i must be growing...most self-important girl in the world...


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
I must be growing.

Friday at a nightclub I was talking to some girl in silly shoes with a d-cup and she was telling me all about her business plan that she had for getting her business going.

Well she talks about this awhile, doesn't ask me questions about me and sometimes repeats herself using the same words.

In short, she bored me.

I mean a long time ago I would've been impressed by her presence, her gozongas and her taking my hand and putting on ot her neck while she talked.

That didnt' impress me.

Thought about it...drank...hung out....later I went for the phone number because she's bored me for a long time now. I think I should get something out of it (i know, should has nothing to do with it).

I didn't get the number, but I did find out she was just using me to listen to her incredibly boring stories about her business plan and how important her father was and how her old bf did her wrong.

Maybe I coulda tweaked the timing, but most important thing I learned is even a good looking chick can bore you (i also made fun of her shoes i was so bored).

I used to grant chicks like this b*lls on a silver plate.

I guess i'm growing. Never stop growing, dj's. Never ever stop.



Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I don't really know what the point of this post was. If she was that boring why did you want her phone number to go through that again? Personally, sounds to me like she bored you, but you still liked her regardless...so you went for the number. When she said no, you protected your ego by acting like you never wanted it to begin with. Hey, but whad'do I know?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
usually when a woman doesn't ask you questions, this tells you her interest level is low.... after a few minutes of convo ask for her number and then move on....I think you were trying to be nice to her by listening to her ambitions and then figured that she owes you a favor in kind and that she will give you her number (afc behavior) - my point of view.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm... she didn't ask you any questions about yourself and didn't give you her #...

She wasn't interested with you. If a guy I'm not interested in keeps talking to me at a bar or club, I have a few choices... walk away, ignore him, or talk about myself. :D

I don't know if this is necessarily an indication of the fact that you are growing. I mean, ok, the boobs weren't enough to hold your attention, I guess that could be a sign of growth. But um... you're still going to ask this boring, big-boobed girl for her # even though you are bored by her... not exactly all done growing huh?


Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
it was more win-win than anything....

Let me clarify since it doesn't look i was clear....

this girl followed me. halfway through one of her monologues i excused myself to go to the restroom and went up to a girl and guy i know and told them.

"see that chick over there?"


"she's probably most boring person i ever met"

after when i went to hang out with my buddy bill she comes up again and starts talking some more about herself.

read what you want into it, but I KNOW i asked for the number for the win-win. Either i lose her company or i get a phone #.

T*ts i can sleep on after she exhausts me with telling me all about the olympic pool her dad is putting in his house and how she is the best gambler I'll ever meet because she made enough to buy a designer outfit after she went to Vegas and how her dad is second in command at his company....

......or i get to lose her.


(Also, when guys want to ditch girls/gf's they do annoying things like telling her to dress up for a 'night out' and then take her to motorcross or something at the last minute. It's breakup or the girl gets used to you going to motorcross events with you.)


Anyhow, I used to never find girls with hot bodies boring. Now I do. That's the point. Used to be every word they said was gold.

Still want the sx, though, cause my eyes like it even if my ears don't.

No one ever stops growing. Thanks for the perspectives.
