I have a month.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, I've been reading pick-up material and stuff for about 2 and a half years now, but I have yet to do a cold approach. I'm going to be a senior in August. Now, just reading all this stuff has made a HUGE change in me (yes, really) so now that I will finally have my car and stuff I'm going to go out and do cold approaches.

Lots of cold approaches. Now, I don't really give a **** about being popular. At all. I'm doing this because I really want to get this part of my life handled. Apparently, after 2.5 years of reading this ****, I've gotten pretty good. I used to be typical nerdy guy that sat on the computer and didn't go outside a lot, but now I'm pretty talkative and alpha funny.

At school, most of my grade thinks I'm a loser (because they met me before I learned this stuff) but most of the kids in the other grades think I'm pretty cool. I've never really been THAT bad though, mainly cause I'm not bad looking and pale, and I dress well.

Basically, freshmen year I thought being cool was like being james bond (acting cool and tough), so i tried that and failed hard.

So, my current plan is to just walk up to people and say "Hey what's up," and start a conversation. Or like "Hi, I'm xxx."

Any comments?


Don Juan
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
2.5years and not a single approach? Do what makes you comfortable, start small if you have to and work up.

Not really sure what you want comments on, but just go out there and start talking to everyone you can, don't set goals too high but instead set reasonable and reachable goals to keep yourself going.

Don't expect everything to just "change" overnight just because you have a car now or whatever made you decide to start incorporating your knowledge now. If you fail, don't think about it and move on to the next approach.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
dude a cold approach isnt this big huge planned out thing that takes years of reading material and gaining confidence and a car to do. it really shouldnt even be your 'goal' and it is certainly not an 'accomplishment' by most standards. its not something you give yourself a month to do or die. oh and you dont need a car either. its just something you go do anytime theres girls you dont know around. not trying to be harsh or burst your bubble or anything, but youre really making a big deal out of a little thing. just go do it.