I have absolutely no game in clubs.


New Member
Nov 20, 2007
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Seriously one thing I've realized is I need to work on my verbal game in clubs alot.

Physically I think I'm ok - decent height, around 5'9/5'10 - not 100% sure, all I know is I don't feel too short in clubs. I'm also fairly built, been working out a couple years. So yea overall I'm at least average, above to some chicks probably. So the physical is alright, but I'm starting to realize that, that is pretty irrelevant at this point. Sure I can get looks from girls/iois both inside and outside the club, but when I approach a girl in the club I don't know wtf to say! Here's a couple things that happened last time I was at a club (about a week ago)

Approached a two set talking to themselves and opened with "why are you two back here not dancing" one of the girls looked kinda pissed lol and said "well why aren't you?" the other one sorta stepped back so I just left

then there was this other girl who I opened with

hey how are you doing
pretty good (or something)
then I said something about her dancing I think I asked her to dance
then she said she had a bf and was geting married
so I asked her how old she was, she said 22 and I said so you want to get married at 22?
she said well not now, but later or something
so I said "well I think theres nothing wrong with dancing"
and she said yea but I dont think I should be dancing with other men (something like that) I wouldnt like it if he did that either
so I asked her where her bf was and she said out with his friends

Should I just open with something sexual? Or something that shows interest? like maybe "I've had my eye on you for awhile now, so I had to come and introduce myself. I love the way you move." Cause thats how I was feeling about that chick up there.

any help
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
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Just look at them, smile, then start doing something silly with your eyebrows...

works for me.


Don Juan
May 11, 2003
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It happens. Clubs are some of the worst places to game women.

I don't know if you got any female friends? If you got some good female friends, go clubbing with them. Other women will see you and they will be more receptive to your advances and probably open to you themselves out of jealousy. You can even tell your friends in advance and they'll help you out. I've done this before when I was single and I had success, but I don't go to clubs that much now adays.

Other then that, there is not really you can do, it's very competitive. You're not doing anything wrong, just approach them, talk, ask to dance. The average guy gets turned down far more then he succeeds.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
where are you approaching them? on the dancefloor? at the bar?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
clubs are all about Your looks and your social proof (money don't hurt either)

You have to be attractive and be dressed in hip trendy clothes that are in style, most club girls will like that.. oh and X pills and weed are very popular too


Don Juan
May 14, 2007
Reaction score

Unless you are a really good dancer, the dancefloor is a trap. You are best off striking up a conversation near the bar and then using the dancefloor to escalate.

I agree it is often difficult knowing what to say to open. You do not really get many situational openers the same way you would in other venues.

Analysing the conversation you mentioned: asking her to dance is a bit of a statement of interest and before that you had done nothing to demonstrate value, and as you admit yourself you are ok looking but that won't be enough to get high interest from the start. In her mind why should she dance with every guy who says hi to her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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I don't really know what you problem is.

Sure, dancing helps. I'd just start kinoing drunk girls.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
"Why are you (two) not dancing" = the wackest, most used line in club history for starters.

To paraphrase someone from fastseduction:
Clubs are like the end-boss of videogame. If you got the basics down, it should be easy as hell, but if you are lacking the essentials, you don't stand a chance
So IOW, get confident with gaming girls outside the club atmosphere. Clubs are good for gettin a quick fix by luck until u are really decent with it
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
The only game you need in a club is a ripped body, a wad of cash and a Mercedez Benz.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
The only game you need in a club is a ripped body, a wad of cash and a Mercedez Benz.
I got 2 and a half of the three and get nothing.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
GVdrink said:
Seriously one thing I've realized is I need to work on my verbal game in clubs alot.

the physical is alright, but I'm starting to realize that, that is pretty irrelevant at this point. Sure I can get looks from girls/iois both inside and outside the club, but when I approach a girl in the club I don't know wtf to say! Here's a couple things that happened last time I was at a club (about a week ago)

Approached a two set talking to themselves and opened with "why are you two back here not dancing" one of the girls looked kinda pissed lol and said "well why aren't you?" the other one sorta stepped back so I just left

then there was this other girl who I opened with

hey how are you doing
pretty good (or something)
then I said something about her dancing I think I asked her to dance
then she said she had a bf and was geting married
so I asked her how old she was, she said 22 and I said so you want to get married at 22?
she said well not now, but later or something
so I said "well I think theres nothing wrong with dancing"
and she said yea but I dont think I should be dancing with other men (something like that) I wouldnt like it if he did that either
so I asked her where her bf was and she said out with his friends
You have to build some repertiore with them. Find out something you have in common with her; talk about her hair, her shoes, her purse. "Why are you not dancing?" is a yes/no type of question and you won't be able to follow up. Find out something about her as a person, what she likes to do, what she's about, what makes her excited. Make her work a little in answering, be interested, make some jokes and make her laugh. Asking her to dance right away is too much too soon.

My game is ok everywhere except clubs. I've taken bank tellers out for lunch and cashiers at the supermarket after less than 5 min of talking to them.

Clubs there is too much competition. Every guy is looking to get laid and every girl and there shield up. I can't compete with those 6'2 hockey players so why try?

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
I love gaming in clubs. Its just so much fun.

Its very very very good practice in the basics, because you get to practice kino as your talking, and you have to be on your A game to stand a chance. I just love the practice.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
DonGorgon said:
clubs are all about Your looks and your social proof (money don't hurt either)

You have to be attractive and be dressed in hip trendy clothes that are in style, most club girls will like that.. oh and X pills and weed are very popular too
So f**kin' right! And if you want, while the girls stand outside, come thru in their full view in a DROP TOP BENTLEY!!! Will get their attention! Just know you'll have a high advantage and geting the girl should be much easier, all they need to do is recognize you.

And don't dress like Urkel.:nono:


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
DonJuan11 said:
I got 2 and a half of the three and get nothing.
You don't have the benz do you? Damn, bro. I feel your pain. And what's the half? A 2005 Grand am ain't helpin much around the clubs in New Orleans cuz too many people got em. By the way, I have one of the three.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
The half is getting a six pack. Guess its more 2 and 1/6 because I have a one pack now.

Bulletproof Benz 2007, its nice but I still haven't gotten laid because of it.