I was just thinking, this site is pretty retarded

Aug 9, 2005
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Think about it, you make all thes rules and procedures about approaching and talking to women. You guys make getting a girl seem like a science. I know theres a whole bunch of you guys on here who read and study this material over and over. Well nature did not intend getting a partner to be scientific. I mean some of this site is great, I like the fact that you guys try to help others with their self-esteem and whatnot, but the whole getting a girl thing as a friggin college course is just plain stupid. It's pretty simple, I learned this and eventually you guys will too, you see a girl you like initiate interest (albeit a smile,eye contact, or just say hello) talk to her (be NATURAL), and it should be smoothe sailing from there. The only reason why you should not get the girl is if she is currently dating or is not looking for anything at the moment (you need to have this mind set all the time!!). So I don't wanna here about a gunwhich whatever theory, neg-hits, c&f, or all that other nonsense you guys talk about. If you have a decent life, meaning you have a job, you have hobbies, you have goals, you have friends, and most importantly that you like YOURSELF, then naturally your gonna come off with a good vibe to the girl, and quite frankly, thats all you need. So put the books down fellas, be natural as the way it was intended to be, have fun, and enjoy life. Cuz if your trying to force all this information into you, chances are your spending too much time on this and are not enjoying life. Now go on and get that girl!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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thats all well and good. This site is for people for whom that didn't come naturally. I'm aiming at getting to what you're describing but getting to that stage can be quite hard if it didn't come naturally.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score

there are people in this world who get raised in such a why
that changes there natural behaviour in the precense of women

im sitting in the bus and see 3 computergeeks talking and laughing
and joking with eachother, beautiful girl walks in the bus and sits behind them
all of the sudden they change to 'computergeek stereotypes'
they stare at the girl as she walks by, they dont say nothing, and when
the girl got off the bus they continue there conversations.

if you get dumped by a girl and you dont know why (you were the perfect man, you gave her flowers, buy her gifts, dinners, tralalalalala)
this forum and site is one of the places to understand how it works.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Also it is for the guys that have had decent success w/ the ladies, but because of various reasons such as LTR have forgotten some game. I would definitely classify myself as one of these dudes. The forum is a lot more than meets the eye! Ultimately, it is for us men that like to share ideas whether it is about successful dates/ closes or failures. I enjoy looking here to see what others are doing and suggesting. There have been times when I screwed a date up and wished I would have read some things before hand.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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The way i see it is this,you can't "jump" into being a natural.People on this board first need a manual on how to interact and everything,and this board gives that to them.You say go to a chick and talk,well that may sound simple and all but it's not that simple to some.That's why guys read about "openers" and stuff,you would say "vibe" but clearly that's very vague,that's why there are negs,c+f etc.There comes a point where if you master the "techniques" or the "read the manual and apply" method everything comes naturally,like you describe it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
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I go to this site because its convenient for me to get & give ideas.

It really doesn't get anymore complicated than that.

You may not seperate ideas into paragraphs, but at least you use periods. That's science.

I'm just saying for ever post you think is too scientific, some moron is looking at the post you made and thinking the same thing. So, its more about balance and what your standards are.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
TheMasterOfBation said:
Think about it, you make all thes rules and procedures about approaching and talking to women. You guys make getting a girl seem like a science. I know theres a whole bunch of you guys on here who read and study this material over and over. Well nature did not intend getting a partner to be scientific. I mean some of this site is great, I like the fact that you guys try to help others with their self-esteem and whatnot, but the whole getting a girl thing as a friggin college course is just plain stupid. It's pretty simple, I learned this and eventually you guys will too, you see a girl you like initiate interest (albeit a smile,eye contact, or just say hello) talk to her (be NATURAL), and it should be smoothe sailing from there. The only reason why you should not get the girl is if she is currently dating or is not looking for anything at the moment (you need to have this mind set all the time!!). So I don't wanna here about a gunwhich whatever theory, neg-hits, c&f, or all that other nonsense you guys talk about. If you have a decent life, meaning you have a job, you have hobbies, you have goals, you have friends, and most importantly that you like YOURSELF, then naturally your gonna come off with a good vibe to the girl, and quite frankly, thats all you need. So put the books down fellas, be natural as the way it was intended to be, have fun, and enjoy life. Cuz if your trying to force all this information into you, chances are your spending too much time on this and are not enjoying life. Now go on and get that girl!!!!!
I don't have problems with attracting women. I started coming here in 2003, I liked it and just kept coming. I'm not here to better myself, it's just one of my daily internet stops to see what's going on with the guys of sosuave.

I'm not going to stop coming here because every now and then, I find a topic that's worth discussing and isn't one of those "Guys on sosuave are lame" or "Why are you guys here" post.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
i agree w/ op

Charlie Gordon

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
more of the same infomercial posting...

Getting girls is easy. Just be yourself. That's all.

Having a 600 lb bench is easy. Just work out twice a week and eat more than you currently consume. Eventually, you'll have a 600 lb bench.

Maintaining a 4.0 college GPA is simple. Just exercise, eat well, and block three hours of your afternoon and an aditional two hours of your evening for studying. Do this and a perfect transcript is inevitable.

You can become a millionaire easily, as long as you invest in real estate. The non-millionaire constituency just isn't privy to the whole "invest in real estate" notion.

Not everybody who wants a better sexlife is an insecure, self-loathing failure of a person who shrouds himself in contrived behaviors, peacock outfits, and canned openers.

There are cool, normal and secure men who for the life of them cannot seem to get laid. They have been themselves and they want to improve themselves. They are not natural pick up artists.

There are clearly a lot of variables that contribute to attraction and seduction. If the answer were as simple as some people make it, only the dumbest among us would be oblivious to the truth; rather contrary is at least my observation that some of the most intelligent, creative people that I know are lonely and struggle to find dates, let alone score.

The concept of a "neg" turned a lot of heads when it was first introduced to the community. Yes, man has been negging women since the dawn of civilization without explicitly refering to the behavior as "negging," but for those of us who were not born to flirt, learning about this not-so-delicate form of teasing and why it works served as a major wake up call. For some of us, a major turning point.

How do you attract and seduce women? Just be yourself.

How do you become an incredible athlete? Just be yourself.

How do you learn how to become a brain surgeon? Just be yourself.

How do you learn to ride a bicycle? Just be yourself.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Well the re-programming of my mind to think more masculine, alpha, and like a leader has helped me. I honestly CAN'T fvck EVERY GIRL, so I don't do what most guys here do...and that's try to study women and how to fvck them all. Instead I studied myself and tried to figure out what it was I WAS LOOKING FOR.

I made a post not too long ago about "Pvssy Flow." Right now my flow is about 5, that's because I've been working a lot. But basically, if you behave like a man (which I suggest changing from the inside out, not outside in) and just being sexual around women, then meeting about 10 different women a week at various places (restaurant, school, gym), you should not run out of women.

I mean, honestly, I really don't see why THIS is such a problem for guys on here.

Charlie Gordon

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuanForever said:
Instead I studied myself and tried to figure out what it was I WAS LOOKING FOR...

I mean, honestly, I really don't see why THIS is such a problem for guys on here.

Oh, but it is!

There have been numerous speculations about what causes such a problem for men when it comes to women... too many to recapitulate and finish this post in less than one thousand pages.

I think you hit the nail on the head though, about figuring out what you're looking for as opposed to what everyone else is telling you to want. Being a pick up artist is not a prerequisite for happiness. If you borrow some of the advice on this site and use it to better enjoy life, while neglecting all of the acronyms and techniques, then you have succeeded!

That being said, it is clear that "just be a man" and "just be sexual around women" advice is not helping the guys who keep coming back here, wondering how to score with chicks. Essentially, that's why the bulk of newbies come here and everywhere else that advertises dating or seduction services.

I agree that this discussion need not become elaborate. Sexuality should not always be picked apart, scrutinized, and dealt with entirely abstractly as if it were rocket science. ASF gets a little carried away, but one thing they do exceptionally well, for which this board was originally famous, is supply quality advice that has been field tested with the aim of attracting and seducting women. Their empiricism is not elaborately controlled, but it offers more hope than some ambiguous party line, "Just be a man."