I need help getting my gambits to demonstrate DHV together!


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey there guys... first of all thanks for the help. I really need it. I'm having problems with attracting women once I've opened. I really don't know how to transition after opening to DHV/Gambits or even just start DHVing/Gambiting with out transitioning. I'd like some feedback for this.

Another thing that I'm lacking is that I do have DHV material but I just really don't know how to cook it up, how to express it, how to put it into words/stories etc... I'll post personal things that DHV of myself and I'd appreciate if you guys could help me out put it together...

-I'm from another country studying in the US
-I've traveled a great deal (N America, Central America, Europe, Middle East)
-Back home I have a: beach house, lake house, coffee farm, farm house
-My family is into politics a great deal
-I come from a well known family
-My uncle was president of my country
-I helped start the dance/electronic scene back home
-I threw dance/electronic parties with international DJs and still do when I go back home
-I know the club owners of the best dance clubs back home
-I'm really good friends with the #1 DJ (disc-jockey) of my country

I'd appreciate any help.. thanks!

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Become a Man of HV

The women will notice without you having to say a single word.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
I appreciate your comment, but I have to fake it till I make it!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Indigo said:
I appreciate your comment, but I have to fake it till I make it!
Francisco and I were just discussing this in another thread. The "fake it 'till you make it" theory of pickup doesn't work. Good for the boardroom, not the bedroom. You have to BE it, and not fake it. You have to BELIEVE and KNOW that you are the sh!t. You have to BELIEVE that women should be busting down your door to share your valuable time with you. I've known a lot of guys similar to you, in that they come from generations of highly respected and successful families (old money). The thing I notice about these people is that there is a certain "aura" about them, where you just know that they lead interesting lives before they ever say a word.

Work on your inner game, and then you don't have to fake it. You ARE it. You LIVE it. You BELIEVE it. Then, it will shine through naturally and you will become attractive to all sorts of women. Seriously, my friend. Inner game.

Too bad I don't have Derek's knack for brevity...


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Theres more ;) .... ( a bit on story telling )

Have you ever been around someone, or even seen someone on TV who can hold your attention completely and draw you in? Would you like to have these same skills and apply them to your interactions with women, people in general, and even for public speaking? Here's what you do:

1. No "errrs, ummms, ands..."

Remove these things from your speech, ummm, because, errr, they are redundant and... make people lose interest. Analyse your speech and you will either errr, ummm, or use the elongated "and" to fill space between thoughts. What do you need to do instead?...

2. Use Pauses

A pause draws people in, it is a tool of politicians and skilled public speakers. By pausing ... at key points ... people start to ... hang on your every ... word. Try it out, coupled with the above, you are already better than 99% of people.

3. Be Emotive When Speaking

Or at least seem to be doing so. Speak with passion. If you do not seem enthusiastic or passionate about something, it doesn't matter how interesting the thing is that you are talking about, people will lose interest.

If you do this right, women will get caught up in your story and start to feel emotions too. Tony Robbins is an excellent example of someone who seems to always speak with passion and emotion.

4. Eye Contact

Make eye contact with the woman or with each member of the group. Never look down, and don't look away. When you make eye contact with someone, they pay more attention. If you are looking away, their attention can wonder and they will lose interest. With a group, pay attention to each member of the group so that you keep them all interested.

5. Gestures

Use of gestures is something that is most important with larger groups. Movement catches the eye's attention more than anything else, so if the group is too big to hold eye contact with, use of gestures will help to keep them focused on you.

6. Facial Animation

Being expressive in your face draws people in. Try to hold a poker face when speaking about something really fun and see the negative effect. Emotion expressed generates an emotional response in the woman.

7. Tonality

A sure-fire way to hold attention is to vary the voice tone. This takes practice, and shouldn't be taken too far, but a bit of voice tone variation adds a lot. Try reading the most interesting thing in the world in a monotone and you'll see what I mean.

If you follow all these tips, you will be better socially, more successful with women and could be a great public speaker or salesman!

(Credit to the ones who wrote this )

Hope u found it usefull


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
You know, being a man that have a family history like that, I would expect you to have alot more confidence (or just arrogance)... Then again, I guess it is a good thing you don't think like that (cept that you lack enough that you came here).