I seem to be tottaly screw'd, and dont know how to act.

A.M. Bergoise

Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I've always been in pretty good shape, and could work circles around just about anyone I come accross, and never even had a sore back, a stiff one, that always fixed itself with activity, but never a stich of back problems. Then a problem began about two years ago. I had been out of work for a bit, and wasnt doing a lot of excersize, but wasnt anywhere near the letting myself go stage, but all of a sudden my lower back began hurting like crazy, the pain would wrap around intomy lower rib cage even, it was true pain, dizzying, cannot stand upright, give out back pain. Went to a chiro a few times, seemed ok.
Almost six months later, it returns, same thing, hellish lower to mid. Back pain, with the pain going right under my ribs even, went to Dr. Who orderd all sorts of tests to verify it wasnt liver, gall bladder, appendix and such, had X rays and Dr. said it appeared to be muscular in nature, as it didnt look like I had slipped or fractured anything. Went to another chiro, did trigger point therapy, after awhile it seemed to clear up, and I went on my merry way.
NOW, I know I did aggitate it by doing some hard work, but my back just seems to be getting worse, I basicly had to leave the best paying job I ever had because I just cant even stand for any lenght of time, had to take a much less paying job, thinking it would be easier on me while I get this straight, it isnt, at the end of a 7 hour day and a mile and a half walk home, I can hardly move or stand.
I have been trying to follow a home back physical therapy programm, but it seems to make it much worse, I hear its suupposed to make it worse before better, but it gets to the point I just wont be able to make it thru work. Havent done them in a day or two, because it causes lock up, and a lot of pain. I have tried everything, and Ive got neurologist appointments and such, but this is makeing me feel less than worthless, havent even been interested in sex for two weeks. Anyone here ever been thru anything like this?

A.M. Bergoise

Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Is it possible phys. Therapy is making it worse, is it really supposed to get signifigantly worse before it gets better? A few people have said yes, but I dont know their reliability. Like I said, this is a new Realm for me.

A.M. Bergoise

Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Gonna bone up & restart the phy. Ther. Tommorow, try doing half of it in the morn, half after work, for a week and see if I improve, supposed to do it twice daily. Don't take this as whineing, I have a pretty high threashold for pain. I'm to young for this crap. Ive never had to sit for a bit after standing an hour, lol.