I was dumped like a hot potato!


New Member
Jan 13, 2005
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THis girl has known me for 3 years. she took the initiative to come and speak up to me.. she asked me out.. things got nice, i liked her, and we started dating..

she is quite intelligent, smart and classy.

a week later she tells me that she would like to have my children (no this is not alien part 5)
she said i was the only guy she would like to marry..

i agreed, cuz i genuinely liked her.

a month later, we had our first consummation. she was simply awesome in bed. (she swallows, tho she has a very large orifice :)
i remember she always said that she wanted me to rape her in bed.. she was that horny!

she is just 21 and i am 25.
we literally considered ourselves married.
she met my family. her family is very conservative, and dont know about this. she always told me that she would stand up against her parents, no matter what, but its just about time..

i always treated her fine.. was even ready with all the courage needed to face an emergency when she dint get her periods.. (it was all her idea, without the rubber)

the only complication we had was about the future.. i told her i am not interested in having any children.. which she did not like...
she never let me hang out with my guy friends..

otherwise, things were fine until one day...

she told me that she cant hurt her parents..( i dont believe that, cuz she always said she will do anything on this earth for me).. she loved me way to much for her to come up with anything like that..

she did not even meet me when breakin up.. all over the phone..
its been 6 months now and she aint interested in keepin in touch with me at all. infact, she gave me 5 different reasons for the break-up all the days when the change was happening...


i am a total rookie in relationships and understanding integral woman psychology..
can any1 of you give me an understanding as to why i was dumped so miserably?

before she started dating me, she dumped another guy, just as she met me...

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
i only read the first half of your post and thats a total disapointment to your fellow dj's and this site, i will reply on this im a minute in quotations


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
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Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
Originally posted by GooGooDoll
THis girl has known me for 3 years. she took the initiative to come and speak up to me.. she asked me out.. things got nice, i liked her, and we started dating..


she is quite intelligent, smart and classy.

sound like a good girl

a week later she tells me that she would like to have my children (no this is not alien part 5)
she said i was the only guy she would like to marry..

WOW!! Drop the bomb! lol in one week she tells you that she would like to marry you??!, nope my friend no way in earth, one week yall dont even know nothing about each other other than yall first names and last names if lucky, she and you were just in the thrill and excitment of being in a new relationship

i agreed, cuz i genuinely liked her.

You agreed to marry her and to have kids with this creature that you dont know! deadly mistake now she is thinking i got this dummie right where i want him

a month later, we had our first consummation. she was simply awesome in bed. (she swallows, tho she has a very large orifice :)
i remember she always said that she wanted me to rape her in bed.. she was that horny!

LOL! this is getting worst and worst and funnie and funnier, she is awsomein bed BUT she sucks **** and swallows?! believe that you are not the first one that she does that to, bet that many other guys have experienced that from her, but wait thats not all, she wanted you to rape her in bed, jesus christ, and this is the girl that you want to be the mother of your kids......this girl is a HO!

she is just 21 and i am 25.
we literally considered ourselves married.
she met my family. her family is very conservative, and dont know about this. she always told me that she would stand up against her parents, no matter what, but its just about time..

no no no YOU conider yourself married, if her mom was in the hospital in a dangerous situation and you was in the same do you really think that she would go to see you first ? (not that i wish this on any of yall)

i always treated her fine.. was even ready with all the courage needed to face an emergency when she dint get her periods.. (it was all her idea, without the rubber)

MR nice guy she is thinking in her mind

the only complication we had was about the future.. i told her i am not interested in having any children.. which she did not like...
she never let me hang out with my guy friends..

So why in the hell did u agree to it when she mentioned the first time??! and she does not let you hang out with your own friends??! so now she controls what you are able not able to do with your life. hm hm hm

otherwise, things were fine until one day...

she told me that she cant hurt her parents..( i dont believe that, cuz she always said she will do anything on this earth for me).. she loved me way to much for her to come up with anything like that..

trust me believe that she never ment what she told you earlier, this was hair mindframe all the time

she did not even meet me when breakin up.. all over the phone..
its been 6 months now and she aint interested in keepin in touch with me at all. infact, she gave me 5 different reasons for the break-up all the days when the change was happening...

She is not interested in you and wont be, you failed misserably with this girl and she saw that you are not her kind of man she gave you 5 random reasons, be glad that it wasnt 20


you right it can but only to people that fall for this type "fast" women like you

i am a total rookie in relationships and understanding integral woman psychology..
can any1 of you give me an understanding as to why i was dumped so miserably?

yeah we see that you are a rookie, now no man and nobody understands a woman's mind other than her you was dumped so miserably cause she is not looking to have nothing serious with you, she looked at you as a toy

before she started dating me, she dumped another guy, just as she met me...
yeah that other guy im sure was unde your same cicumnstances

My friend this girl did not want to have nothing serious with you since the get go, all them questions about marriage and kids and whatnot were just little tests that she was throwing at you to see the kind of man you are. She is a ***** believe that, and i suggest that you grow some balls and learn from this for your future relationships.

And please stop contacting her she is not interested in you at all, move on forget her, go out and meet some shorties, forget her she is a dirty female.

You'll learn though, i know how you feel, you gave your all to a *****, and this is the outcome.

Good luck though in the future.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
I agree with BlackPanther on a lot of his points

Especially this:

WOW!! Drop the bomb! lol in one week she tells you that she would like to marry you??!, nope my friend no way in earth, one week yall dont even know nothing about each other other than yall first names and last names if lucky, she and you were just in the thrill and excitment of being in a new relationship
Why she dumped you was because you were emotionally too easy. When she pushes like that you need to pull back. Never submit totally to a women.

This is something I learnt from the school of hard knocks, never lose your cool in the midst of a women's enthusiasm



Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
yeah man you got burned.......... sorry to here it but you had it coming.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you expect a reasonable explanation from a totally unreasonable chick? I mean, it doesn't matter why she dumped you... it wasn't your fault and chicks just do these things... it happend to me as well. Don't ask yourself "why?"- move on, grab some new girls and, most of all, enjoy your life.

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
Originally posted by Parsifal
Why do you expect a reasonable explanation from a totally unreasonable chick? I mean, it doesn't matter why she dumped you... it wasn't your fault and chicks just do these things... it happend to me as well. Don't ask yourself "why?"- move on, grab some new girls and, most of all, enjoy your life.
Sorry but it was his fault, and if it happened to you too chances are that it was your fault too.

Chicks do this things but they do it for a purpose, ****ty tests that they throw at us most of the times unconsciously, but tells them a lot about you, depending in how you operate thru this tests, depends on how much more or less you attract, and interest her.

you right about dont ask yourself why, why do that now? too late aint it, should had done that earlier, to properlu counter with the right actions and attitude to let this chick know who the real DJ is.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
porr guy, what a sad post...

LAUGHING GAS!!! yep, thats what he needs, think about the the breakup, get depressed and then.. BREATH LAUGHING GAS, luagh you tits off about the whole thing and..heypresto youl feel right as rain googoodol.:D


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Hate, forgive and/or forget?

What is the best way to move on?

Should you form a grotesque image of her in your mind and thus persuade yourself you're better off without that monster?

Should you forgive her for hurting you, and doing stupid ****, and (in my case) for running off with some other guy but still asking for my friendship? (HA!)

Or is it best not to worry about it and just forget the sl*t? (Lol, clearly, I'm leaning towards options 1 and 3)

What's the best way to move on? What's worked for you?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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No girl who is "awesome" in bed and swallows (!!!) is a wholesome wanna be wife and mother. This sounds more like a prostitute. lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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No girl who is "awesome" in bed and swallows (!!!) is a wholesome wanna be wife and mother. This sounds more like a prostitute. lol
What the hell are you talking about?

Would you prefer your wife to be a dead fish in the sack?

You ought to prefer a women who has sexual experience and does kinky things like swallow.

Sexual experience in a woman means a lot less crap for you to deal with.

Please tell me you were joking, or atleast give me some sort of argument to consider.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Read this and it will explain what you should do next time your in a relationship:


You personally presented no challenge to her. She had your balls in her purse the whole way through. She wouldn't "let" you hang out with your friends??????

What is this?

Haven't you learned anything here?

Next time be the man in the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Andromax
What the hell are you talking about?

Would you prefer your wife to be a dead fish in the sack?

You ought to prefer a women who has sexual experience and does kinky things like swallow.

Sexual experience in a woman means a lot less crap for you to deal with.

Please tell me you were joking, or atleast give me some sort of argument to consider.
You're confused.

1) There is GIRLFRIEND material.
2) There is WIFE material.

If you want wild kinky sex and someone to just have fun with, you're looking for a girlfriend.

If you want a good woman who will take care of your needs (ALL your needs, not just sexual) and the needs of your children, you're looking for a wife.

No where did I say a wife has to be a dead fish in the sack. Don't put words in my mouth. This is YOUR OWN interpretation. Not what I said. Refrain from doing this in the future. Sex can be satisfying without doing all sorts of wild kinky things.

I thought this idea of girlfriend Vs wife was more well known than this. Guess I thought wrong. I think this should have been self-explanatory.

However, if you want to go looking for a very sexually open and kinky wife, go find one and marry her. Prove me wrong. Tell me how good of a wife she is. I'd love to see this.

There is a reason why this philosophy exists.

P.S. One more thing to add. Andromax. Look at this quote:
"she was simply awesome in bed. (she swallows, tho she has a very large orifice
i remember she always said that she wanted me to rape her in bed.. she was that horny!"

If you continue living in a fantasy world and think a girl like this is wife material I weep for you my friend.