OK here's the situation I went to a strip club last night with a couple of friends and about 10 minutes after we get in and sit down I see this hot blonde girl. So I just kind of kick back and give her some eye contact. Then she starts giving the guy sitting right in front of me a dance and about 75% of time she is just starring at me. When she is done she comes up to me and says " Your so fu*king hot, I noticed you right when you came in, can I sit with you?" So I say yeah and I talk to her about basic stuff about her, what she does outside of work to try to set the tone for me not wanting to be just one of her customers. I didnt spend any money on her I even made her give me a dollar for a cigerette. So she went and gave some dances and came back then She tried to get me to buy a dance but I called her on it like "Oh so thats what this is all about you just want me to buy a dance." She says no I think your fu*king hot and I want to dance for you. So I explained it to her like I would feel like a chump if I had to pay for a girl to dance for me. So she smiled and said she was going to go find some chumps then and she would be back. So as I am walking out to leave and she is sitting at a table with like 3 guys and grabs my hand as I walk by and asks if I am leaving I say yeah but you should come here and talk to me for a second. Then I pull her aside and say "So whats up you should give me your number?" She says "I cant give my number out here this is like where I work, but you can go write yours down and give it me." and I'm like yeah right is that your little textbook line you tell everybody. So she says if it easier for you I work tomarrow and you can just stop by and drop it off for me then. So she gives me a big hug and I leave. Now my question is what should I do? Should I go back and drop my number off or just say fu*k it? It seemed like she was into me but I dont know.