I Wish


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
I wish I had found this site a month ago - that was when I met the most remarkable woman. And guess what I did..... Called her up, got good conversation going on several occasions, got two dates out of it and was a TOTAL AFC Loser. And thats the point - Lost her. Too much of a Nice Guy, too many calls, emails etc....

I have been reading various posts , articles etc... and i definatley know what i have done wrong - I Wasn't A MAN.

From now on, I'm a MAN, I'm not chasing after her - I'm NEXTing her but im not sitting on my Ar$e anymore - Im gonna use my sexuality the way it was designed to be used - get em to chase me....

WTF is wrong with that.... Nothing!!!!

We are the MALES - We decide and We Control - They are along for the freaking ride (if they lucky)

Kino here I come baby LOL :crackup:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Ragnaroc,

Great post.. just one thing, that I realised this weekend myself, see I also met this "remarkable" women, applied the concepts on the site and got further with her then I have yet with any women, before I started acting like a wuss lost control and crashed and burned,

So I was seriously stuffed up and depressed etc, etc, etc and was all like how did I let it happen and if only I had done, this and this and this,then it would have worked out, etc.

Then I saw her again this weekend, needless to say I thought that we could still have been friends, well thats what she had said anyway, but she acted like a real b*tch, and then the reality came crashing down, the picture I had had of her all along, was the picture of the person I had wanted her to be, not who she really was! My mind was clouded by the feelings I had for her, that is when the paradigm shift came. I no longer thought of how bad it was that I had lost her, I had seen a part of her that was hidden before, a part that made me realise that maybe she isn't the kind of person I am really looking for!

So all I am saying is, though it may seem hard, the girl is not who you think she is, she's not remarkable at all, she's exactly the same as all the rest, and there are a lot better ones out there, so keep up with the great attitude, but see her for what she is, a good looking girl that you won't get to screw....

The good news is, there is plenty of them around and the next one will be yours.

Look to the north,


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks DonEdwardo - your reply really struck a major chord with me. I havent been in contact with her for about a week now and I know I wont see her again- stupid thing is I keep thinking what if?...

Still the AFC in me i guess LOL

What makes it hard for me is the fact that i've moved to the UK from South Africa, I have no friends, family or anyone I can even call up and have a chat with. I'm not whining (I don't think I am) It just seems so flipping difficult to meet people in general in this country.

The advice on this forum is excellent and a lot of it is downright common sense, but going on a night out alone and trying not to look like a loser with absolutely no 'social proof' really sucks.

The people i work with are all older then me and are not interested in nights out really.

I'm just at a bit of a loss as to what to do and where to go.

ps: You are right about this 'remarkable' woman, she is just like the rest of them - once the halo effect wore off- the reality seemed to slap me in the face - still stings.



May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Originally posted by Ragnaroc
I wish I had found this site a month ago - that was when I met the most remarkable woman.
After a few more months of this site, and pracitising what the Bible preaches, you will realize that she wasn't the most remarkable women. AFC's think every women in front of them is "remarkable" or the "one".

--------- NEWSFLASH -----

You only make them out to be remarkable in your mind, they are human beings just like you and me w/ flaws, issues, etc.... You can have just as much fun w/ the next women as the last as long as YOU choose to create that kind of relationship w/ her through your DJ techniques.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Ragnaroc,

Dude, I'm from SA!!! hows that for coincidence!
