i need some advice


New Member
Oct 31, 2006
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okay here is the situation:

a girl that has grabbed my ass and sent clear signals in the past took way to many cigarrettes from my pack (I owed her say 5 and she took 13).I was a dumb ass and didnt really say anything to her about it that same day.

To be honest at the time i said to myself "if i go and ask for my cigs and she puts up resistance im gonna get mad and i dont know how im gonna react (i was drunk) so lets just let it go by"... anyways, how should i have handled that situation? like right now im thinking im such a wuss, i shouldve confronted her etc. I now actually feel like being mean to her. Like really what the hell... so anyways please help me..

1) what would you have done that same day and why?

2) should i say anything the next time i see her?

Please comment on the next responses that are passing by my head right now...

"you owe me cigarrettes you took way to many last time" what if she says "im not giving you a single cigarrette"? what should i say?? like at this point i would feel like making a rude comment or saying something mean to hurt her feelings... would this be acceptable or would this be going to far? or is this just normal drama that woman like? please help me as i am clueless, i have always been a nice guy and tried to minimize conflict but by what i read this is just means to get step on by other people... help!


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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It was a test, and an indication of interest. Ideally you would have said 'Hey greedy-mitts I said ONE.' Not rude or angry, but pretend-annoyed.

You can recover. Keep with the 'you owe me cigarettes' line. If she laughs or argues while smiling or acting happy about the attention, you're potentially in and should keep up the light-hearted banter, maybe moving to something like 'You shouldn't smoke anyway, it's bad for you and you clearly can't afford it' Not rude, playful.

If she responds with anything bytchy or not-fun she is a not-fun bytch and forget about her.

Women want a man who can defend himself, and thus her - there's a big difference between being 'nice' and being weak. And yes, they like a bit of drama.


New Member
Oct 31, 2006
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AAAHHH!!! nighthawk and kr you are so right!!! i couldve gone up to her the second she took that many and teased her about it!!! im such an idiot!!!!!!!!!

anyways, so what can i do to not miss oportunities like this, is there a certain mindset or do i just have to be quick witted?? this time i guess i cared a little too much about that girl and it just blocked my brain. Seriously usually when im drunk girls seem to love me and i just keep comming up with the most random funny teasing ever, its a shame i couldnt pull it off that night.

When busting on a girl, should it be like non-stop everything she says i make fun off and always being a smartass? cuz i know i do this when im drunk and it works great but i mean im guessing when sober the pace just has to be a lot slower, otherwise its just gonna seem really fake...


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
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I wouldn't do that. Just ask her for a cig next time, and grab the pack from her and run away. She's probably hopelessly addicted so she'll chase you. It'll be fun. play fight.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario

is the easy solution. A DJ takes care of his trophy case.

Other than that I'd drop it and tease her about it. "Your mamas on welfare" Eddie Murphy Delirious style for having to steal smokes. If you tease her about it in a good way, she'll be paying you back in spades.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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i cared a little too much about that girl and it just blocked my brain.

yeah, that will mess you up every time, lol.

When busting on a girl, should it be like non-stop everything she says i make fun off and always being a smartass?

It will be annoying if you do it non-stop, just sprinkle it into the conversation. Some girls like a little more C&F then others so watch how they react.

Try this. Next time you see her, take her pack of smokes and stuff them down the front of your pants and say 'that's what you get for taking so many from me last time, now you have to dive in and get them'. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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Since she took 13 for 5, take her entire pack for the 13, and another if she has one. Then smile and say "I hope you learned your lesson." If she didn't, give her the boot.