I moved her out of the friend zone, in one night


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
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Hi All

I just got back from a club and want to say i have moved a woman who i have liked for 18months out of the friend zone and into the lover zone. I cannot begin to explain how elated i feel. This girl is due to leave my area in a few months and over the last few weeks i have felt time slipping away so i came up with a plan to land her.

I started last week by canceling a date last minute saying something important had come up and told her to text me when she was next free. When she came up with a new date, i told her i was busy. She then mentioned tonight that she was going out with some friends.

I told her no promises but i would try to make it if she told me what bar she was in when she got there.

Well i recieved the text around 8 so i replyed at quarter to nine saying i had just got home and needed a shower, i gave her another 45 minutes then joined her in the pub.

She was with three guys and one female im sure all the guys like her because they were trying to bring me down by commenting on the fact i was wearing a nice shirt and saying "were not going for a meal man" :cuss: idiots.

I replied by going to the bar and flirting with the girl behind it, then returned to the group. I immidiatly approached the target and commented how good she looked, i also pretended to catch a whiff of something and commented on her perfume and asked if i could smell it, as i leaned in i put my nose to her neck and took a deep breath then commented again how great she smelt.

As we talked i placed my hand on the small of her back and gave gentle touches as i emphersised things during the conversation.

We all then moved on to a club, when we arrived she refused to dance saying she wasnt ready. At this point i started playing naughty girl (read the bible), these three guys were dribbling all over asking if she wanted a drink, while i danced on the dance floor showing her i was the alpha male.

At this point in the night i did have the chance to pull two girls on the dance foor, i dont have one itis or anything but i was wanting to bag this one girl tonight and no other.

Eventually she joined me on the floor and low and behold her little foot clan followed all trying to keep her attention as she danced with them naughty girl came into play again (dance with them and i will move on) After a few minutes she moved over to me and i took her by the hips leading her around and grinding her a little. I then looked directly in the eyes (intensly) for around three seconds then pushed away as though something was wrong (this was to arouse her attention) she was asking whats wrong i just replied "nothing i was just" the looked directly at her again, at this point i leaned in but didnt kiss i paused just as i was about to then brushed her lips with mine then pulled away again.

I then moved away a little and gave some attention to girls around us, i dont know why but i was trying to build a tension but also make her realise if she didnt make her move the next time it came there were others waiting.

I then moved back over to her and grinded her again, this time when i lent in i gave her a soft kiss (SENSUAL RATHER THAN SEXUAL) She then dragged me off the dance floor and the rest is history.

I would just like to thank all the guys who have ever written Friend to Fu(k Buddy stuff, you are my mentors and i am indebtted to you all.

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Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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I then moved away a little and gave some attention to girls around us, i dont know why but i was trying to build a tension but also make her realise if she didnt make her move the naxt time it came there were other waiting.
fvcking GOLDEN...

good on you Ricard.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys

Ad Deadly Assassin has pointed out i can emphersise how good Naughty Girl and Showing that you can move on works.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Ricard78 said:
We all then moved on to a club, when we arrived she refused to dance saying she wasnt ready. At this point i started playing naughty girl (read the bible), these three guys were dribbling all over asking if she wanted a drink, while i danced on the dance floor showing her i was the alpha male.

The alpha male doesn't sit back and think "i'm going to show her the i'm the alpha male." He just is.

Think about your post and how you sound.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Congrats, even if you don't agree with every move he made, the story shows he is willing to take some risk to make it work. I've met many men who are afraid of taking any risks at all, try to be super generic, and end up losing the woman's interest. The old adage you must be willing to take some small risk of offending her to get her is definitely true.

Preselection and jeaousy (used correctly instead of the bad way) are two tools that can generate attraction out of thin air.

To Richards story, I will add another. It is 100% true.

There was once a beautiful blonde school teacher I was banging. Many men both in person and online were chasing her. They would all go nuts for her and start bugging her for a relationship. Complimenting her and kissing her butt in general trying to woe her. I also made the mistake, she baited me into thinking she wanted to have a child with me. She never said that but she made me think it. I thought Id pretend to see a possible relationship one day to offset this, and accidently killed all her attraction for me. She had won the game. I reassured her the other women were just friends, they weren't of course. Before she would call all the time to see who was over and sometimes come over when she thought someone else was going to get there first. She was ignoring all the other guys until I undid the preselection and jealousy switches. Another guy ended up getting her to chase him. This part of the story below is the relevant portion, sorry for the long introduction.

He made her chase him despite being the poorest of all of us. He lived in a building that would be condemned in most cities. The paint was all chipping off, and the building looked structurally un safe. His job paid him only 7$ an hour as a tire repair person. To top if off his wife was pregnant. His looks were not better than average. SO why did she chase him?

He never complimented her or really acted overly interested.

He would just threaten to cut her off if he got mad, he didn't really respond to her shyt tests.

Preselection: Actually the fact that he had a wife and made her believe other women wanted him helped compell her to chase him.

He showed her pictures of race cars he had worked on. He had hobbies and interests.

He had other male friends and would not break his plans with them to be with her.

Despite all his shortcoming, he was the one who ended up flipping the most attraction switches and compelled her to chase him. He didn't even know what he was doing.

I got my ass kicjked by a 7$ an hour average looking guy who had no intended game plan, because I ignored the importance of a jealousy plotline and preselection.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Cant find the naughty girl post! I looked in the Dj bible, but cant see it! Anyone wanna post a link?


p.s Good work man!


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Peter i dont remember where i read Naughty Girl, i thought it might have been the bible, but it could so easily be Mystery or The Game.
The basic premise of it is if she shows another guy intrest or she shows a little intrest in you you turn your full attention and even body language towards someone else, after a couple of minutes you give her it back, if she acts up again in any way you take it away.
The belief behind this is subconciously she realises you detach when she shows dissintrest so there is every chance if she does it again you will totaly take away your intrest. Its only a small thing, but i use it alot and its been working well. The trick is when you detach is to not look like your in a sulk or strop, you keep a smile on your face and you turn your attention to someone else if its another women flirt with her and the target will get jelous and try to get you back.



Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
playboy_supreme said:
i know who u r ricard
I know who you are. We still going out tonight?, im in a party mood. :D

p.s she did ask me round hers tonight, i told her i was on a date :D