I was rejected and now she wants me.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ok so theres this girl at work whos pretty good looking about a hb8 maybe 9. For about a week we flirted and I probably gave her too much attention. Everything seemed to be going well. So we are talking about stuff we do on our free time and then she brings up how we never hangout. Then I jokingly said thats because you never ask me out and she laughed. Then I said how about next week sometime we go out and do something. Then all of a sudden her atitude from being flirty changed and with a straight face she said no I'm busy and walks away. :eek: I'm thinking to myself what the ****??? She has been flirting with me all week and is like making it obvious that she wants me to ask her out and I do and she rejects me and walks away??? She was a little immature though plus shes 18. You know how those young girls are. They like to play stupid games. So for the next week I ignore her. I flirt with other girls and I know shes watching me too. Later on that week she starts acting all flirty again but I don't give in and don't flirt back as usual. She starts to flirt again with me the day after that even more than ever before. Then she says hey what are you doing on Sunday want to go get ice cream with me. I straight out said no and walked away like she did to me. I heard she cried about it from one of my co workers. Haha the ***** gets what she deserves. Not only that but now she wants me more than ever now. Because I came in today and she was more into me than she ever was. Too bad that ***** lost her chance.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
...good job. you are learning the game. women want what they can't have and when they know they can have it regardless ofw hat goes down, they don't want it anymore


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Good job man your keep your head up and don't take no unessccary bullshiit from a chick.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
I can see this happening from younger girls, and i've had it happen too. I dont plan on dating this one cause she isn't quite of age yet, but I test her reaction to things.

I was at work and we had candy out for customers, and I was like.... Why dont you make yourself useful and go get me a piece of candy? Why dont you go do this. I was like... Get me my candy first.

And sure enough she did.

I always get her to laugh, and I even made a joke about how come that other girl in the store made me cookies and you haven't? Then she was like... what girl, then tried to come up with some excuse about that she wasn't pretty enough, so she couldn't bake. It was like... HER (attitude) I was like yeah, so what, I got cookies didn't I? Not as good looking or not, she was fiery.

I got the whole...No one made me cookies.

I then cracked about how i'd make her a deal. When you turn 18 i'll make you cookies and you can take me out to dinner. Sounds like an even trade. Then she was like... What was that again? Doesn't sound even to me. I was like hell yeah it does.

Later she was like... So we'll go out to dinner when i'm 18 right?

Then I made a wise crack joke about how it wouldn't work cause she'd have to order choc milk while I had a glass of wine. I then got... YOUR AN A$$ HOLE!

I told her she needs to improve on her dancing skills and then she said... How about you improve on your face.

Point is, they'll be all.... Dang I want you, and what ever, then when you really tick then off they try to bite back then ignore you.

Sometimes I end up pissing them off because when your older you can have your choice of older women, so its like.... Why not take a woman out I can have a drink with? If they aren't 21 or older they get mad cause a woman that is older has a chance just cause of that.

I said that once a year ago... YOU, who i'd have to go to prom with, or her who is going to med school? I got both middle fingers in the air. :up:

I love doing that, but after a bit it keeps them coming back for more because what woman doesn't want to compete with another? They want to win too.

But that is good you talk to other women. They notice, trust me. You start ignoring them and talking to others, their radar is all honed it. Then they'll try to flip it on you, talk to you again, and pull you away from the other.

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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
You're probably doing the right thing. If you took her up on her offer for ice cream, her true colors would show themselves again soon. Only date high-IL women, unless you're just looking for a quick lay.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I told her she needs to improve on her dancing skills and then she said... How about you imropve on your face.
rofl. Smooth moves...


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Obsidian said:
rofl. Smooth moves...
Yeah it was great come back. I think I really set her on fire so she thought she would dish it out to be harsh cause she had nothing to say really. I saw her today for a split second and I went up to her and said... Your an a@@ hole. And then she goes...CHOC MILK!

I was just pointing out... Being so young, you may have to order a choc milk at dinner. TOTALLY pushed her buttons. She laughed though, and I was like...alright, maybe that was TOO young, you can graduate to soda pop :crackup:

Its not huge that she be of drinking age, but its funny to at least let them know they aren't, and that you have the option of taking a woman out who can have one, and then they'll put their gloves on and give you a reason why they are better.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well played, sperminator. She's obviously playing games. As someone else said, if you said yes then she would have just gone back to being cold.

Let us know how things go.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Effington said:
Well played, sperminator. She's obviously playing games. As someone else said, if you said yes then she would have just gone back to being cold.

Let us know how things go.
I think I may have given her the chance if I had known she REALLY wanted me.

For instance... She likes you, you flirt, she flirts back, then she just down right rejects you.

You then talk to other girls, she gets mad, then says... Ok, so want to do something? You say... Nah, prob not.

Then she gets mad, but at the same time wants you even more since now she cant have you, you reversed it on her, and she's like.... fvck I thought I had this guy around my finger. But now you've proven yourself worthy, and when you turn a woman down after an ordeal like that it shocks them.

But if she REALLY wants you now.... I dont know, I may reconsider. Play it off more maybe, but yeah, let us know what happens.

I kind of do the same thing. Kind of give em the hey I like you, then turn on them when they throw it at you, they turn back, you put them down, they want to prove they are worth it... the whole circle just keeps going. But during that time, she'll start to want you more.

Sometimes they think they know what they are doing, but when they fail at their own game it ticks them off. :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
I think I may have given her the chance if I had known she REALLY wanted me.
Well, Anti-Dump would say that if she wanted you, she wouldn't have blown it so early on. There's no point in dating a woman with mediocre IL.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh, you got her to the point where she is throwing her pu$$y at you and you're going to tell her to f-off?:confused:

I might do the same... AFTER I bang her.

Are you trying to score or just overpower a girl?

I would tell her that ice cream is for little girls. How about a shot of whiskey (yes, i read that she is 18, just go to a ****ty bar, thy wont card her). Then id torture her for the whole date about something unimportant. Then I'd kiss her on the sidewalk in front of the bar and find the nearest spot to fvck her.

That, in my mind, is a lot better than jerking off.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I wouldn't drop the chick completely. I'd just play it like you don't give a sh*t about her, then ask her to come over to your place to rent a movie... which will equal a makeout session and probably more.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Well my goal isn't trying to sleep with her. It was at first but now I'm not attracted to her after she dissed me like that. I just wanted to teach her a lesson. I think if I were to sleep with her then dump her, that would be way to mean. I just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine thats it not destroy her. Anyways now I'm going to go back to my old rule and not date under 20. Almost all young woman are the same. Self centered, immature, boring, and play way too many games.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
traffic said:
Ahh, you got her to the point where she is throwing her pu$$y at you and you're going to tell her to f-off?:confused:

I might do the same... AFTER I bang her.

Are you trying to score or just overpower a girl?

I would tell her that ice cream is for little girls. How about a shot of whiskey (yes, i read that she is 18, just go to a ****ty bar, thy wont card her). Then id torture her for the whole date about something unimportant. Then I'd kiss her on the sidewalk in front of the bar and find the nearest spot to fvck her.

That, in my mind, is a lot better than jerking off.

There's more to life than pvssy. No, he didn't get the girl but yes, he did keep his dignity and manhood. And that, sir, is a lot more than most people can say around here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
The Sperminator said:
Well my goal isn't trying to sleep with her. It was at first but now I'm not attracted to her after she dissed me like that. I just wanted to teach her a lesson. I think if I were to sleep with her then dump her, that would be way to mean. I just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine thats it not destroy her. Anyways now I'm going to go back to my old rule and not date under 20. Almost all young woman are the same. Self centered, immature, boring, and play way too many games.
I'm still attracted to the woman that dissed me a bit, but at the same time, I think we have to draw a line to what is REALLY a diss. Like if a woman REALLY is serious about how you look, or tells you to go fvck a chicken or what not, yeah, we dont need that, but if she plays it off in a non harsh way I think your ok. Sometimes they just want to see if we can handle them, so they pretend to be mean and diss you.

I tell this one young girl at work every time she opens her mouth when I dont want her to, this sentence... Shut up your like 12, what do you know. Now she isnt 12, and I dont hate the girl, or am really down right mean, cause you can tell later and I just do it to give her the attitude that they like sometimes, or to get a laugh out of another girl, but sometimes a hard diss (for fun) can mean they really want you.

But play it as you may, and if your not up for that crap, then yes, stick with the ones that are older. You know what you want, and go get what you want, each person is different.

You may not have her, or want her anymore, but you did win cause you showed her whose boss.

You can also show her who is boss by still dating her, but knowing ultimately that you won, and she knows that too. You twisted it on her, and beat her at her own game. They'll date you, do you, what ever, but give up on the whole... trying to beat you at your own game.