I Lost All Fear And Dont Mind Making A Fool Of Meself


Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
I did great with the DJ bible, I got laid a lot, then I read something from Sapiens about giving up dogma and my success went through the roof.

See dogma is the **** they teach you to believe as a kid, how about if you put it aside and begin anew? Fellas, you will get all you want in life. In six month I have done things people only dream of doing.

I must say, I got my ass kicked by a bigger punk because I hit on his girl, but guess what I stood my ground until the cops came. My fellas now see me with respect and they don't give me sh1t.

I am still learning though. So read the bible and practice.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
what is this dogma you speak of and where can i read about it? thanks!


Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
rrrrr said:
what is this dogma you speak of and where can i read about it? thanks!

The Prison of Fallacious and Ostensibly Rightful Ideas through Dogma…

Before I begin, first let us get some word definitions established so you may fully understand what I am trying to communicate to you in this piece.

Fallacious: Tending to mislead; deceptive; containing or based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information.

Ostensible: Pretended; appearing as such but not necessarily so.

Rightful: Having a just or proper claim; right, correct.

Idea: The content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; a personal view.

Dogma: An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.

Words are powerful. Through words, gods are made and unmade.

Since you were a child you were told what things were called. In time you came to assimilate the sounds of words to the things which your ancestors had assigned to them; likewise, actions were in the same manner and process named and termed.

In an imperceptible way, the ideas and beliefs of your ancestor were incorporated into what became your beliefs. Imperceptible because you did not posses a reference with which to contrast that which you were being taught.

As you grew older and began to observe the world around you, some of the things you were taught did not match with your physical reality. If you began to questions those teachings out of your own curiosity you were told to let it be, take them on faith, or not to question them. If you did persist to question, you were either laughed at, shun or labeled a non-conformist, radical or any derogatory term to make you cease your inquiry.

Why such a strong objection to seeking the answer to why some beliefs did not match your physical reality? Could it be that some of your ancestors and now some of your peers have a vested and very profitable incentive in keeping those beliefs active in your thought process?

There is no more powerful and effective weapon than that that is placed and used against you in your head.

Let’s say for example you see a fruit tree. You watch the tree and eventually you notice a pattern begin to form: You see the tree bloom, then fruit begins to form, the fruit forms, matures and ripens, then falls to the ground.

You take to observing other fruit trees and soon are able to see patterns in common. Eventually from all your observations you form a conclusion; no matter the type of fruit tree all fruit always falls to the ground.

In your village there is common belief that the Chief is the chief because he was blessed with a tree that the fruit does not fall to the ground and only the chief is able to pick the fruit off that tree, if someone other than the chief picks the fruit off the tree that person dies immediately.

Well, from your observation you begin to doubt the belief about the Chief being the chief because of the special fruit tree. You ask to observe the tree of the Chief, but are refused permission to observe it. You begin to question the power of the tree out loud and soon find yourself in hot water in front of the village high priests. You excitedly explain your observations to the high priests and they listen to you with great attention. After you are done with your presentation, they explain to you that they themselves have seen the special tree of the Chief and that they have also witness doubter die immediately after picking fruit from it, and that only the Chief is the only one able to pick the fruit from that tree.

They tell you that your observations are misguided and that although you mean well, you better accept the status quo. Soon enough you get the clue, you begin to understand that if you want to stay alive you must better publicly accept what the high priests are telling you to believe because if you continue to persist in making public your observations, they will have you executed for heresy.

You wise up and decide that you want to stay alive. You publicly acknowledge whatever the high priests tell you to acknowledge while inside you keep harboring deep doubts to the validity of their teachings.

You lay low for a while and let the commotion of your prior actions died down. Soon enough you hatch a plan to observe the Chief’s fruit tree. Eventually you gain access to observe the tree and find that the tree is not really a tree but something made up by the Chief and the high priests. You come to find out that you were right with your observations, and that the teachings of the Chief and the high priests are a farce.

You continue to study how is it that the Chief and the high priests were able to con everyone into believing that the Chief’s tree had magical powers. You ask subtle questions in order not to raise suspicions of your true motives, lest the high priests find out what you are up to and have your head cut off.

After much research you find that long ago, the ancestors, before they were formed into a village there was much chaos and war among them; it was not until the idea of the magical fruit tree that there was something of peace and order to come about. Soon and through generations the beginnings of the idea of the Chief’s fruit tree were long forgotten, but the system and its benefits continue to be enjoyed by the privileged few that were in the position of administering the idea of the Chief’s fruit tree.
So you discovered the whole thing was a farce and that some of your peers were the beneficiaries of a very powerful and profitable farce. What are you to do? What are you to do with your new found knowledge?

How about learning the reason in the first place the system was made to succeed? What problem did it solved in the first place and what would happen if you destroyed it?

This my friend, is how dogma has the masses locked in a fallacious prison, yet most of them can’t be let out to their own devices since they are ignorant and therefore dangerous to their own selves.



Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
this is the first time i seen this post by Sapiens. where did you get it Democles? I didnt see it on his blog either.

EDIT: nevermind Democles, i see now where he posted it.


Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
afc_recovering said:
That one went right over my head :crazy:
All he's saying is that people will lie to control and profit from you.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Democles said:
All he's saying is that people will lie to control and profit from you.
he's saying way more than that! he is saying that you are being controlled and don't know you are being controlled, and you don't know how to get out of it because you can't even begin to tell how to free yourself.

Sapiens said:
The Prison of Fallacious and Ostensibly Rightful Ideas through Dogma…

Before I begin, first let us get some word definitions established so you may fully understand what I am trying to communicate to you in this piece.

Fallacious: Tending to mislead; deceptive; containing or based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information.

Ostensible: Pretended; appearing as such but not necessarily so.

Rightful: Having a just or proper claim; right, correct.

Idea: The content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; a personal view.

Dogma: An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.
here he tells you what he is trying to say and includes the word definitions so you don't get him wrong. He is saying you are kept prisoner by ideas that are misleading and pretending or appearing to be noble and right, which they are not, but are made to be used as law or rules that you are not supposed to break.

Sapiens said:
Words are powerful. Through words, gods are made and unmade.
here he tells you that everything begins and ends with words. you better know how to use words and how words are used.

Sapiens said:
Since you were a child you were told what things were called. In time you came to assimilate the sounds of words to the things which your ancestors had assigned to them; likewise, actions were in the same manner and process named and termed.

In an imperceptible way, the ideas and beliefs of your ancestor were incorporated into what became your beliefs. Imperceptible because you did not posses a reference with which to contrast that which you were being taught.
here he tells you that you were taught one way, but you can't tell if you were taught the right way because you don't know any other way.

Sapiens said:
As you grew older and began to observe the world around you, some of the things you were taught did not match with your physical reality. If you began to questions those teachings out of your own curiosity you were told to let it be, take them on faith, or not to question them. If you did persist to question, you were either laughed at, shun or labeled a non-conformist, radical or any derogatory term to make you cease your inquiry.

Why such a strong objection to seeking the answer to why some beliefs did not match your physical reality? Could it be that some of your ancestors and now some of your peers have a vested and very profitable incentive in keeping those beliefs active in your thought process?
here he tells you that even though you know some of the things you were taught don't make sense, you are discourage from finding out the truth.

Sapiens said:
There is no more powerful and effective weapon than that that is placed and used against you in your head.
here he tells you that you are your worst enemy, because you are your own prison guard, since you refuse to questions the teachings that were placed in your head.

Sapiens said:
Let’s say for example you see a fruit tree. You watch the tree and eventually you notice a pattern begin to form: You see the tree bloom, then fruit begins to form, the fruit forms, matures and ripens, then falls to the ground.

You take to observing other fruit trees and soon are able to see patterns in common. Eventually from all your observations you form a conclusion; no matter the type of fruit tree all fruit always falls to the ground.

In your village there is common belief that the Chief is the chief because he was blessed with a tree that the fruit does not fall to the ground and only the chief is able to pick the fruit off that tree, if someone other than the chief picks the fruit off the tree that person dies immediately.

Well, from your observation you begin to doubt the belief about the Chief being the chief because of the special fruit tree. You ask to observe the tree of the Chief, but are refused permission to observe it. You begin to question the power of the tree out loud and soon find yourself in hot water in front of the village high priests. You excitedly explain your observations to the high priests and they listen to you with great attention. After you are done with your presentation, they explain to you that they themselves have seen the special tree of the Chief and that they have also witness doubter die immediately after picking fruit from it, and that only the Chief is the only one able to pick the fruit from that tree.

They tell you that your observations are misguided and that although you mean well, you better accept the status quo. Soon enough you get the clue, you begin to understand that if you want to stay alive you must better publicly accept what the high priests are telling you to believe because if you continue to persist in making public your observations, they will have you executed for heresy.
here he tells you how to find out the truth for yourself and what would happen once you found out the truth. he is saying you need to watch the world around you and take notes.

Sapiens said:
You wise up and decide that you want to stay alive. You publicly acknowledge whatever the high priests tell you to acknowledge while inside you keep harboring deep doubts to the validity of their teachings.

You lay low for a while and let the commotion of your prior actions died down. Soon enough you hatch a plan to observe the Chief’s fruit tree. Eventually you gain access to observe the tree and find that the tree is not really a tree but something made up by the Chief and the high priests. You come to find out that you were right with your observations, and that the teachings of the Chief and the high priests are a farce.

You continue to study how is it that the Chief and the high priests were able to con everyone into believing that the Chief’s tree had magical powers. You ask subtle questions in order not to raise suspicions of your true motives, lest the high priests find out what you are up to and have your head cut off.

After much research you find that long ago, the ancestors, before they were formed into a village there was much chaos and war among them; it was not until the idea of the magical fruit tree that there was something of peace and order to come about. Soon and through generations the beginnings of the idea of the Chief’s fruit tree were long forgotten, but the system and its benefits continue to be enjoyed by the privileged few that were in the position of administering the idea of the Chief’s fruit tree.
So you discovered the whole thing was a farce and that some of your peers were the beneficiaries of a very powerful and profitable farce. What are you to do? What are you to do with your new found knowledge?

How about learning the reason in the first place the system was made to succeed? What problem did it solved in the first place and what would happen if you destroyed it?
he tells you that you must be careful with what you learn and look out for those that are getting rich from the system. those that are getting rich from the system are willing to hurt you to keep you from letting everyone else know what's up.

Sapiens said:
This my friend, is how dogma has the masses locked in a fallacious prison, yet most of them can’t be let out to their own devices since they are ignorant and therefore dangerous to their own selves.
this is the tough part, you can't just let everyone know what's up and think everything will be fine, he says that it could be really dangerous to let people know what's up because they don't have the basic knowledge necessary to deal with one another in a fair way. in other words since they won't fear anything, they will not respect each other, unless they are taught the basic principles to live in peace.

really deep stuff from Sapiens bro.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Westchester/Rockland NY
Democles said:
I did great with the DJ bible, I got laid a lot, then I read something from Sapiens about giving up dogma and my success went through the roof..

prove it, show us pics of your lays, else

com'on guys don't you see the BS meters so far past the limit, a cop would have a field day.

demoacles = sapiens = TROLL

Mr Spitfire

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Democles!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head!! So much on this site is just a waste of time that only adds stress about things that are so unimportant.