I need "line" vs bubble


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I read posts here and else where of guys asking for a good
response to a text or some phrase or act that
a woman will do. I hope you will help me and help us all (members).

I thought about this relationship of six years ago and realized I can't go
running to a forum every time some whacko does a tester on male
ego or dominance and I can't be some neanderthal that punches out
every challenge to my bond with 'the girl'.

So, here it is , if in some situation, should I strive to come up with
the perfect line, OR should I strive to have the mindset and
paradigm that I come from the right words, attitude and approach
regardless with whether I have the scripted perfect reply.

I think the Bubble as the military people call it. It is about having the
bubble and not losing that mind, body, attitude and ready to fight, or
be what you need for the moment of truth.

example below and if you have suggestions I would love to hear them.

Struggling with the Alpha male concept and mind set.; one sitch. I took her: to a huge, local, yearly fair;
we explored the fair then came to the exhibition tent. There she met Gary, who
When they talked he rubbed the back of his hand to her leg. They were old friends. But a minute had past and I had not introduced myself. I was holding to see if I should put my effort and energy into this woman; If she would be loyal.
We, she and I then left the scene with me quite upset. I
Look back now, six years later and see what my options were.
A. I could have challenged him, or just stuck out hand and said, with unjustified ****iness “I am XXX Her paramour”. Then let the chips fall where they may, but would I have gotten the outcome I wanted?

B. I could have let them play footseys then, after said I was testing how she reacted to the flirtation to see if she was a cheating spouse or not. Now I know her feelings for me are not the kind I am giving her.

C. I could use the phrase “I see you are willing to let men flirt with you in front of me, so you must be willing to screw them behind my back. I probably should tell the jeweler to not hold the ring for me any longer. “. Then I should break up with her.
So, what techniques do we use to GET that bubble, that steel, Alpha male paradigm?



Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
If he rubbed the back of his hand on her leg that means they were intimate. What you should have done is excuse yourself tell her you'd be right back. Go off and talk with some other girls. It would have put Gary at a position where he's an ass who interrupted the date. Once your girl went after you chasing, which I guarantee will be the case, smile, project fun energy, and resume the date. Now perhaps make it more intimate, go to a corner and make out.

Lines don't always have to come out of your mouth.

What exactly do you mean by "the girl"? I suggest the book of pook, it's free, just google. It should be read by total afcs and advanced master don juans on regular basis. Every time you read it you get new insight.


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
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i think the method you refer to as "bubble" is way better than lines. over time you become more creative and less reliant on the internet.

from what i've learned about being 'alpha' in that situation you should've joked around with the guy as if you 2 were friends. it shows a higher status, it's like ur saying i'm not threatened by you.

could be wrong but just my .02...good luck


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
i_am_legion said:
i think the method you refer to as "bubble" is way better than lines. over time you become more creative and less reliant on the internet.

from what i've learned about being 'alpha' in that situation you should've joked around with the guy as if you 2 were friends. it shows a higher status, it's like ur saying i'm not threatened by you.

could be wrong but just my .02...good luck
I usually like to do that method. Befriend him, show him you've got nothing to worry about and he's working for nothing.