I tend to be a jerk to women by default. Is this a problem?

Jun 22, 2009
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I'm not talking ****y-and-funny, I'm talking a flat-out jerk.

I tend to be very socially polarizing with girls - there is no middle ground at all. In my social circle, around 80 percent of the women think I'm a total a$$hole, and the other 20 percent have a very positive opinion of me. (Men tend to be 50/50 on me, but that's another matter entirely.)

Only question - how exactly does this sabotage me? It's not like I'm giving them my approval. I don't lie down for women, but being overly arrogant and condescending probably comes with its own laundry list of problems.


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
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In your girls imagination
Though while you mention it, you COULD become an ******* and it would work better for you - with SOME women. So at least you'd get *SOME*. If that's all you want that'd be a 100% improvement.

I don't have to explain why, EVEN if you don't care to know, because a certain Mr Xuma has over-explained this to death in his 'Bad Boy Formula' product.

I was never interested in the ones I could get...it was never about just a BJ or some 'strange'. I wanted the ones I *COULDN'T* seem to get.
All too human to want what you can't have right?

That's what I've been hunting for answers for (and found) on here.

Everyone who says that it's all BS and can't make a single thing work... is doing it VERY wrong.
I guess they've hit the wall in that you can't do it all on techniques. If you're pure technique, wit, and sexual skill then *if* you're a brilliant performer I predict that you COULD go round like a pick-up zombie. Some women really enjoy and allow themselves to be flattered by a great performance and will overlook how hollow your whole premise is. This is basically The Player prototype approach.

Now if you sincerely like the person, if you're genuinely interested in them then everything else you do is augmented by this.
Who the **** doesn't like someone solid and strong to like them, and be geniunely interested in them?

That's charisma 101 right there.

None of this is a guarantee. You can be the best dancer in the world. Meet another great dancer, but it doesn't mean that she or you won't accidentally tread on each other's toes once (or more) in a quick dance. You with me?

Now if all you want is to identify young women who are horny enough to want to go with you somewhere and give you a BJ or more then you need less of the genuine interest, more of the solidy and strength of purpose, and you need to be entitled, honestly entitled with your choice of activity for YOU and for HER. If you think women blowing guys they've just met makes them nasty and cheap... then you're going to find it difficult LEADING this activity right?

Again unless you're being a two-faced **** about it and go for people (women I presume) who have an identity of being cheap and slutty already. They then won't object to your casting them as such when leading them into doing this for you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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Do you like who you are?

If so, whatever. F*ck everyone else's opinion. Sh*t, I might want to stab you if I met you in real life. Or we could be best friends. But you shouldn't worry so much about what other people think about you, because they don't have to live with you. YOU do.

Because you're even asking, I would say you at least have a couple of concerns with your own personality. If you know what those concerns are, fix them. Just do it. You're the only one who knows what you want to change about yourself.

The Experience

Don Juan
Jun 16, 2010
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You answered your own question of how this sabotages you:

around 80 percent of the women think I'm a total a$$hole, and the other 20 percent have a very positive opinion of me.

But if it doesn't bother you then keep going with it and until it does change it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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You should ask yourself why you are such an *******.

Do you have something to prove? If so, realize that true strength & self-confidence manifests as happiness and affability, not an egotistical need to put on a mask out of fear.

It's the difference between confidence and egotism.
Jun 22, 2009
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I'm willing to believe that a large percentage of the women that "hate" me actually want me, but isn't it possible for a woman to just, you know, not like you? Sexual tension can't be the root of everything.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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It can also be a love/hate thing.

Take "The Empire Strikes Back." Han Solo insults her the whole movie, and then they're arguing, and then suddenly they kiss.

Her brain was saying no, but she couldn't resist.