I need help "/ (WARNING: WALL OF TEXT)


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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Alright, so let me clarify first by saying this is going to be a wall of text. For those of you who are willing to read it, thanks in advance. :)

Anyways, sup sosuave.net. My name is Carlos but I like to refer to myself as Charles because I feel like that's a more fitting name. After all, Charles is just the English equivalent of Carlos. I'm 17, currently a Junior in high school, live with my two parents, and have siblings but they all don't live with us. I stand 6 feet 1, I'm built kind of wide, and stocky, but I'm not on the heavier looking side, its more in the average shape of the typical non-sport playing, computer-addicted teenager.

Growing up simply makes me want to go back to how I used to be when I was younger. What I mean by this is...when I was young, yeah, I used to be teased and whatnot. But, I was oblivious; either that or I just really didn't care about what others thought about me. Once I hit the 6th grade things really started to hit the fan when it came to being good socially. I just felt...anxious all the time, like I NEEDED the approval of others or something. Don't get me wrong, I could talk to people but not without my heart beating at the speed of how fast Road Runner runs, along with a feeling of impeding doom. 7th-8th grade I must say however, were wayyyy less nerve racking than 6th grade.

So finally, I got into high school, and my freshman year of highschool was a blast. :) I met so many new people, danced with a girl (albeit one that every guy thought was cute) at our beginning of the year social party, and just hung out with people. I eventually found my crew of people to start going home with from school. Towards the end of freshman year I started getting into smoking pot. And boy was the first year and a half of smoking pot so goddamn fun.

Sophomore year I was in a relationship after having 6 different relations with girls in freshman year, and my confidence was at an all time high. I felt amazing. Eventually I met the people who I now call my best friends while riding on the train to school. Found out he smoked pot, and thats when my social life spiked up! See, I would always go to my 2nd bestfriends house, whom I met through my 1st bestfriend. We would have anywhere from a 20 piece of weed to a quarter of weed due to mini parties that were being thrown in my friends house.

I met some pretty awesome people, but I never really sat down and spoke to them. Eventually at a party around February I had my first hook up at a party ever. It wasn't exactly an HB10...more like a 5 or something. I had beer goggles to the max. But this still gave me this pseudo-sense of confidence which I believe I carry till this day. The rest of sophomore year I started cutting school more and more and more to smoke weed and would go on to fail classes; not only that but this is when I believe my social anxiety started onsetting. I went to parties only to find myself speaking to ONLY my two best buddies, one of whom ALSO isnt the best at speaking to people. My 1st bestfriend, the more charismatic one who I shall now refer to as S.S., would speak to others with this flow that is simply unnatural to me, and yes, I would get jelly. Skip to the beginning of Junior year (because in that summer I hadn't really DONE much), and I'm still cutting school a ****load to smoke weed. I met this one group of potheads/ragers whom I refer to as 'The Cyph'. At this point my less socially charismatic 2nd best friend who I will refer to as T, is in college, not too far away from me, just a 1 hour ride.

So I chill much more with S.S., and 'The Cyph' and come to realize that I just smoke weed with them, and then feel anxious and shy and just that same heavy heart feeling and not knowing what to say. Acting as if I have to act PERFECT or something. This just dis encourages me from going to school completely and thats when the heavy snowball effect of me cutting school begins, which is STILL in effect now. I stay home and play videogames all during the school day then leave my house to smoke with my two bestfriends (T comes down from his college to S.S.'s house to buy weed and play some video games with us).

I've barely been going to parties. I tried become a raver, (which I am still interested in but I don't have much money), and attending those themes of parties because I'm a huge fan of EDM. And I'd like to DJ when I grow up, (haha, Don Juan DJ, DJ DJ :p). But at these raves, all three raves I went to I met NO ONE. WHY? Because I stuck to MY group of people. ?

I forgot to tell you, before I started attending raves, like around last January I went to the doctors because I had self diagnosed myself with ADD Impulsiveness and Social Anxiety. I was put on Vyvanze and Paxil. People at school had noticed I was much more jolly and not all down, but at the same time being a class clown a bit to make people laugh. Again, what I believe is PSEUDO-CONFIDENCE. Eventually due to my parents and I's laziness I just stopped taking Vyvanse and Paxil. That, and I was also taking a hit of ecstasy every 2 1/2 weeks when I'd go to a rave, which, the effect of ecstasy was cancelled by Paxil so I didn't really want to be on an antidepressant. On top of that, there were SO many reports of people COMPLAINING about Paxil, and that it has more Cons than Pros, and I was seeing some of that myself.

I got a little bit of delayed orgasms, and picked up some weight and lost the tone in my body I had in the beginning of Junior year. And now that I'm done explaining my history I come to you to speak about today. It was the birthday party of this girl I know from middle school. I was going with 4 or 5 other friends from middle school. The WHOLE DAY I was getting more and more nervous about this party. Eventually we got to the party after smoking weed and drinking a bottle of beer. I, didn't want to go to that party. The ****ing heavy heart feeling was TOO MUCH. I seriously believe this is social anxiety folks. And I've come to you for help.

But anyways, to continue with the story, I left, and they went in the party. About 5 blocks of walking later,I get a text telling me to come back and I was starting to regret not having gone to the party while I was walking to the train station. So I go to the party, but before I go in I smoke another blunt with them. Then I go in and my heart is beating so goddamn fast. It feels like I can't think, just mental blockage plaguing me. My friend from middle school eventually notices and tells me to either Dance or Get out, but she doesn't actually mean it because she never actually kicked me out. She starts grinding with one of the friends I had gone to the party with while holding the middle finger up to me and another one of my friends who wasn't dancing.

I use the excuse of me being taken (I've been in a relationship for 2 years), for not dancing but I REALLY wanted to dance SO badly. I just felt too goddamn anxious/in grief. I don't know what it is that's causing this my fellow DJs and I need your help. Today was a complete failure. Yes, eventually I did leave the party. I went out with a friend to smoke a cigarette and some girl comes up to my friend and asks to try out the cigarette, and I put up that pseudo-confidence mask, but barely make any eye contact, or really charm her. MY friend however seems to easily conversate with her. She leaves after about a minute and the birthday girl tells everyone in front of the building to either leave or go inside. Everyone goes inside, including my friend who hadn't even finished half his cigarette. Also, my other friend who wasn't dancing left the party. I was outside, smoking a cig by myself and I hear birthday girl behind me, opening the doors after I was finishing the cig. She tells me thanks for coming, and I ask her 'what, I can't come back inside?' I say this because I assume she's kicking me out the party, but she says 'no it was just polite of you to come to my party', and I say 'yeah....i dunno why but Rob left (name of friend who left the party) ; what a **** right?' and she replies 'yeah i dunno, why would he do that?' and I say 'i dunno', then she goes back inside and once the ghost is clear, I leave.

I really need help DJ. I feel like my social circle is so goddamn small. Maybe I'm obsessive or something about my social life but it just FEELS like there's something wrong, you know? I'm not oblivious like I was in middle school or lower school, I feel all these goddamn bad and negative emotions and constantly judge myself believing I am an emotional vampire. I don't know what to do. I don't know if my 2 year relationship is causing this anxiety (i dont have any problems with my girl), like my soul is telling me to live a single life, I dunno if my two bestfriends are the cause of this (i left most of my social circles to chill with them, i chill with them 85% of the time), I dunno if I need to start working out again or some ****, I dunno whether to stop smoking weed because ALOT of teenagers do it...I dunno if maybe I masturbate too much (i believe i do), or I watch too much porn. I dunno if I'm anti-social or really have social anxiety disorder. I'd like to believe I don't based off that one time I hooked up with that 5/10 girl.

My selfesteem is at an all time low and I dunno. Maybe I'm bipolar or something. You guys tell me, I could use some help.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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P.S: S.S. is leaving to college so I'll only have T.
P.S.S: I've been reading PUA material since I was like in the 8th grade, and was seriously motivated in the 9th grade and half of the 10th grade. I stopped caring and now I'm coming to back to the pua/DJ community in hopes that I can get some help. Because I believe that the social anxiety stems from the existence of women, I have no problem talking to my own bros but women make me feel like I'm obligated to put them on the pedestal.
P.S.S.S: Do you guys believe that I should see a psychologist or something? Maybe be put on meds again? See a therapist? I'm trying to fix this issue this last summer I have of highschool. I plan on whipping myself back into shape and maybe breaking up with my girlfriend, I don't know how to approach getting rid of this besides exercise though. So PLEASE help me fellow DJs.

~Charles Jesus

EDIT: I forgot to add that I really really hope that this is just a teenage phase I'm going through in life.

EDIT 2: By the way, I was serious when I said I was a compulsive masturbator. No I don't masturbate in public but when I'm desparate for my girlfriend, which is all the time because I'm a teenager, I masturbate. SEVERAL times a day. And I've read ALOT that masturbating too much leads to small drops in testosterone which result in symptoms like what I have. But its a little addicting. The most I've gone without masturbating is like a week. And in one of those week long breaks I took I was socializing with the cyph very well. But i was also on my meds at that time. EDIT 3: I wasn't socializing well with the cyph that time because I stopped masturbating, I was socializing well because I had gotten rid of Gluten in my diet, aka wheat etc,. I believe it was a placebo effect but I know somewhere I read about hispanics (which I am) having a higher risk of not being able to process glucose, or something along the lines of that. All I know is I THRIVE for social moments like that where I can just speak to people who aren't necessarily my best friends, without anxiety. I have to focus on fixing that first before going back to hooking up with girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Throughout this whole post, you seem to ignore most of the causes. What I think we need to do is take care of the causes and not the effects.

What did you start in 9th grade that you didn't do in middle school?
Smoking pot
Watching Porn

If you really do want to be able to socialize, I rate that you drop every single one of those. How you do it is up to you. Limit it, then quit it. Drop your stoner friends; it's impossible to quit with stoner friends. Make it easy for yourself to quit. Sell any weed you have. Add a pornblock. Etc. Stop blaming the outside world and thinking you're special.
Also start working out and dieting. Tell us how it goes.


Don Juan
May 31, 2012
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I agree with the NorwegianDJ. The drugs might seem to calm your nerves, but that sh1t will ruin your life. Now that I think about it, you remind me a lot of the man who's pitiful existence inspired me to quit smoking, my father. You want to know what he does nowadays? He's a prison b1tch. Please, if not for your own sake, than the sake of your rectum, quit the drugs man.


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
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Jesus man you're a ****ing mess. In my opinion girls are a luxury and I'm only here because school is a total doddle for me. Although you might think otherwise reading what some people post here, women aren't the be all and end all so your self-esteem should stem from how much you respect yourself.
A few quick tips from me from my own experience about respecting yourself which is what you should do before you think about women:

Don't buy your own weed and you'll find that you smoke it less and less. Eventually you won't even ask for a toke because it will seem needy

Just go to school. Not going to school creates problems and stress about your life, your body etc. and it's seven hours of the day where you're too preoccupied to be socially conscious.

Try drink instead of drugs. I like a good rave and trust me there's no point in going to meet girls if you're not at least 60-70% alert because it's generally a mess. Even then raves are rubbish places to meet people

Get to the point where you know your limits. Masturbation and porno are alright in moderation and when you're in your 30s chances are you will probably still indulge in both.

This is the first stage because none of these things are good for you, but it's hardly constructive to say 'stop everything and work out' because that's not how life works. We all do things we know we shouldn't it's just how much and what that matters. Hopefully after this you can start to cut stuff out totally and you will be a better person to be around. To be honest if you're on medication then there's clearly more serious reasosn for your behaviour than anyone here can help you with
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Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
It's not impossible to quit with stoner friends, just hard. My only social circle is drinkers and stoners and I'm neither ATM. Drinking I haven't done in about four months.

Quit the weed and cigarettes first, then get off the porn. Taking more drugs isn't going to help you with the problems taking drugs caused, stay off the meds. People on depression medication as a general rule rate their depression as more significant, the main effect of the pills is to validate that you are somehow less than normal. You aren't, you have advantages no one else has so use them. You think some skinny Kenyan kid would be afraid of talking to girls? Hell no. Kid doesn't eat. He's got bigger problems.

During that try and replace the time you would smoke with your friends with working out, there is heaps of advice here and other places. I'd recommend Building the Gymnastics Body eventually but say to start with Starting Strength. Also, do the bootcamp when it starts. Watch anxiety plummet. Go to school as well. WTF are you going to do with life if you don't?

Don't drink instead of drugs. You're replacing one bad habit with another, while it may be better mentally alcohol is one of the harshest drugs to the human body. To put it in perspective the only other drugs considered poisonous are inhalants such as butane or petrol.

Masturbation is okay in moderation but porn is basically another drug. Read up on yourbrainonporn.com if you need more on that.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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I appreciate the replies guys.
I can tell that all this advice is gonna take some massive amount of willpower xD. Which I'm gonna need if I want to bring myself to being able to go to a party and not do the **** I did last night. I feel so ashamed of myself for that honestly.

I went in the party, stood, and then left.

But anyways, its gonna take alot of willpower because most of the social circles I associate myself with are just that, smokers, and potheads. I USED to have normal non-smoking buddies and I still do, but I was closer to them in Sophomore and Freshman year, where the viewed me as a sort of, crackhead so to speak, cause I would cut school to smoke pot. (Sophomore year) And now, skip forward to the second half of junior year which is now over and guess what? THEY SMOKE POT TOO. Albiet once a week.

Also, my whole sisters side of the family smokes weed openly. Once again I'm gonna have to beast with the discipline and willpower, but surely that comes with being in the bootcamp, no?

Do you think not watching porn and not masturbating (i really want to stop doing this even though you guys say doing it in moderation is good, I'll masturbate maybe once a week with my imagination, but, I believe in those articles I was telling you about with the testosterone drops in excessive masturbators and what not), will help me start opening up sets in parties without feeling like someone is out to murder me and my heart feeling like its at 250 mph?

Also, I think you guys'll find it funny that I had a dream about last nights party. Obviously my subconscious WANTED to be there but with all the symptoms, like being burnt out from the weed (you know, when you smoke and then towards the end of your high you just feel like a derp), just made me not FEEL any vibes man.

This is my main problem, I think the weed makes me feel apathetic and nervous and shy. But let me stop being a pessimist. ROFL. I really appreciate the help guys. I have a couple of questions about the help. First off, why should I quit smoking weed? I'm not saying I'm not open-minded, I'll definitely listen to all of your advices. But, besides doing better and fixing my **** at school to develop a basis of self-confidence and fix ALL of my grades, what is the point of quitting? Surely enough I'm going to college where there will be even MORE people doing that right?

Also, were you guys serious about the no drinking? I thought drinking once in a while at a party was good because it loosens you up/releases inhibitions. Never have I ever gotten angry drunk, I almost always get social drunk/thoughtful drunk <--(what an oxymoron LOL). I would like to upload a picture to you guys so I can show you what I look like and I can get a "what your potential is in terms of looks" because I don't exactly believe I'm ugly. Although at times I do cause of my self esteem.

Do you think any of this has anything to do with my girlfriend? Also, the cigarettes, its quite obvious why you guys would advise me to stop smoking that haha, the health detriments just ain't worth it. I honestly use cigarettes at parties as a way to cope with not being about to approach other sets and open them.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
What did you start in 9th grade that you didn't do in middle school?
Smoking pot
Watching Porn
I've been masturbating since like the age of 10 xD. Thats why I said I think I'm a compulsive masturbator with low levels of testosterone for your typical 17 year old teen.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Nick1886 said:
Jesus man you're a ****ing mess. In my opinion girls are a luxury and I'm only here because school is a total doddle for me. Although you might think otherwise reading what some people post here, women aren't the be all and end all so your self-esteem should stem from how much you respect yourself.
A few quick tips from me from my own experience about respecting yourself which is what you should do before you think about women:

Don't buy your own weed and you'll find that you smoke it less and less. Eventually you won't even ask for a toke because it will seem needy

Just go to school. Not going to school creates problems and stress about your life, your body etc. and it's seven hours of the day where you're too preoccupied to be socially conscious.

Try drink instead of drugs. I like a good rave and trust me there's no point in going to meet girls if you're not at least 60-70% alert because it's generally a mess. Even then raves are rubbish places to meet people

Get to the point where you know your limits. Masturbation and porno are alright in moderation and when you're in your 30s chances are you will probably still indulge in both.

This is the first stage because none of these things are good for you, but it's hardly constructive to say 'stop everything and work out' because that's not how life works. We all do things we know we shouldn't it's just how much and what that matters. Hopefully after this you can start to cut stuff out totally and you will be a better person to be around. To be honest if you're on medication then there's clearly more serious reasosn for your behaviour than anyone here can help you with
I believe that I was on meds because I self diagnosed with Social Anxiety. Which now after all the posts you guys have it has relieved me abit because if I was able to open up sets in Freshman year, without having my nerves racked, then I don't believe I have S.A.D. And I see what you mean about attending school. I should do it because it trains me socially as opposed to staying home and playing video games and smoking weed.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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Well. Considering that school is basically over, and I definitely have to go to summer school, these are my plans. Revise them Norwegian, will ya? I'd heavily appreciate it man, thanks in advance.

-Going to try and grab a job, so I can set up my gym membership. In the mean while though, I'll just do calisthenics.
-I don't know what I'll do about my girlfriend man.
-WEEN off of weed. I can't cold turkey weed because that'd be the same as dropping 85% of my social circles. Ween off of cigarettes too, withdrawal from that **** sucks. For me in particular I COUGH ALOT, and am not able to sleep at night. This is from the cilia in your throat repairing themselves the instant you quit smoking.
-Drink only on party days. No smoking weed on party days either.
-Attend summer school and recover all the credits I've missed ever since S.S. and T. came into my life and I started smoking weed with them.
-Stop watching porn. Masturbate once biweekly, with my imagination.
-And last but not least, do the bootcamp. This is going to be the hardest, dealing with that heavy heart feeling at all times. Although it might not be so bad because I won't be high or anything while doing this.



Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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Jack Wealthy thank you for that link to yourbrainonporn.com. Its clarified things up a bit. Looked at a video called The Demise of Guys by Philip Zimbardo. The thing this guy mentions are almost the equivalent of me. I look at porn a ****load, and I GAME a ****load.

I forgot to tell you my fellow DJs, I'm a HEAVY gamer. I'm literally-and I'm not afraid to say this-addicted to League of Legends. Soooo many hours in that games. My pattern literally went, 'wake up, consider going to school, NOPE, wait for parents to leave for work, go buy weed, smoke said weed, play League of Legends till parents get home where, I pretend that I went to school by putting clothes on and whatnot'.

I just really hope I won't have to ween off of gaming. Thats been such a big part of my life. You guys have no clue. :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Im just back from playing 4 games of LoL. You will have to lessen it in order to do better academically and socially, but let's not do everything at once. I know my gaming, we can have a chat about it. Are you pro or what?
How about diet?
Tell us more about your girlfriend.

Make this into a journal.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Ah, I see. Yeah me lessening my focus on LoL is something that I've considered but never been able to do, since when I was little I used to always play fighting games with my brother back when he used to be my age and live in the house. So yeah, I consider myself a bit addicted to videogames.

I'm not PRO like, people who earn money to play the game; at least, I'm above average in terms of skill level. I have about 1.3k games logged in to Solo Queue. And a positive W/L ratio of about 60 games, which is alot for SOLO queue where you can get yourself feeders, trolls, etc.

In terms of diet...boy do I ignore my diet. I believe I have the body type that has a fast metabolism, don't know the exact name of it. Its definitely not ectomorph, or I'd be overweight by now. I tend to eat ALOT of snacks while playing LoL, anywhere from honey buns, Trail Mix bars, these little sweet ass pies my dad buys, etc. I prefer junk food over my mom's homemade Dominican food any day. I think my main problem with my diet is that the anxiety from social situations makes me binge eat. I weigh 175 lbs at 6'1". I have a mediocre, but visible six pack, and I'm not exactly ripped but I'm stronger than an average teenager of my size. :p

My girlfriend is the exact opposite of me. She is 4'11", a legal midget, haha :p. She's from the West Indies, has dreads and is obsessed with K-Pop(the genre of music; also she just sent me an IM saying I got awarded "Best Musician" back at school which is ironic because this year was the first year I wasn't in my schools band, and I cut school so much so why did people vote me Best Musician?)
I mean, I guess its my natural love for music. My nickname on FB is Audiophile and I really, LOVE music. Which is why I want to be a DJ Don Juan, rofl, DJ DJ. :p
But anyways, back to my girlfriend. She has overprotective parents and we only have sex once every 1 month to 3 months. I've dated her since the end of freshman year, and I was skeptical because that year it was before summer and all I wanted to do was hook up with girls, with my newly obtained self confidence. Oh god, how I miss those days where my ego was so inflated. Even though thats not a good thing to have. She's slightly naive, but she keeps her grades 95+, and she is the class rep of my grade. To me, since I've dated her for two years and my opinion of her is bias'd, she is an HB7-8. She also is a Tumblr head, and...I dunno what else to tell you about my girl haha. xD

And I will make this into a journal if that is what will best help me become a Don Juan, and let me help others in the forums. Expect me to be active on the forum now that S.S. is gone, because he WAS my bestfriend. Ever. LOL. I don't know how to go about making this a journal however, as I have never had a diary/journal. Last time I had something close to a journal was the 7th grade haha.

You say I shouldn't do everything at the same time, so I'll start off by being cold turkey in choking my chicken ROFL. And watching porn. That website Jack gave me really gave me clairvoyance in terms of that topic. I've been watching porn since such an early age, going through the lengths of ordering PPV porn when I was like 8 or 9 out of curiosity. In the 6th grade I even gave thought to becoming a porn star when I grow up, LMAO. But not anymore though.

So my first step towards becoming a DJ will be to stop viewing pornography and masturbating to it. Maybe that'll help me fantasize less, and actually get my ass out into the field, and HAVE motivation, instead of being scared like a little *****, and having no motivation to dance/open up sets.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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here are a couple of pics of us
this one she took a week ago for our two year anniversary on our way back to my house haha
This one was taken on her birthday, last December.

Also, Norwegian feel free to add me on LoL if you play on the NA version. Charles Jesus be my username, kind sir :D

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Alcohol becomes a reliance to loosen up and is one of the most common problem guys here have. TBH it's the only place I can rate myself above everyone else here, I don't drink at all. Ever. Also I have a 14 inch penis. Remember, alcohol is a poison. A poison. Like arsenic and butane. Intoxication is literally a form of poisoning where your motor senses are impaired.

By calisthenics you better mean gymnastic style of Convict Conditioning style. Otherwise what you actually mean is circuit training for women.

Eat better. Excersise. Hit on *****es. Quit the weed cold turkey, weening doesn't work for weed 99% of the time. Trust me I've tried it.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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Nah man, by calisthenics I meant bodyweight exercises. I don't have a job and neither did I get accepted into the yearly summer job lottery in NYC. So I can't afford a gym membership. In terms of eating better, you're definitely right on that one man.

I had Kung Pao Chicken with House Special Fried Rice yesterday. Talk about unhealthy. And as for quitting weed cold turkey.....man oh man is that gonna be difficult. Haha, I'll try, but do you think it'd be fine to smoke a J once in a blue moon or not?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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I also stopped smoking weed,as I was getting addicted.Haven't smoked in 2 weeks.Withdrawal was BAD.It's psycological .I think I'll smoke a few times this vacation though.No harm in that,just cut the habit.

And drinking/smoking weed.It's better at parties to not get WASTED,coz your not able to game.You see your heart pounds and what not.Drop it,and try to game again.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2012
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Alright, what about having one drink or two with the girl you're gaming?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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Yes,obviously that's fine.But try to not overdo it and see how it goes.