I have no idea how to handle this one


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
As some of you know I used to be fat... like really fat 380lbs. I'm now a muscular 240 and chicks are coming easier and easier for me. They actually hit on me now and stuff. But i'm really inexperienced.

Anyway I ran into this chick 4 weeks ago that I knew from my past life when i was a fat ass. Back then I thought she was the hottest chick on the planet, we're talking totally on a pedestal. Anyway I ran into her at this bar and she told me that she had just been dumped by her fiance so her and her girlfriends were out trying to cheer her up. I didn't try to persue anything with her because as far as I was concerned she was still way out of my league and the fact that she just got dumped she probably didn't need some dude hitting on her right then.

Well it turns out playing it cool was totally in my favor because I ran into her 2 weeks later at the same place and towards the end of the night she asked me if i was ever going to kiss her and we made out. I ended up going home with her.

The next day she called me and said she felt guilty about what we did and she really didn't want me to be her rebound guy because she likes me a lot and blah blah blah. She actually told me not to "Let" her kiss me for a while because she "doesn't want to mess this up"

I'm so confused because she still calls me at least once a day and wants to see me ALL THE TIME but yet according to her we're not dating because she's not ready. I'm starting to worry that I might fall into the friend zone.

Is it possible to fall into the friend zone after you've had a night of amazing sex with a girl? I mean i practically gave the girl a seizure that night!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Bigdavis said:
Is it possible to fall into the friend zone after you've had a night of amazing sex with a girl? I mean i practically gave the girl a seizure that night!
Yes it's possible. Yes you are clearly the rebound guy. You are doing everything right, however. Just keep chillin' with her. If she is not ready for a relationship just fvck the **** out of her silly-like untill she is or until she moves on. Just remember to stay DJ and you will be able to enjoy her naked body longer!

Dont ask for a relationship.

Dont act like her boyfriend, till she starts acting like your girlfriend.

Dont pass up dates or sex with other women. (Infact if you do have oneitis for her, seeing other chicks will work in your favor on many many levels)

And DONT WORRY about falling into the friendzone cause that **** is just a self fullfilling prophecy, because your anxiety is showing in your bodylanguage like you wouldn't believe.

Make her think she likes you just a little more than you like her.

This is all the same **** you've BEEN doing, maybe you just haven't realized it. Keep it up!


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Andromax said:
Yes it's possible. Yes you are clearly the rebound guy. You are doing everything right, however. Just keep chillin' with her. If she is not ready for a relationship just fvck the **** out of her silly-like untill she is or until she moves on. Just remember to stay DJ and you will be able to enjoy her naked body longer!

Dont ask for a relationship.

Dont act like her boyfriend, till she starts acting like your girlfriend.

Dont pass up dates or sex with other women. (Infact if you do have oneitis for her, seeing other chicks will work in your favor on many many levels)

And DONT WORRY about falling into the friendzone cause that **** is just a self fullfilling prophecy, because your anxiety is showing in your bodylanguage like you wouldn't believe.

Make her think she likes you just a little more than you like her.

This is all the same **** you've BEEN doing, maybe you just haven't realized it. Keep it up!
Great advice! I actually have a couple of chicks that have been coming at me pretty hard but I haven't been real available to them... I think it's time I start being more available to them and less available to her.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
I got bored and stopped reading when you said she calls you everyday. You should never talk to a women that often, especially if your not banging her.

But remember this, judge a women by her ACTIONS not by what she says.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Maybe what you considered "amazing sex" wasnt so amazing for her? :confused:


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Then just keep it casual, here she just lost someone she loves and you step in service her good and that confused her now she doesn't want to think she is a wh8re... but remember to put your life and feelings before her, also you banged her so now you're not out of her league, and you never were.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
I got bored and stopped reading when you said she calls you everyday. You should never talk to a women that often, especially if your not banging her.

But remember this, judge a women by her ACTIONS not by what she says.

That doesn't mean I always answer. She texts me all the time too and if I don't reply all day she starts to freak out and thinks I don't like her anymore. It's like she's the AFC and I'm the HB10 which is all new territory for me.

And I can thank sosuave.com for getting me here!!! :rockon:


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Ok I reread it and I agree with the others that she probably has higher IL than you realize. I still stand by my advice to go by her actions not her words. aka she banged you, don't go by her I don't want to kiss you when you know different.

But seriously, cut down the communications, you don't want her txting/calling you daily when your out with other women. You've got her wrapped around your finger, now the challenge is to keep her there. How? Easily, by being scarce.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
I got bored and stopped reading when you said she calls you everyday. You should never talk to a women that often, especially if your not banging her.

But remember this, judge a women by her ACTIONS not by what she says.

Whatever you do...

Do not let this woman transition you ever so cleverly into her emotional tamp0n where you get to listen to her bullsh!t words but get no hot action out of the deal.


Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:

Whatever you do...

Do not let this woman transition you ever so cleverly into her emotional tamp0n where you get to listen to her bullsh!t words but get no hot action out of the deal.
I was affraid of that happening so I kinda pulled back and quit responding to her and she totally freaked out wanting to know why I was ignoring her. I think I've got a stage 5 clinger on my hands!