I think she will be back what to do in the mean time?


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
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So i been with this girl for a year or so...20 yr old. she left to go to her home town to take care of a family member ended up cheating and getting pregnant.

she contact me after a month of nothing saying she sorry for everything it was not planned but there is nothing she can do. That "she is going to try and make it work". which already tells me they are unhappy. she says she thinks its best that we dont talk but she wants to see me when she comes into town this weekend to get her stuff. the guy that got her pg is moving in with her and her family, hes 22 and a punk pretty boy who has already cheated on her twice. i know a baby will not fix that.

i know eventually she is going to try and come back, but in the meantime how do i treat her. just play it cool, be myself reject her passes at me? i know she is going to try and hook up while she is here but i think i should tell her she needs to deal with her business at home.

im sure by the time it hits her ill be way over it. just trying to prrepare myself

i know she regrets it..how do i play this


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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the girl cheat on you, get prego from anotehr dude and you wonder what you should do before she want to get back to you? are you idiot? you don't talk with her, you don't lose you damn time with her.

waht you should do is take all her thing put in a box and out of your house, send ehr a text saying I put all your things in a box in front of my house take it and disapear, lose her phone number, e-mail, all info you have on her, when she call just says you are busy.

serious stop being a doormat if she cheats on you once she will do it again take care of yourself and stop worrying about that vvhore


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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I can only hope by "play this" you mean how do you get this girl out of your life permanently, not "how do i game her?"

If she tries to seduce you back when(if) you meet up with her, think to yourself this: She let another guy stick his wang into her with no protection, repeatedly, until she became pregnant WHILE she was leading you on.

Your last concern, out of all of your earthly worries, should be how to treat this girl. She treated you like trash and completely disrespected you. You should not give two sh!ts about this girl. Meet up with her to get her stuff back to her i guess if you need to. Or here's a better idea: DONT. Just throw that sh!t in the trash and forget about it, just like you're going to do to her...just like she did to you.

Whatever you do, do not get back together with her, sleep with her, kiss her, etc, etc, etc. She is poison.


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Its obvious i got to move on. you guys know it hurts especially when you did nothing wrong.

my main problem is she is her family is close with mine, so Its not like i can just wipe her and she disappears. she will always be around. idk how to deal with that.

More so when her dude cheats on her again she gonna come crawling back, she is young everyone has made mistakes in their past. and whats done is done.

Im sure in a few months i will be saying something different but right now im sure you guys know where im standing...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2014
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Everyone makes mistakes?????? You must be from another planet, how can things ever be the same? When you are in a relationship with someone, when you love them, you need trust, respect and admiration and when they cheat, all three are gone. There really is no way of nullifying this. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone takes responsibility for them, she sure doesn't.

You read the best advice this board can give you (and my first thought was the same as Alfave's, pack her sh!t in a box and put it outside) and you still excuse her?? I've got bad news for you son, you've got a serious case of stupid. But don't worry, life has this funny way of teaching stupid people to get smarter. First, get back with this girl and forgive her, which you pretty much have already. Years later when you'll be playing another round of "who's the daddy of my girlfriend's child this time" maybe then you'll wake the fvck up. God damnit.

Maybe you just want to get off watching her crawl back to you as some satisfaction for the pain and shame she caused you and a validation that she clearly picked a worse guy to cheat with, because you're better. You don't want this, believe me. What you want is break all contact, which, by the way, you have every right to, and should any of her family members ask why, just say, you didn't fancy her having banged another dude.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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flacss7410 said:
Its obvious i got to move on. you guys know it hurts especially when you did nothing wrong.

my main problem is she is her family is close with mine, so Its not like i can just wipe her and she disappears. she will always be around. idk how to deal with that.

More so when her dude cheats on her again she gonna come crawling back, she is young everyone has made mistakes in their past. and whats done is done.

Im sure in a few months i will be saying something different but right now im sure you guys know where im standing...
It's a tough lesson but it's much better to happen at a younger age then later in life. As for how you treat her going forward like a sister. That's it. Romantically she's dead to you.

And if for some reason your family or her family ask why you aren't together you can say ask her or it just didn't work out or we grew apart. While outing her seems like the correct thing to do it isn't. She's no longer your problem.
Aug 5, 2014
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Call the people at the Jerry Springer show, see if you can get on

Not sure what they pay........at least try to get something worthwhile out of this mess


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
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New York, NY
GettinMyMindRight said:
you will get your confidence back and start meeting new women. Women who are actually interested in you!

Then guess what? You'll be having such a good time, you'll forget this lady ever existed.

Dont make women your supply of happiness OP. Get off your a** and better yourself, instead of looking for women who are "interested" in you.

You should be able to be happy WITHOUT a woman in your life. Only then will you reach true DJ enlightenment


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2002
Reaction score
Run as far away as possible and thank your lucky stars you won't be stuck with child support for the next 18 yrs.

Literally billions of other women out there.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Some other guy knocks her up and you want her to come back?

Get your head on straight.