"I know you from somewhere..."


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I'm going to explain the pickup (example below) that I'm going to try to make happen, then I'm going to need some advice from you all to make sure this works.

About 5 years ago, I had this college class with this great looking girl in it (smart also). I never talked to her except for some small talk when we were put into groups for discussion. After the class ended I didn't think about her, but I would see her about once every year just by chance and neither of us said anything as we passed by each other. Yesterday something triggered a memory in my brain and I thought about her for like 10 minutes. I thought to myself if I wasn't an AFC back then, she probably would have been one of my girlfreinds.

And then today I saw her working behind the counter in some retail store that I visit a few times a year. She didn't see me, but as I left I thought to myself that she could be my wife some day. I mean she's pretty, smart, defintely LTR material.

Now it's rare for me to remember her since I don't remember anything else from that class. Also, I look different than I did then so even if she did remember me, she might not recognize me. So here's a sample pickup:

Me: Do I know you from somewhere?
Her: No, here's your change. Bye.

Here's one I tried on a different girl:

Me: Hey, didn't you used to go to S- College?
Her: Yes.
Me: I think we had a class together. History. With Professor X.
Her: That was a long time ago. (2 years actually)
Me: Yeah, I guess...
-Here she made me seem weird about recalling something that happened 2 years ago. next.

Here's what I got for the one I'm after now:

Me: You look very familiar (looking her in the eyes and smiling). I swear I know you from somewhere.
Her: I don't kn...(she's gonna be caught off guard and not know what to say most likely).
Me: Did you used to go to S- College?
Her: Yeah, I went there a few years ago.
Me: I knew you looked familiar. I think we had a class together. My name's DCN by the way (extending my hand to shake hers).
Her: My name's HB10. What class? (Notice I'm not gonna say it unless she asks).
Me: I think it was an X class.
Her: Oh....(probably still not remembering me)
Me: Hey, let me ask you a question. Are you single right now?
Her: Yes/No
Me: Let me get your number. (or excange #'s) We should hang out sometime.
Her: (gives number)
Me: Alright, HB10 I got places to be. I'll see ya later.
People in the long line behind me: (no way am i apologizing to them for being a man).

Ok, anyone have any advice on how to play this better if there is such a way? One weak point in it is that not much rapport can be built in such a short time frame. Like I have a few things that I can comment on from the class that can show my interest in her. Or should I stick to what's immediate- her work environment- and comment on how she holds her self well, or complement her on getting a job there since they only hire bright people, or ask a question of her that shows I want to get to know her more (women love that stuff). Thanks.
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mississippi - home of boredom
i think it'd be nice if you all of the sudden had remembered who she was. otherwise you didn't really think you knew her from somewhere you were just an average guy trying to get a number. or either one of those weird kids in college stalking her. you want her to remember you, unless she hated you or gave you bad looks. in which case you wouldn't be talking to her now anyway. happy hunting


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by DarkCityNight
Ok, I'm going to explain the pickup (example below) that I'm going to try to make happen, then I'm going to need some advice from you all to make sure this works.

About 5 years ago, I had this college class with this great looking girl in it (smart also). I never talked to her except for some small talk when we were put into groups for discussion. After the class ended I didn't think about her, but I would see her about once every year just by chance and neither of us said anything as we passed by each other. Yesterday something triggered a memory in my brain and I thought about her for like 10 minutes. I thought to myself if I wasn't an AFC back then, she probably would have been one of my girlfreinds.

And then today I saw her working behind the counter in some retail store that I visit a few times a year. She didn't see me, but as I left I thought to myself that she could be my wife some day. I mean she's pretty, smart, defintely LTR material.

Now it's rare for me to remember her since I don't remember anything else from that class. Also, I look different than I did then so even if she did remember me, she might not recognize me. So here's a sample pickup:

Me: Do I know you from somewhere?
Her: No, here's your change. Bye.

Here's one I tried on a different girl:

Me: Hey, didn't you used to go to S- College?
Her: Yes.
Me: I think we had a class together. History. With Professor X.
Her: That was a long time ago. (2 years actually)
Me: Yeah, I guess...
-Here she made me seem weird about recalling something that happened 2 years ago. next.

Here's what I got for the one I'm after now:

Me: You look very familiar (looking her in the eyes and smiling). I swear I know you from somewhere.
Her: I don't kn...(she's gonna be caught off guard and not know what to say most likely).
Me: Did you used to go to S- College?
Her: Yeah, I went there a few years ago.
Me: I knew you looked familiar. I think we had a class together. My name's DCN by the way (extending my hand to shake hers).
Her: My name's HB10. What class? (Notice I'm not gonna say it unless she asks).
Me: I think it was an X class.
Her: Oh....(probably still not remembering me)
Me: Hey, let me ask you a question. Are you single right now?
Her: Yes/No
Me: Let me get your number. (or excange #'s) We should hang out sometime.
Her: (gives number)
Me: Alright, HB10 I got places to be. I'll see ya later.
People in the long line behind me: (no way am i apologizing to them for being a man).

Ok, anyone have any advice on how to play this better if there is such a way? One weak point in it is that not much rapport can be built in such a short time frame. Like I have a few things that I can comment on from the class that can show my interest in her. Or should I stick to what's immediate- her work environment- and comment on how she holds her self well, or complement her on getting a job there since they only hire bright people, or ask a question of her that shows I want to get to know her more (women love that stuff). Thanks.

Not to be mean dude, but I think it's kind of lame to TRY to pan it out like this . I like that you're trying to prepare your stuff before you open her but this is a bad example of a PU. The structure from open to close is way too fast. I guarantee you if you get her number(unlikely, maybe if she remembers you), then she will flake on you and you will be emotionally fret over this. My 2c.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
You have to be geniune or at least solid in your approach. I've had guys open with me (why..I have no idea) with "I know you from somewhere" or "(insert a name that's not even close to mine)" and then following with all sorts of nonsense like what my brother's name is.

You'll come off idiotic and lame if you do it wrong (ie: the first two times). BTW I don't understand the reason for saying you recognise her -- you're not building rapport, and you risk coming off as a stalker for not approaching her years ago instead of now. If you know for sure that she was in so-and-so's class before, you can bring it up later during your date -- that's a much better way to make with the rapport.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the input I guess, now I have doubt about whether or not to go through with this or do something different. The only thing is I have to do something. I can't not try.

The only other thing I can think of is to build rapport without asking for her number. Like tell her I thought I recognized her from college, ask something about her, tell a little about myself, and then leave. If her reaction is positive, then go back a week or two later and talk to her some more and ask for her number if she shows any signs of interest. That way she has time to wonder about me and asking for a number the second time I see her will seem sweeter and more thoughtful rather than opportunistic.

I think I solved my own problem.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
"Hi! What's your name?"

That's the only opener you need.

And why would you ask if she's single or not? Just ask the number instead.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
And if she says something like "That was 2 years ago." respond, with a surprised look on your face, with "Really?! It's been that long? Damn, time flies by. Then again, I have been pretty busy doing blah blah." Then you can pick on her for not being busy and having a boring life. ;)


Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
If you know who she is, come right on out with it man. Walk right up and call her by name. A good f'n memory is nothing to be ashamed of. You can toy with her all you want in a position like that.