i need some advice..........


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Situation: One my associates from my job who I can consider a friend cause he cool can be klutz at times but cool. So here the thing I really like this girl ever since I met her 6 months ago the thing yea she has twin sister luckily I can tell the difference now before I could too lol. but anyway this girl is beautiful mine my intent is never let 1 get girl make it seem like she the only girl out their but me being the nice shy quiet cool type I cant its just habit I cant never let go anyway my intentions were to show her im different from other guys by trying to play hard to get I mean this I can she flirts so that’s when I started to feel vulnerable but not vulnerable what I decided to different test such as teasing her at times flirting spending at much time as I can with problem though I still had the inner shyness kickin and the sweetness and when I am with her alone most of the time I tend to freeze no matter how much I try I vowing to found away to get a rid of this attitude for good but nothing its haunts till this very day I’m still trying to figure out away to boost my confident but I’m tell my self I can do it but when comes down to doing it fails my original attitude kicks in so then comes more problems I know for that I wanted to be different from other guys I wanted to show her that im different that am not desperate anyways my friend had met up with them to eat with them lunch mind he not close to their age which is a good thing he asks the 1 I like will u ever consider go on a date with me meaning me not him of course so anyway I knew she was gunna say this why I didn’t want to say I like you or worst I love u cause she in my mind says I love once in awhile and me not thinking of it wanted to prove to be different well anyway he tells her im shy …….. she says im nice cute but she only wants to be my friend my friend told me what he had did and admitted he did so he can help I want to be mad but I don’t want to be mad cause I know he was trying to help but I wanted to do it myself …….so now I came up with several questions which I need some answer cause im so confused rite now

1. Should I be mad at my friend?
2. Should I talk to her about it?
3. Should I have never held each other in the cold after she said that?
4. I know she just wants to be friends which what I want but can their be a connection in the future?
5. Should I Still be the nice and cute person she knows because I’m so confused on what to do?
6. How can overcome my attitude that I have in the beginning which I still carry?
7. No matter how much try I don’t want 2 be mad at what she said it still haunts me how can overcome this?
8. What kind attititude should I have around her now?
9. How be more dominate without be a jerk?
10. I compliment her lot I don’t but her stuff only sum times should do more or should start do less?
11. I feel like I want to give up but don’t want too what should I do?
12. I want to be confident so I can show her I am confident but its fail at the time is their away around this?
13. Should I be more distant let come after me?

14. My intentions were never to let her know im nice guy but I know I fail is it too late to turn this around?


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
wheres the 'should I type sentences?' option...
because i strongly recommend you do.

You shouldn't try and understand her, just chill with it. don't get too involved, by reading that you obviously are. Don't be mad at your friend because you feel gutted. Learn from it and move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Your current state is hopeless. Repent of your chumpish ways, and read the DJ Bible.

(link at the bottom)

oh yeah, and study grammar in your spare time


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Docs said:
Yeah. That's too hard to read. I'm not helping you until you format that.

Formatting is only part of the solution. Some of his sentences seem to be chopped in half and turn into a different sentence.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Is English not your first language? Not making fun just a serious question.

Its very hard to read.

I am new here so my knowledge is not too deep. That being said my advice would be, not to get mad at your friend. It isn't worth it.

Read the bible, I am about halfway through it. It does wonders