I need a Mentor


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Hello, all. I have lurked for quite a while as an anonymous on this fair forum. I have a fair understanding of your terminology and your philosophies. I have even read the DJ Bible through at least three times already. But, there is one thing that oft continues to plague my consciousness for many restless nights.

The DJ Bible seems to be written for people who are already fairly well-off; it assumes that they have friends, job, are already over eighteen, etc. I, on the other hand, have none of that.

For starters, I am not in a normal public High School anymore. I was invited to be in a new (and fairly unique for the North Texas area) programme that, in essence, combined High School and College into one. What that means is that we, as members of the Collegiate High School, take classes up on the college campus. For our classes, we get both High School and College credit. This is fairly benificiary because almost all of us will graduate with not only our diplomas but also an Associate's Degree (Sciences or Arts).

And I must say, college, although rather intimidating at first, is rather abuzz with activity...that I almost always distance myself from. Despite the active atmosphere of the campus, I can never seem to fit in. And this is not just with the college students. (They all seem to harbour a bad attitude towards the high school students.) My peers are not accepting of me as a person or as a human of equal worth; however, they seem to have no trouble accepting me when it comes to matters of the mind. To cut a long explaination short: I have no friends to speak of within the school, or elsewhere for that matter.

This is not really the main issue, though. My real concern lies with the fact that I am still an introvert even though I have amassed the proper theory behind self-improvement. I guess you could say that I have no motivation to improve. Why would I? I am a (within reason) top-level student amongst my colleagues. I already have a head-start in the academic field. I have several engineering firms competing for my attention already. But, I am still faced with crippling depression due to my alienation from humanity in general. This has begun affecting my day-to-day dealings with others and my studies.

And that depression feeds from a very low self-esteem. That's why I do well academically so I can compensate for the fact that I lack basic social prowess. But, it does nothing for my confidence. I have no "happy memories" or "positive experiences" to grasp. Unfortunately, the negative voice has been my voice of reason for most of my life. (I suppose it stems from the fact that my parents were the same way.) This, in effect, has led to a negative outlook despite knowledge of a positive outcome.

In addition to depression, I have begun to consider succumbing to emotions that distinctly reek of rage and madness. In my mind, there is a voice that tells me to kill and harm every person that does not accept me immediately. It also tells me that if my primary sexual desires and lusts cannot be satisfied through rational means, I must satisfy them by force; I must forcefully, brutally, and savagely ravage all vulnerable females in sight. I know that this voice is not sexuality, it is a savage and beast-like rage that is driving me to thoughts of rape and murder. It is my budding inner sociopath. I do not want to give in to this voice, for I fear the consequences that come along with following its direction.

And so, this has given me the self-label of, as you, my predecessors, would call, WBAFC. Although I don't approve of the wording, the meaning behind it is very fitting to my description. In theory, since I have knowledge, I should be a rAFC, but I still see myself as WBAFC.

But, I do seek improvement nevertheless. This is where I hope the Don Juans, or perhaps even Pick-Up Artists, of this fine forum can help. I cannot improve myself alone. No matter how much knowledge I can acrue, I will not be able to find the self-motivation to improve myself. As stated in the topic, I need a Mentor. Basically, I need an experienced individual to teach me, preferrably through field work or some similar means, how to interact with people, chiefly women. I need someone who can help me practically apply the knowledge I have aquired through my studies. Most importantly, I need someone who can help me pick myself back up when I fall (or help me get up, for that matter).

Please forgive me if I seemed to ramble. I am here to seek help. Hopefully, if they were able to make it past my prattling and my meaningless self-analysis, some fine Don Jaun would be able to help a poor wretch such as myself. Nevertheless, I am humbled in the presence of this community. It's mere existance is a service to the successful and the unsuccessful alike. Perhaps one day I can grace your boards with a success story of my own.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
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That whole serial killer mind-set just might require some more professional help than these guys can give you, my friend.Take it to a doctor.Then come here afterwards.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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I have already talked to a professional about that. I have it to the point where it is under control. It's just that it causes me a lot of frustration.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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I can't really fly out to Dallas to help lend my small knowledge to you, but I can lend a few suggestions here. Thats a boatload of problems, and the source of all of them is yourself. The good news is you've realized you're in a downward spiral with ample time to fix it. I think part of your problem is your focusing on the negative aspects of your life. Focus on what you want. Id suggest starting small and just finding some people you can talk to at school. Build some social skills through experience. Its a lot like poker, you can read all the books and web tips you want and sure they'll help you, but the best way to learn is through experience. Sure you'll fail a lot, and it'll sting for a bit. But if you can fight through the rough depressing times you'll find yourself a winner. As a smart guy I think you understand probability. If you think you have a 1 in a 1000 chance of making a friend, then you know what you have to do. Get out there and try!
Oh BTW I had a small idea that might help you. See if theres some sort of tutoring program at the college you go to and volunteer. Sure the kids you help wont be on the same conversation level as you, but thats the point. When it comes to being sophisticated you might have them trumped, but when it comes to everyday human interactions, they will probly be a few steps ahead. It could be a fair traid, your book smarts for whatever street smarts you pick up along the way.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
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I think "art of" had it right on.Learn to be happy with yourself.Don't be so dependent on women or others for emotional support.Tips?Dress nice.Work out.Get a hair cut and shave,take up a sport or do something you've always wanted to do(like skydive) .Almost create a story for yourself.If there was a biography on you, would it be boring, or full of action? If it's not full of action then,get on it.Get out of your comfort zone and take you life to the next level.That's the first step you need to take.Travel maybe too.You get the picture.Live a little.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you for your responses.

I can't really fly out to Dallas to help lend my small knowledge to you, but I can lend a few suggestions here. Thats a boatload of problems, and the source of all of them is yourself. The good news is you've realized you're in a downward spiral with ample time to fix it. I think part of your problem is your focusing on the negative aspects of your life. Focus on what you want. Id suggest starting small and just finding some people you can talk to at school. Build some social skills through experience. Its a lot like poker, you can read all the books and web tips you want and sure they'll help you, but the best way to learn is through experience. Sure you'll fail a lot, and it'll sting for a bit. But if you can fight through the rough depressing times you'll find yourself a winner. As a smart guy I think you understand probability. If you think you have a 1 in a 1000 chance of making a friend, then you know what you have to do. Get out there and try!
Oh BTW I had a small idea that might help you. See if theres some sort of tutoring program at the college you go to and volunteer. Sure the kids you help wont be on the same conversation level as you, but thats the point. When it comes to being sophisticated you might have them trumped, but when it comes to everyday human interactions, they will probly be a few steps ahead. It could be a fair traid, your book smarts for whatever street smarts you pick up along the way.
Basically, you're telling me to talk to people around campus? There's not too big of a problem with that. Although, I am a bit apprehensive since the college students have a serious grudge towards the high school students. Also in your opinion, where is the point of no return? (i.e. When is it too late?) My studies keep me busy almost the entire year. The only reason I post currently is because I am on Thanksgiving break.

I think "art of" had it right on. Learn to be happy with yourself. Don't be so dependant on women or others for emotional support. Tips? Dress nice. Work out. Get a hair cut and shave, take up a sport or do something you've always wanted to do (like skydive). Almost create a story for yourself. If there was a biography on you, would it be boring, or full of action? If it's not full of action then, get on it. Get out of your comfort zone and take you life to the next level. That's the first step you need to take. Travel maybe too. You get the picture. Live a little.
I also realize here what you're saying. I can't be dependant on others for emotional support since I am avoided by my peers. Also, I find it very hard to, as you said, live a little since I still have another year of study before I graduate. As I said to "art of," my studies keep me busy all year round. We get less breaks than public schools (our Christmas break is barely a week) and we have to take classes during the summer. Needless to say, that does not leave me with much time. However, in a way, I am living out one of my dreams: a higher level education.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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You still have your whole life ahead of you to improve on yourself. Its great that your getting an above average education and it will no doubt lead to an easier lifestyle in years to come, but dont just throw away your younger years completely. Make sure in your quest for a better future you dont completely lose what should be some of the best years of your life. Dont fall into the habit of using academics as an excuse not to have an outside life. I can see you staying in on weekdays but even the most outstanding students can make time to go out on friday or saturday night.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Easier said than done. My parents absolutely refuse to take me anywhere on the weekends unless I have a specific purpose. They won't let me get my driver's license because, in their words, "I don't have time for stuff like that." They want me to spend my weekends working. Unfortunately, they have way too much control over where I go and what I do.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
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CactusMcDougal said:
Thank you for your responses.

Basically, you're telling me to talk to people around campus? There's not too big of a problem with that. Although, I am a bit apprehensive since the college students have a serious grudge towards the high school students. Also in your opinion, where is the point of no return? (i.e. When is it too late?) My studies keep me busy almost the entire year. The only reason I post currently is because I am on Thanksgiving break.

I also realize here what you're saying. I can't be dependant on others for emotional support since I am avoided by my peers. Also, I find it very hard to, as you said, live a little since I still have another year of study before I graduate. As I said to "art of," my studies keep me busy all year round. We get less breaks than public schools (our Christmas break is barely a week) and we have to take classes during the summer. Needless to say, that does not leave me with much time. However, in a way, I am living out one of my dreams: a higher level education.
I am having this problem too right now.It's hard to juggle, but you have to make time for school AND a social life.Even If It's at the expense of grades falling a little below average for you.And that is a horrible dream....a higher level of education.You know why you want a higher level of education?so you can make more money to do the things you want to do.Don't make getting a higher level of education a dream and stop there.Ok.Your smart.Your a freakin brainiac.Congratulations,you've won a trip to you closed-in office space making money but having no one to spend it with.See what I'm getting at?And a week is plenty!A day is plenty!Do something exciting or fun every day of your life.It doesn't have to be sky diving or climbing Mt. Everest.It could be playing basketball with the guys or heck,picking up chicks.LIVE A LITTLE.:D


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
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CactusMcDougal said:
Easier said than done. My parents absolutely refuse to take me anywhere on the weekends unless I have a specific purpose. They won't let me get my driver's license because, in their words, "I don't have time for stuff like that." They want me to spend my weekends working. Unfortunately, they have way too much control over where I go and what I do.
How old are you?Your drivers license?!Sounds a little overbearing/overprotective.Your a big boy now.You can make decisions on your own.If you want that license bad enough,you'll walk to get it.Blackmail works nice too.But you have to be able to put up.Something like,"I won't touch a pen and paper till you get me that license."Take control of your life, brother.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
I just recently turned seventeen.

Also, I didn't give enough detail on that situation. Again and again I have demanded that they allow me to go and get my license. Every time I try and confront them on the subject, they always make an excuse like "insurance is too high, we're not letting you use our car, your education comes first." So, in a sense, they're not telling me no directly. Recently, I have questioned them and they keep telling me that they'll "consider doing it next year."


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Themanthatcan said:
I am having this problem too right now.It's hard to juggle, but you have to make time for school AND a social life.Even If It's at the expense of grades falling a little below average for you.And that is a horrible dream....a higher level of education.You know why you want a higher level of education?so you can make more money to do the things you want to do.Don't make getting a higher level of education a dream and stop there.Ok.Your smart.Your a freakin brainiac.Congratulations,you've won a trip to you closed-in office space making money but having no one to spend it with.See what I'm getting at?And a week is plenty!A day is plenty!Do something exciting or fun every day of your life.It doesn't have to be sky diving or climbing Mt. Everest.It could be playing basketball with the guys or heck,picking up chicks.LIVE A LITTLE.:D
Well, I don't particularly have a dream past that. If you mean a dream related to my interests, I have always had a bit of a passion for acting. However, my biggest passion is electronics, particularly telecommunications. My secret passion, which I know will never make me money due to the state of the market, is anime. Anime has been my staple since the 7th grade; it helped me dull my senses enough to get through the painful depression, at the cost of falling deeper into the chasm of AFC-dom. The point is, I want to make a living doing something that I both like AND can make money.

Also, how can I "play basketball with the guys" if all my friends are non-existant? How can I "pick up chicks" if I don't possess the proper social grace?


New Member
Nov 18, 2006
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Midland, Ontario Canada
CactusMcDougal said:
Easier said than done. My parents absolutely refuse to take me anywhere on the weekends unless I have a specific purpose. They won't let me get my driver's license because, in their words, "I don't have time for stuff like that." They want me to spend my weekends working. Unfortunately, they have way too much control over where I go and what I do.
Come on man. You are 17. You are young, and should be able to do what other teenagers do. I am 16, and I may not be the best in all situations with girls, but i'm good with parents. What you need to do is "train" your parents.

Until i was 15 my parents were the same, and one day i said enough of this, said i was going to this party, and there was nothing they can do about it. Ever since then i can do whatever i want. You may not want to take this approach, so brake them in slowly, start by going to the mall for the afternoon, then movies at night, then staying over places, then parties.

And keep this in mind. Once you go to one party, you are IN. I'm assuming there will be alcohol or whatever, drink if you want, if not fine. But relax when your there, just have fun, don't worry about how you look etc, remember, once your there you've already been invited. So calm down. And you will be invited to the next one. Trust me on that one. I think to be more succesful with girls you need to first get a social standing, so if i was you, I would worry about that first man.



Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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How can I get into a party if I don't know anyone that would throw a party? I am effectively alienated from my peers at school; no one pays me any attention unless it involves work, then they stampede all over me. (It's because I hold a GPA of 3.85044, the highest in my class.) Essentially I am the walking brain as far as my classmates are concerned. They all consider me less than human; I have been accused of being a "robot", among other things. (Of course, I've also been accused of being a "serial killer/rapist/arsonist" by the same people.) As you can see, I have pretty much knackered up any chance of being accepted by my peers. And school is the only place where I can meet people! I am isolated! I am trapped within the confines of my mind! Sometimes I want to get up on my roof and cry unto the world "World, I know you're listening! I exist! I require, nay, deserve to be treated as such!" However, if I did that my neighbors would believe me to be a loon and call for the paddy wagon.


Apr 27, 2006
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damn, where is skiptomyloser when you need him? skip is fast becoming my mentor. anyone who constantly gets busted for spamming myspace in order to get some action is worthy of my respect.

It is my budding inner sociopath
dude, you sound normal for around here. you should fit right in. this place has it all. sociopaths, schizos, paranoids, illusions of grandeur, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
CactusMcDougal said:
Well, I don't particularly have a dream past that. If you mean a dream related to my interests, I have always had a bit of a passion for acting. However, my biggest passion is electronics, particularly telecommunications. My secret passion, which I know will never make me money due to the state of the market, is anime. Anime has been my staple since the 7th grade; it helped me dull my senses enough to get through the painful depression, at the cost of falling deeper into the chasm of AFC-dom. The point is, I want to make a living doing something that I both like AND can make money.

Also, how can I "play basketball with the guys" if all my friends are non-existant? How can I "pick up chicks" if I don't possess the proper social grace?
Holy crap.Stop.Stop life right now.Rip up any anime you've ever had.Videos, anything.It's AFC, MAXED OUT.Makes you way more dramatic(and a nerd).I was there when I was younger,I would know..GOOD GOD.And beating around the bush w/ your parents.You don't ask.YOU DEMAND.YOUR ALMOST A GROWN MAN.DUDE.Get a job.Pay for your own car, Your own insurance.If your academics are so hot then you could find a decent job.Anime,Technology,Relying on your parents.AFC.AFC.AFC.It's a simple problem w/ a simple solution.It's up to you to change.No one else.If you want something bad enough,I hope you won't watch and let it slip by.TAKE IT.One more thing.In life,we can't have everything my friend.Sacrafices will be made."The biggest mistake a man can make is being afraid of making one".Hope These posts and suggestions are doing something for you.Good luck.