I need to get this girl... or i'll turn ***

Dj Joey

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
not really :p, im straight lol. But anyway, here's my story :) (hope you read it!)

I'm 16 and 8 months old, I've only had one girlfriend, and it was when i was 12 *rolls eyes* and we never kissed... lol. Oh well, I dont really know what's going on with myself, but to the girls i've liked, (before i came to this site) I never told them. I never knew, and never will :(

last year, I proposed myself a goal, and it was to be worthy enough to be a good bf. I started working out, until march, when i met a girl named heather. She told her bestfriend i was hot, and she was really into me by then, but suddenly, she lost her interest, after i tried to make a move on her. A thing i know about her, is that she likes a guy from california, and she has seen him, but they only maintain a cyber relationship by now. They seem to like each others a lot, eventhough, the guy is uglier than me. Really ugly, and it's not my personal opinion. But lets forget this case. Heather stills talks to me, asking me why i am really mean with her and stuff (hehe i tease her a lot) but lets forget about her. She's a lost case, I dont care about her anymore :)

First of all, let me say, that i KNOW of 3 girls from my school that are crazy about me, nevertheless, i dont like them. I have high standards too. They arent ugly, but sincerely, i expect a lot from me. Last week, two girls i had never seen before, came to me, and started to compliment me and ask me about mr. general :) ( i named my guy down there like that haha). They were easy b!tches though, so i didnt do anything, they were not worth it.


now let's get into the real part.

I met this girl, which is the third girl i will actually try to get. But also, probably will be the hardest one. Who knows? She's a HB 10 .... no joke... 9.5 atleast. All i know of her is thanks to her myspace which i accidentaly found one day. She likes the beach and she's a party girl. She doesnt have a boyfriend. And probably havent had for a while.

Her name is Krista, and she's the grand daughter of my grandma's bestfriend. Her mom and my dad are good friends since childhood, but i met her until 4 weeks ago.

She came to my beach house, and i noticed her looking at me ( im pessimistic, and this doesnt mean **** to me) but anyway... I caught her staring at me like 20 times. Then, I decided to talk to her, and said hi. She slided on the floor when i talked to her, and it was pretty embarrassing for her. We both laughed, and she said hi. We started making random questions to each other until she asked me if i wanted go out and take a walk at the beach with her, which i accepted, but then i couldn't because my mom asked me to take her to some of her friend's house. She couldnt drive the car because she broke her leg.

Later when i came back, Krista wasnt in my beach house anymore, and i found out she went out with some philipina girl who is a dance teacher in california and is my aunt's friend, who btw came from there to here, (florida) as a visit and shetook a pic of krista with me for her niece and nephew, because she said she was in love with me, and that krista was very pretty. lol .. it was funny and everyone were laughing because of that.

When krista came back, we were about to go back home, and i was sitting in the back of the car, a 4x4 montero sport, and while i was there, and everyone was packing up their stuff, she came and sat right next to me.. and i teased her saying that she was fat, (because when she sat next to me, the car jumped lol) she just laughed and said i was mean. Then we started flirting a little bit, until it was time to go.

FOUR WEEKS LATER: (aka yesterday)

I went to my beach house again, and i found out that she had a beach house in the same street as mine. So while i was sitting on the sand in the night with some other guys i met there, she passed around there, and when we saw each other she waved and made a great smile. We glanced at each other like every 30 seconds, and she smiled once when we stayed looking at each other for more than 5 seconds, we both laughed and glanced somewhere else.

I wanted to approach her, but i couldnt because she was with her family and I would feel uncomfortable going there and just taking her away.

Next day ( today) when i was leaving because i stayed to sleep in the beach, she stayed in her beach house too, and i was biking with my friend when she saw me. She winked at me from the widnow of her car and i winked back at her. Then i left. I didnt go back because it would be weird, since i was just leaving the place.

Now... here's the real purpose of this thread.

I've read the whole bible, and many things more. But since i didnt get her email for her msn, I'm now faced to do one or both of the following things. (You help me decide what is better)

She put her e-mail in her myspace profile, and now i can choose between these options:

1- just take her e-mail and add her to my msn, or

2- Send a friend request from myspace and see if she accepts it. Then maybe add her to my msn, or wait until she adds me first, because i put my e-mail in my profile too.

(i dont want to look needy or like an AFC, so im asking for advice on this)

You can suggest something else too, and I would gladly appreciate tips and advice in how to get this girl.

Thanks for reading all the way :)

and here are some pictures of myself.... sorry dudes, no pictures of krista (yet) :p

As you can see, im just an average looking guy... (sorta ugly and childy face too lol ) I'm 5'10 and 145 lbs (if that helps)



thank you very much for reading all the way if you did :)

I accept any comment, for the smallest it might be, I will be very happy if you post something :)
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Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Wow like I always say, read the bible.

You should not ask advice till you have read the bible atleast once. I have many times. lol. Ok only once, but I haven't asked anything either. lol. If I ever had a question I would consult the bible before ever asking on the forum.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
You seem a cool guy.
16.7 5'10 and 154lbs, why are we posting ass sizes here, guys? :D
Get the msn through myspace, you can be all casual about it.
I'd reckon just make a move in person, mate, but out of those two, direct approach would be the less DJ of the two, in my humble opinion. Thousands would disagree. :D