I Scattered her hope, now i feel bad!!


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
I'm continuing my daily club/pub fun in London. Tonight I went to a really cool club and was approached by a bunch of American chicks.... I dance with them to warm them up, until they hooked with my wings. Then I gave the chick who was really into me the excuse that I'm going to get a drink.
That is where (bar) I met a smoking hot Lithuanian chick. I talked to her and one thing led to another... since we wer both tipsy we made out in a couple of mins... I could see the other chick was devastated and her friends made fun of her. She later cut her night short and went home with a chubby "man hater" looking friend!
My guilt here is that this chick showed genuine interest in me; I rewarded her by making her look ridiculous in the presence of her friends BUT I don't always get a chance to hook up with Eastern Europeans. Do you guys think my actions wer MEAN, would you feel bad?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
Girls do it to guys all the time.

Don't feel bad.

You made a decision that was best for you. The end.

If she doesn't like it she can go home (and she did).