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When I read anything you write, all I hear is "it's a mans life mission to satisfy a woman to the end."Epimanes said:Well in my opinion
"any man who talks about satisfying multiple women is really telling you he's not good enough to satisfy one. So he's got to spread it around so nobody calls him to commitment. When a man says, "I've got ten ladies!" What he's telling you is that he hasn't reached to manhood yet, because anybody can bounce around. It's when you stand steady, and after fifteen, twenty, thirty, fifty years, the wife says, "I'm still satisfied," now you've got a real man. When that one man is constantly nourishing and satisfying her."
If risking your health and lowering the act of making love to a woman is your thing then all the power to ya. But to me personally I would not degrade myself to that kind of lifestyle. Never know where those people have been.
Lol.. Who says my woman doesn't fit that criteria? I been with my wife for 20 years dude. What does that say? I don't need to stray or degrade myself to seeking gratification from multiple woman because my one woman and I have adapted to eachother with mutual understanding of our different needs. Something you can only find and build with one person.dangdang said:How about a woman so good, the man doesn't think about going with other women.