What about this post HB
It says you've been working out pretty heavily for 5 months. Now, if you aren't as dumb as you sound, you would have worked abs over those 5 months.
Then you come back with this
"It took me about a week of dieting and jogging to lose my stomach, i cant believe it, but the funny thing is that i dont see any abs....... so for all u guys say that abs are 80% dieting, thats bs. I never really did any situps and i cant see my abs.
Guess ima have to start doin situps"
and were sorry afk, the information is out there in like a billion places, hb just has probs with uptake.
Please just go buy some steriods, start using them, and stop asking stupid ass questions that have been answered a thousand times. Thanks
semag, right on man, I can't take it any more either. It either be steriods or people who will only use the "skinnyguy" program.