" (but it seemed to me it was in more humorous way)... I ignored it...

Next time we were on the party (about 20 people) I was just social person... tried to be cool with everyone... And when we left alone... she said to me "I want to kiss you"... I freaked out... and said to her something stupid like this:"You are just kidding me... you would not let me kiss you"... she answered:"I'm not kidding... only you are ***** (coward)"... she smiled and turned away to a friend... she become acting quite agressive after this (maybe because of aclohol... maybe because of my behaviour?).

Recently i tried to ignore her a little bit and let her see interacting with other girls...
She smsed me:"You ****ing bastard i jealous... you've got new friends"

Last time in school she acted quite normal... you know... there was nothing about "us"

Recently were smsing each other... and she was (for me it was sarcastic) saying that we are couple... that she trying to get me... i answered:"I'm counting you points... but i won't let you know which postion you've got"
She replied... that she is dying to know...

**** i do not know if she is for real or she is sarcastic... she looks like she can have a better looking guy...

You know what is worst... I think she is right... I'm *****(coward)... I should have kissed her than... but It would be my first time :( and i so ****ing scared... What is more i do not know if she is for real.

Can i ask you for an advice?


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
Wow sucks to be you...........just kidding..........kinda

Anyway all you did there was read the signs wrong. The fact that she had to ask you for a kiss meant that she did want you, but was impatient.

Also girls don't care much for looks. Heck i'm friggin 110kg and i got a stream of girlfriends.

When it comes to confidence (which you lack), just take a deep breath and go for it. Seriously whats the worst that could happen?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
be more confident. If she says I want to kiss her you should've said "damn right you do, but do I want to kiss you?"

Read up on the bible man