I Should Be Hooking Up


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Heres my story. I'm the Disc Jockey in a popular nightclub in my home town, and people always tell me (you must get all kinds of action being a Disc Jockey) But the truth is, I don't, but I think I could if I did the right things, thats why I'm here. Hot Girls always come up to my booth asking me to play them a song and all I do is say OK and play it . I know I can work these girls for a number or something, but I don't know how to go about doing it. Do I be a prick and not play there song? or do I play it right away to make them happy? any help on this subject would be great.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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Man - read the DJ Bible.

But to summarize, a little of both. Sure you should play their song - but if you dig them, make it go something like this:

DanceHottie: Hey, can you play somesong for me?
SexyCleatDJ: Hmmm...yeah, I could play it. You like that sh1t?
DanceHottie: What?! Hey, that's not sh1t! That's good music!
You: I dunno...you'd better not be bullsh1tting me.
Her: I'm not! I can't believe you don't like it!
You: Alright, I'll play it but it had better be awesome. Don't go anywhere in case it sucks.
Her: Okay...
you play the song
You: (Act like your vibing it a little)
Her: So what do you think?
You: (put your hand on her shoulder and look into her eyes) Alright, this isn't too bad. I'll give you that. I'll tell you what. Why don't you give me your number and we'll talk about it some more.

Done deal.

You could also close by saying "I'll tell you what. Why don't you stick around till my set's over and we can talk about it some more."

Or, if you don't have time and just want to get her number, you could get it before you play the song by saying "Hey, give me your number before you leave - I'm gonna call you if this sucks."

Obviously I've never DJd so I don't know exactly what protocol is but it should at least give you a general idea of how you can play it.



Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
I too am a disc jockey and as far as the stereotype that DJ's get hotties is very true.

First thing you have to do is not play thier song. (but have it ready to play) Than when they come ask why you didn't play thier song, roll your eyes and say. "What do I get if I play your song"? Than cut her off and show her that you have her song ready and say give me your # and I will play your song next.

Not that I do that kinda stuff cause I am more about the music and am in a relationship and stuff.....:rolleyes: