I really like this girl and i need advice.


New Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hi, i really like this girl in school and really need an advice on how can i get to know her and whether if i have a chance as i am not really experience in these things..
I met her while taking the stairs. I think she noticed me because we were sort of looking at each other and she smiled first to me, so i return back a smile.
I approach her a few days later, asking her for a number. When i was talking to her, her face become really red and she started to have crystal eyes(sort of like tears). She didnt give me her number however, but i did get her name after i asked for her name. She was in front of her friends by the way when i approach her.
The next day i saw her outside the lecture's hall and she spotted me too and we smiled at each other. I was going towards the direction she is since the canteen is in that direction. As i get closer to her, she started looking down and staring at her phone. My friend told me maybe she was shy or maybe she was embarassed as i approach her when she was in front of her friends.
So i wrote her an apology letter if i had embarassed her or something and wrote that i am really sincere in becoming friends with her. I wrote my phone number too at the end and wrote "call me if you accept this friendship".
She didnt call and is already a few weeks. School holiday is approaching so i wrote her another letter asking if she would like to hang out with me during this holiday for a day or two but again no response.
I need advice on whether do i have a chance and what should i do because she appears to give me signs as every time she see me, she sort of like blushing and she waved back at me when i wave at her. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
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This kind of post is classic haha.
You've got one itis! Don't worry, I had it too and everyone did. But hey, don't be too needy about her. Don't be too attached to the outcome because once you're the one chasing the girl, she will loose attraction. She seems like the really shy type of girl, so make her comfortable and don't apologize for being yourself and taking action. I'd try and isolate her and you'll tell her everything you want once you guys are 1 on 1.

Haha, I remember myself saying direct intentions to girls when many people were around watching. I made the mistake to not isolate! But hey, she won't loose attraction because of that, but she might say no because she doesn't want to appear as being too easy, or a slut, or she just has low self-esteem and can't believe a guy is actually attracted to her! Whatever is the reason, take right action. Good luck, don't be afraid to fail or to succeed!

Talk to more girls. Many other girls are hot in your school I'm sure of that.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
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Props to you, my friend, for going after what you want. The only thing that I would change is the way you went about it. As the guys said before, being direct with her in front of her friends was not the best idea because, she doesn't want to seem easy. It would have been best to get her alone or catch her when she's alone.

The next thing I would change is that, instead of a letter, why not just use your words. It's more daring and you can communicate a lot more with your tone and words than a letter can. Putting your number at the end was a little desperate but hey, you gave it a shot. Go big or go home right?

Oh and don't apologize for your intentions either. You saw what you wanted and went after it. That's the way it should be!

Last resort, make friends with her friends. They'll talk you up and you'll move into her social circle which is one of the easiest ways to get in with a girl. Good Luck!


New Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Thanks for the advice. Yes maybe i should catch her alone, but its really hard to catch her alone in school. She always walk with her friends and i have never see her walking alone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
I "really liked" so many girls in my entire adult life.

Looking back on them now I see that I didn't "really like" any one of them.
They just happened to be attractive girls around me, at a time where I was longing for a girl-friend.

What you are really saying is "I really want this girl" to which we all know the widely available answers in this forum.

Zarky will say you should do a "zone defence" rather than one-on-one, Rollo will refer to his teachings on One-itis and so on...

But it's all the same.

You can't really have any random girl that you have a liking at. And there's nothing wrong with it, because there's an infinite supply waiting to be discovered.

The sooner you drop this notion, the more successful with women you will be.

Good luck.