I realize I MADE MISTAKES, but she still flaked--let her go or give one last shot?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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Sometimes I think I rely on sosuave.com WAY to much for help with my women situations. Actually, I KNOW I rely on it way to much. Over the past couple of weeks I have written a number of posts about a particular girl and have been really overanalyzing my situation with her. I PROMISE everyone on this board (and myself) this will be the last post about this girl.
A short background if you haven’t read any of my other posts: I’ve been seeing this girl over the span of a month and a half. We’ve gone on four dates. Each time we’ve hung out we have come close to having sex (but haven’t done it yet) and always kiss, hold each other, etc. She has told me we should make all my fantasies come true, makes numerous references to how much she likes sex...basically she has seemed to show high interest level. HOWEVER, she flaked on me once: We made plans to hang out and when I called to meet her on the night we were supposed to hang out, she said she had homework to finish. We didn’t talk for a few weeks--I never called-- then she called me out of the blue (saying I had been the one who hadn't called HER) and we hung out last weekend, and she again showed a high interest level–she spent the night at my place and we kissed for hours, holding each other, etc., but no sex. (Based on what others have said on this board about my other posts, I think the no sex was largely my fault for not being more aggressive, but that’s a whole different topic).
Anyway, AGAIN, tonight, this girl flaked on me. The thing is, I KNOW I MADE A FEW MISTAKES that could have led to her flaking out on me. First off, I called her last night and said we should hang out. She told me that she had nothing going on. The thing is, I had hung out with her three days earlier. I know that the general rule is to wait for a week to hang out again, but I had gone THREE WEEKS without seeing this girl prior to the last time we hung out, and we had such a good time the last time we hung out (and I hadn’t been as aggressive sexually as I should have been) that I thought it wouldn’t be horrible to hang out with her again so soon, especially because Thanksgiving is coming up and she is leaving for the rest of the week. I realize that, overall, this is AFC thinking, but it just came over me.
Secondly, instead of making set plans and a meeting time to hang out, I just told her last night that I would call her tonight and we would get together. Again, bad, I know.
When I talked with her tonight on the phone she was pretty faded. She said that she was going to get drunk with her girl-friend tonight (acting as if we had never even talked about hanging out or anything). I was kind of pissed and was ready to get off the phone and said I was going to go. Before I got off the phone, she said that she was going to be back in town from Thanksgiving this Saturday (I’m not exactly sure why she mentioned this, but it seemed like she was hinting at the fact we should hang out then).
So here’s the question: I KNOW I made the mistake of calling and trying to hang out to soon, etc., but this girl still flaked out on me. However, like I’ve talked about in numerous other posts, this girl has showed consistent high interest in me and she ALSO mentioned the whole “being back on Saturday” thing. I like this girl a lot, but DON’T AT ALL like her flakiness. I’m a pretty prideful person and don’t like being treated with disrespect (flakiness). I feel like I’m so close to sex with this girl.... In your guys opinion, should I drop this girl or give her one last shot and call her up this Saturday?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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i think you're doing fine bro.

but i do have one thing to say.

once you understand the dynamics of seduction you learn about what a "coquette" is. it is defined as a person that gives you a mixture of hope and the possibility of loss. a person that is hot one moment then retreats the next moment making you think you may lose them. it is one of the most powerful seduction teqniques there are and women use it ALL THE DAMN TIME.

DO NOT WORRY about her flaking out on you. shes most probably really into you but is trying to play the hot cold game on you- trying to play to your insecurities and make you wonder what you did that could have made her distance herself from you. the answer is usually that you did nothing, but shes trying to gain the upper hand by toying with your emotions.

once you understand whats going on you can just stand back and watch the game happen in front of you without worrying that you're losing her or "what you did wrong". you know that shes just trying to keep the game interesting and make you obsess over her.

you should play a little hot cold with her as well but always make it subtle and normal... let her draw her own conclusions and dwell on her insecurities. use those insecurities to your favor and use them against her.

have no jealousy and be completely independant while you play this game and you will have her addicted.

good luck playa:D


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks Dekka for your reply--
Everyone else, HELP ME OUT HERE. Even a simple "drop her" or "Give it another shot" response would be helpful.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
The hot and cold thing could be playing a part, but if she's flaking out more and more as time goes on, it's for one reason only. Despite all her attempts, including talking about your fantasies and going to bed with you several times, you've still not f*cked her, and she is losing hope.

She may be playing hot and cold as a last attempt to get you to make your move, or she may just be losing interest.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Planet of the Apes
Sounds like high interest when she's feeling bored and wants some male company but doesn't give a crap at other times.

All your 'mistakes', as you call them, were not mistakes at all, if she was really into you she would have been happy to hear from you and as long as you weren't calling her 10 times a day, every day she'd still be interested.
Telling you that she wants to go and get drunk with one of her friends after you asked her out is just plain rude and disrespectful.

She sounds VERY similar to a girl I've just been seeing for the last couple of weeks - she's not serious about you and clearly doesn't want any type of relation**** with you other than on her terms i.e. you can be her plaything when she's REALLY bored.

Now you could call her up and end up getting her into bed but then what? don't expect her behaviour to suddenly change, she'd be back to disrespecting you again and again.

Let her go.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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Hey Monkey--
I DON'T WANT THIS GIRL FOR A LTR. I hang out with this girl purely for fun (and for sex that has a good chance of occuring). I KNOW that she is not relationship material. If you (or anyone else on this board) had this same type of mentality about a girl and she still done the stuff I've described in this post, would you still next her or still give the situation one last shot?


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Planet of the Apes
Well that changes it completely, IF you only want her as YOUR plaything for some fun and sex then just accept that shes up and down and when she shows interest, take advantage, meet up and shag her.