Don Juan
Alright whatsup guys I have been coming here reading all the information here and still nothing changed. The only opportunity I have with women are cold approaches and I just can't seem to approach every time I try I either make up a excuse or just freeze then I talk sense into myself and then they're gone. Sometimes I see them and then they see me and I mess up by not smiling I can't get myself to do it while everyone on the bus/street/room is there able to see me smile. Then I go home and think about it and destoy my confidence. Then I go on this site read some inspirational threads then go outside and the same thing happens and the vicious cycle continues. I get lucky sometimes and the girl approaches me but thats sometimes and I usually take advantage but the phone call never turn intoa date. In the game of numbers im losing badly. The bad thing is, is that deep down I know I am worthy and I am the catch....
excuse my grammer and my spelling im really tired.
excuse my grammer and my spelling im really tired.