I just don't feel it!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hi there Don Juan community. I have been following since a long while the tips and programs offered in the website, and I can assure they have really changed the way I saw things before. I remember thinking this stuff of flirting and relating with women was more a thing of "luck", and only nice and handsome guys could have girls. Jaja, and I can now laugh at it, and I thank you guys for changing and opening my mind to the truth.

Well, to the the point: It has been 2 years since I fell in love truly for a girl, someone who made me feel different, someone who showed me a new world of feeling and sensations that filled my heart with happiness and love. Unfortunately, things didn't went to well there, as she didn't liked me as I liked her, and after a year of chasing I found this site, and decided the best was to stop chasing her, at least for now.
So I went on with everything. I already had a life, a very busy one. I'm still in high school, and I am working to get high grades for university, as well as I am always involved in some kind of activities in society, so I have covered this aspect.

I met a girl this year who I liked in some way, and I tried with her the ****y & Funny stuff. Although, I started considering her more as a friend, and tried not to get too excited with the situation. We became best friends, and spent really good times everytime in school. I don't know really how, but you were right! I didn't exactly treated her like a queen, nor I was always there, but sometimes I acted "nice" just to leave her wanting more of me.
And then one night, she becomes the first girl ever to declare to me! I couldn't really believe it! I was like :crazy: , and thoght "Damn! They were right with the C&F". I recognize I ended up stupid, jaja, but well, this was my first time. So, I kept thing going on, and (I don't know if this was right to do) told her to probe it to me and say it to me in front. She was very shy, but later she was able to do it.

She is a pretty and very funny girl, and I always enjoy conversating with her. She is one of those "strange" women who you can talk hours and hours, and never get bored, as she is enough interesting to keep going on. I obviosly am liable to cut the conversations, but what I like more of her is the way I can come with my C&F stuff, and she can react, instead of just staying like "what's up with this guy?".
However, as I started going with her (I want a long term relationship, but we aren't boyfriend & girlfriend yet), I just started noticing something wierd. While before I was usually excited to be with her and talk and have fun, now I keep enjoying her company, but "I just don't feel it". It's quite strange, but sometimes I even think if I really like her as a friend or as something more. She is pretty and funny, but there is something inside of me that prevents me from going any far.
I really need your help here. I don't know what's going on, and I am afraid to hurt her or let her go and then realizing I really liked her. I don't know if it is because I haven't forgot yet my "impossible love", or is because we started as friends. I really like her personality, and that was the main thing that catched my heart, even when she is not the most beautiful girl in the city, she is different. But I just can't feel it, and I don't know what to do.

I hope you can help me. Sorry for the long story, but I hope the details provided can help you analize the problem in a efficient way.

Happy New Year :p

Cool Programmer, Chuck


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
CoolProgram99 said:
Hi there Don Juan community. I have been following since a long while the tips and programs offered in the website, and I can assure they have really changed the way I saw things before. I remember thinking this stuff of flirting and relating with women was more a thing of "luck", and only nice and handsome guys could have girls. Jaja, and I can now laugh at it, and I thank you guys for changing and opening my mind to the truth.

Well, to the the point: It has been 2 years since I fell in love truly for a girl, someone who made me feel different, someone who showed me a new world of feeling and sensations that filled my heart with happiness and love. Unfortunately, things didn't went to well there, as she didn't liked me as I liked her, and after a year of chasing I found this site, and decided the best was to stop chasing her, at least for now.
So I went on with everything. I already had a life, a very busy one. I'm still in high school, and I am working to get high grades for university, as well as I am always involved in some kind of activities in society, so I have covered this aspect.

I met a girl this year who I liked in some way, and I tried with her the ****y & Funny stuff. Although, I started considering her more as a friend, and tried not to get too excited with the situation. We became best friends, and spent really good times everytime in school. I don't know really how, but you were right! I didn't exactly treated her like a queen, nor I was always there, but sometimes I acted "nice" just to leave her wanting more of me.
And then one night, she becomes the first girl ever to declare to me!Huh? What do you mean? Like declare her "love" for you? I couldn't really believe it! I was like :crazy: , and thoght "Damn! They were right with the C&F". I recognize I ended up stupid, jaja, but well, this was my first time. So, I kept thing going on, and (I don't know if this was right to do) told her to probe it to me and say it to me in frontProbe it to you? What the heck does that mean lol? Im guessing you told her to say to your face that she "loved" you? EDIT: I think you meant to say "prove" it to you.. She was very shy, but later she was able to do it.

She is a pretty and very funny girl, and I always enjoy conversating with her. She is one of those "strange" women who you can talk hours and hours, and never get bored, as she is enough interesting to keep going on. I obviosly am liable to cut the conversations, but what I like more of her is the way I can come with my C&F stuff, and she can react, instead of just staying like "what's up with this guy?".
However, as I started going with her (I want a long term relationship, but we aren't boyfriend & girlfriend yet), I just started noticing something wierd. While before I was usually excited to be with her and talk and have fun, now I keep enjoying her company, but "I just don't feel it".Did she say this? Or is this how you feel? It's quite strange, but sometimes I even think if I really like her as a friend or as something more. She is pretty and funny, but there is something inside of me that prevents me from going any far.
I really need your help here. I don't know what's going on, and I am afraid to hurt her or let her go and then realizing I really liked her. I don't know if it is because I haven't forgot yet my "impossible love", or is because we started as friends. I really like her personality, and that was the main thing that catched my heart, even when she is not the most beautiful girl in the city, she is different. But I just can't feel it, and I don't know what to do.

I hope you can help me. Sorry for the long story, but I hope the details provided can help you analize the problem in a efficient way.

Happy New Year :p

Cool Programmer, Chuck
I really wanna help you out man but you gotta be more clear with what your saying. Its really tough to figure out whats going on here. This is what I understand so far:

-You claim you used to "love" a girl (which by the way you're in fvcking highschool so you have NO CLUE what love truly is) but she didnt feel the same and you stopped going for her (and you should NEVER go back to her. That thing is over. Done. Move on completely).

-Then you become best friends with another girl, until eventually she "became the first girl to ever declare to me". Idk what the fvck that means but im guessing she declared her "love" to you? I dont know.

-Then you tell her to "prove" (not probe) her love to you. Is that right?

-You two never got into a relationship, and now you're not sure whether you still like her as a friend or as something more. Is that correct? And then you say that theres something that is holding you back from "going any far", which im guessing is something is holding you back from hooking up with her/getting sexual with her? That part is also confusing.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, sorry, I was not very clear. Well, in a simple way, it is just that I have met this girl, and I have started going out with her since she "declared" or said to me she liked me. I like her too, so I gave myself a chance to know her.

The problem, is that for some reason, "I don't feel it" (I am the one who says it), that is: I don't have that feeling that makes one heart pump hard or feel nervious. You know, when you are with the girl you are atractted too. In other words, I like her, but I don't feel that power of attraction anymore when I am with her. I use to focus more on personality than looks.

Regarding the probe it situation, jaja, it was "prove". I told her to said it in front of me, that she liked me. I know, it was quite foolish, but she did (thinking of myself to be the one in control though).

And I don't know what to do. I really like her, I really want to FEEL attracted, to feel it, but I don't know what's going on.

I hope you can help me

Cool Program, Chuck


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Its crazy how I'm going through the exact sane thing as this guy.

She has everything you want in a girl, you like her, she likes you, she wants you, you want her too. But the thing is, you dont feel like you care too much for her. You could go one day without talking to her and not care. You feel like you should care, and at times you feel like you want her. But a majority of the time you don't. I want a relationship with this girl, but I don't want to hurt her since I care less. But you don't want to lose a person who's effin awesome either.

Are we shallow people? Wtf is going on?! 0.0


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
CoolProgram99 said:
Ok, sorry, I was not very clear. Well, in a simple way, it is just that I have met this girl, and I have started going out with her since she "declared" or said to me she liked me. I like her too, so I gave myself a chance to know her.

The problem, is that for some reason, "I don't feel it" (I am the one who says it), that is: I don't have that feeling that makes one heart pump hard or feel nervious. You know, when you are with the girl you are atractted too. In other words, I like her, but I don't feel that power of attraction anymore when I am with her. I use to focus more on personality than looks.

Regarding the probe it situation, jaja, it was "prove". I told her to said it in front of me, that she liked me. I know, it was quite foolish, but she did (thinking of myself to be the one in control though).

And I don't know what to do. I really like her, I really want to FEEL attracted, to feel it, but I don't know what's going on.

I hope you can help me

Cool Program, Chuck
Okk thats much better. Now lets see...

The best solution to your problem is relatively simple: limit your contact with her. Im guessing that you've had a very large amount of contact and communication with this chick, and when guys do that to one single girl, they tend to get bored with the girl or in your case, their attraction for the girl decreases.

If you start to decrease the amount of times you see her and limit the time you spend with her, you create the power of missing someone, which will increase your attraction in her and her attraction in you when you two meet up and hang out. Think of it as driving a fast car; if you drive the car every single day for weeks straight all the time, you're slowly going to lose your enjoyment in driving it. BUT, if you stop driving it for a few days or a week, you're going to have much more enjoyment when you do it then as opposed to still driving every day. I hope that odd analogy makes sense lol.

And just for the record: you dont necessarily have to have your heart pumping and feeling nervous when you're with a girl to really feel the attraction. I mean idk about you or anyone else, but when im with a girl I really like, i do feel the attraction but my heart doesnt pump and I dont get nervous. Getting like that is a sign of AFCness, because your nervous and uncomfortable around the girl. They key is to keep your cool and not get all tense and nervous like you describe. Not only that, but if you're getting that intense of a feelin from a girl you're really attracted to, you need to cool down and relax because you could be getting too attached to the girl. I know the feeling you are describing, and you gotta watch out for it, because it wound up almost leading me to a one-itis.