noviceplaya said:
About 3 months ago me and my ex had unprotected sex.....she had a yeast infection and i got it....wen i first got it i saw red bumps all over my foreskin and on the head of my seems like this keeps coming back........i went back to the clinic a week ago and found out i have it again......but i didnt have sex...wen i first got it there was like a little red rash,and it went away...i've used the medicine for a week and some extra days and now that red rash came back.....what could it be?
It's a time honored tradition for boys with embarassing symptoms to come on sosuave and try to get a diagnosis without having to go to the doctor. However, it's very difficult for people on an internet forum to diagnose you. Thankfully, there is a way, and as always, I'm here to help.
I know this is a little embarassing and even a little uncomfortable, but you must follow these instructions carefully or I cannot diagnose you.
First, you are going to have to disrobe from the waist down. Go ahead and do it right now. We'll wait.
All set? Good.
Now, open the CD drive on your computer. This works best with a DVD burner or CD burner, but really any CD-type drive will do. Go ahead and insert your penis into the CD drive as far as you can. You may have to flatten it quite a bit, and if you are even a little erect this will be a difficult process. Try to think of your grandmother playing baseball; this should simplify the process.
Once you've gotten your penis into the CD drive, press the button to close the drive. The drive will not be able to close all the way, but for an accurate diagnosis it's important to have the drive as closed as possible.
Once you've done all of this, post on this thread and wait for a trained medical para-professional such as myself to complete the diagnosis.