I might even love her


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score

I'm in a ****ty situation atm and need some outside perspective.
Met a girl from Brazil who is an au pair here (Germany) about 6 months ago.
After a while we were in a relationship and everything went great. However, I was still interested in other girls and thought about cheating. She often noticed me looking at other girls and became quite jealous. Last weekend she sniffed through my phone and found signs that I might cheat on her (sent this to a friend). I never actually cheated on her, but I'm aware the intention is basically the same.

She said she lost almost all trust ("70% to 10%") and wanted a week of no contact. Ironically, we were at my parents home when she went through my messages and we were stuck for two more days together. It was awkward initially and she pretended everything was fine in front of my parents, but would turn away from me when alone. On the ride home she kissed me again and was in my arms almost all the time.

She wanted one week of no contact to think things through and we are at halfway of that week. To make things worse, I will study abroad from Sep-Feb and May-Nov, so about 10 months of long distance if we were to continue. To make things even worse, she might have to move back to Brazil after her au pair if she can't find a job here with 47.000€ annual wage, which is basically impossible.
This screams for a breakup as I will want to enjoy my semesters abroad (Poland and US, sluts everywhere) and not do nightly skype sessions with someone who is too jealous and will probably end the relationship a couple months in anyway.

The problem is that she is actually a great girl. Now that I seem to lose her I realize how much I like her, I might even love her. Yea she is jealous and sniffed through my phone and that's not cool, but I can't help giving it to her that she was somewhat right and she did it out of love. She is madly in love with me and besides this she is a perfect girlfriend who is happy playing the female role and isn't crazy.

My head says break up and it's not even close, my heart somehow stops me from doing it. Don't hesitate to suggest me for beta of the month at Heartiste's, but this is ****ed up.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
I would move on with her, just because she doesn't trust you like she did. Trust is an important issue and the last thing you want is to be second guessed with everything you do. Don't be with a girl that doesn't trust you. Her attitude and feelings will change towards you with trust issues. She can cheat in return if she thinks you did. Continue on but not as anything serious.