Senior Don Juan
I think that a crucial part of learning and growing into a DJ is personal transformation, and the biggest aid to transformation is acceptance of the idea that you have not, by any means, learned all there is to know about yourself.
I seem to have a few tricks up my sleeve yet. Namely, being a jerk.
One of my girl friends did something very, VERY rude last night. She used to be my girlfriend, but we've been just friends for several months now, the awkwardness is passed (we were friends before being together).
This doesn't have anything to do with getting her attracted. It has everything to do with refusing to graciously absorb disrespect. When I got home last night I sent her an incredibly angry email, written in the heat of rage.
Basically, she made plans to hang with me my good friend for his last night in town before returning to college. She made these plans mid-week. I called her yesterday at three in the afternoon and told her we should do something around eight. Then my guy friend calls around seven thirty pm. Apparently she had called him and explained that she was in Venice Beach looking for a place to have dinner with her OTHER (israeli) friends. We could either meet them there or wait around to do something around nine.
I call her and give her attitude about it. I tell her it's not cool, our plans were first, etc. But I calm quickly because dinner migt be interesting, and we might do something afterwards.
Dinner is two white guys in the crossfire of endless Hebrew jabbering. We might have said one or two words, total, the entire night. Then after dinner everyone said they were going home. It was around ten. I sent her an incredibly vehement and furious email basically explaining how she is a self-centered, oblivious, disloyal, inconsiderate moron for how she acted last night.
While I am writing this email, the Headgames Chick who I met online who lives five minutes away from me, instant messages me. She says "I'm really stoned if you wanna call." And my response is a swift "I don't."
I think I will seriously start limiting my contact with this ex of mine. She is of no use to me, not even a very special person. She will be offended, play innocent victim, pretend she doesn't know why I'm being so mean, etc, but I won't care. Cry me a river. It's about time I associated with girls who have some inkling, some vague concept of respect and reciprocity.
And I am through!
I seem to have a few tricks up my sleeve yet. Namely, being a jerk.
One of my girl friends did something very, VERY rude last night. She used to be my girlfriend, but we've been just friends for several months now, the awkwardness is passed (we were friends before being together).
This doesn't have anything to do with getting her attracted. It has everything to do with refusing to graciously absorb disrespect. When I got home last night I sent her an incredibly angry email, written in the heat of rage.
Basically, she made plans to hang with me my good friend for his last night in town before returning to college. She made these plans mid-week. I called her yesterday at three in the afternoon and told her we should do something around eight. Then my guy friend calls around seven thirty pm. Apparently she had called him and explained that she was in Venice Beach looking for a place to have dinner with her OTHER (israeli) friends. We could either meet them there or wait around to do something around nine.
I call her and give her attitude about it. I tell her it's not cool, our plans were first, etc. But I calm quickly because dinner migt be interesting, and we might do something afterwards.
Dinner is two white guys in the crossfire of endless Hebrew jabbering. We might have said one or two words, total, the entire night. Then after dinner everyone said they were going home. It was around ten. I sent her an incredibly vehement and furious email basically explaining how she is a self-centered, oblivious, disloyal, inconsiderate moron for how she acted last night.
While I am writing this email, the Headgames Chick who I met online who lives five minutes away from me, instant messages me. She says "I'm really stoned if you wanna call." And my response is a swift "I don't."
I think I will seriously start limiting my contact with this ex of mine. She is of no use to me, not even a very special person. She will be offended, play innocent victim, pretend she doesn't know why I'm being so mean, etc, but I won't care. Cry me a river. It's about time I associated with girls who have some inkling, some vague concept of respect and reciprocity.
And I am through!