I just need to let go, be happy, and have fun.....


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
I had an epiphany as I was falling asleep.

I've been freaking miserable the past few weeks down on my luck with the opposite sex. I've been trying to readjust back to single life after an extremely volatile 1-year relationship. And finally tonight....it hit me.

Been so focused on the endgame (getting laid)....that I forgot the reason why I became single in the first place. To enjoy life without being tied down. And here I am, so desperate to get back in the very position I tried to get out of last year.

I just need to enjoy life, try new places, take up new hobbies, experience the world. Just live a carefree life, free of constantly obsessing over goddamned pvssy. Sex should be the sizzle, not the steak.

I've long viewed dating as a chore and hassle. But only because i was so obsessed with getting laid that I forgot that dating should be about about having fun experiences and trying new things with women. Sex should not be the singular focus. Otherwise, you're definition of a successful dating life will hinge solely on whether you "score" or not.

The caveat is that I need to accept the fact that I must put myself out there. Talk to girls, and KNOW that, some of them (heck most of them) I wont end up with for whatever reason. The most important thing that is harped on here is to SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN them. Make them qualify themselves as fun-loving carefree individuals. If she's an agenda-seeking leech then I thank my lucky stars it didn't work out. I just keep it moving and seek out new fun experiences with women who I will click with.

I know this is coming off as talking to myself. But I wanted to share with you guys. I don't claim to have all the answers and for me this area of my life is always a learning process.

Hopefully with my new mindset, i'll stop moping around, be back on track and living life to the fullest.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
The dance floor
I came out of a long relationship in January and I do think when you've been out of the single game for awhile it takes some time to find out the way you play it to get what you want and minimise the crap.

Since figuring out my "strategy" i've been much happier, but its taken a few months of trial and error.


- Placing a high value on myself
- Being selective - not going for a chick who i don't like just because i need to feel good. It feels nice turning hoes down
- Not wasting time with game players or chicks with issues. Next plz
- Spinning lots of plates ALWAYS (took up salsa dancing, improving physique, pushing for promotion at work, Yoga, learning to accept my flaws and love myself, among other things)

I can't tell you how important the last one is. Women/getting laid should never be the main focus. You're free now, you're in control of your life and there is no one to blame for holding you back now so get up off your ass and spin those plates!

Start being the man of your dreams.

Good luck brother :up: