im going to mix some of these posts and add a twist. Find out what she likes. Good. Now remember this. Plan something that incorporates her tastes (dont tell her your plan). Now, call her up, plan something boring, something usual (movie, mall, etc.). Okay, you've got her thinking "Great, another trip to the movies. What a lamo." How wrong she will be. If you can drive, pick her up. If you can't get a friend or somebody to pick you up. Next, don't give her any clue that you're not going where you said you were, just go to your alternate plan. If she likes to dance, plan on the movies, take her to the club. TADA! If she likes swimming and you don't live by an ocean, plan a late movie, take her to a lake or pool at night, and go swimming. Or you could just walk along the shore and joke around. You get the picture. Plan boring. Surprise her with FUN. She'll love it. Not only will she love it, but she will want to hang out with you again and she'llwant it to be SOON.