I Hate Women

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Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
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One thing I've realised over the past couple of months and I truly believe it, but the harsh reality is that if it wasn't for the possibility of men having sex with women, half of all men wouldn't even bother talking to women much less put-up with all the crap that women dish-out. What, you really think men endure your S H I T because you're such a brilliant conversationalist and awesome companion ? Sex comes pretty easy to females. I'm not coming from a position of strength. I'm coming from a position of weakness. At least I recognise this fact instead of burying it under self-deluding machismo. Women still want the routine that a man must go cap in hand to a woman asking for favours, while she is free to reject him with no more hesitation than brushing away a street beggar. We men have to put so much effort to get laid or get a girlfriend, going from one girl to the next, suffering rejection after rejection, hoping, wishing that this girl does not blow you out like all the others and even if she does she won't give a S H I T about it in doing so. Then (Praise the Lord) you may actually strike lucky. So therefore you passed all the relevant tests.

The looks test.
The job test.
The clothes test.
The area where you live test.
The car test.

All the while she thinks she does not have to do nothing to prove herself to you. Her ultra high,arrogant opinion hereself will make her think that she does not have to. So here's another question,What is it about women that incites them to talk to men who are less experienced than they are as if they were children if they happen to have just lost their virginity ? And what's with the way girls talk to guys who are too skinny, too short, or too fat, too ugly ? They do nothing to earn the friendship of these men yet assume it immediately because in some superficial way they feel superior. I just can't get over how superficiality bleeds into even the most mundane day-to-day conduct women have with men. More women need to look at themselves in the mirror and come to grips with reality.

They are not special.
They are not gorgeous.
They are not brilliant.
They are not sophisticated.

Most will never do anything special or influential in their entire lives.They should show men some decent, common respect, regardless of how they look or how many sex partners they appear to have or had. I'm also sick and tired of how picky women are.

What gives them the right ?

Why should anyone take pity or have sympthay for a woman who is cheated on by her b/f, or beaten by him, or hurt in some seemingly injust way? Shouldn;t she have screened him more carefully in NON-superficial matters to the same degree she did to ensure he was the right height, had the right look, and had the right body or car or style ,job? If you're going to be so picky in one way, what excuse do you have to not ensure he's respectful, sweet, and decent/honest ? Anyway, I really had to get that rant off my chest. I am so pissed off at how arrogant girls and how f**king low my standards have sunk over the years, and still with nothing. Like I'm so f**king worthless, it drives me crazy. Four years ago I attempted suicide came pretty close to dying but didn't, then never tried again.

I wish there was some way to encapsulate pain and make a weapon out of it. So you could track down all the people who rejected you and who were F U C K I N lucky you even spoke to them, but because of some delusional society ingrained idea of them being special, they simply brushed you off like an ant, and you could just fire that weapon on them and all that intensified humiliation and self-degradation could just beam right into their soul and stay there and it would take years or a F U C K I N lifetime for that injury to heal over.

I've also learned another thing. To the guys, never F U C K I N lower your standards. Ugly girls are just as F U C K I N snooty and arrogant as good looking ones. You may as well get rejected by a decent looking girl, because there is really nothing like asking out a girl you'd have to close your eyes to F U C K and hearing she doesn't have time for you. When girls say 'maybe you should go for a plain girl' or "ugly girl" don't F U C K I N listen to them. Stop listening to whatever they have to say, and just walk away. Because they're F U C K I N LYING!! IT'S NOT TRUE!!! UGLY GIRLS ARE NOT LESS PICKY!!! You may think I'm a real freak, but if you saw the way i look, you wouldn't. I ain't a Brad Pitt or a George Clooney. But occasionally I've been complimented on my looks, and I'm a popular guy, and I get DISSED by freaks. So heed this listen my fellas:'Go for what you want, at least if you don't get it you were true to yourself.'

You probably think I'm pathetic and in need of help but I'm speaking from my heart and I hope others will find some truth to what I say. I was not a bad person. Misogynists are not born they are made. Hating women is the only thing I have left to do. I'm too good to respond with violence or anything so trite and barbaric. I'm above it and beyond it. I AM A BETTER MAN! Indeed, I've given up the idea of ever having a woman as a part of my romantic life. I am a MISOGYNIST. I declare it, not proudly, but without shame. I refuse to accept the shame that women have tried to place upon me. I am a MISOGYNIST, without apology to anyone. I'm a MISOGYNIST, from now until women show themselves worthy of something better than hatred.I am a MISOGYNIST from now until the day I die.

Total Control

Mar 31, 2008
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THis is very very obviously TrialbyFire from loveshack - yet another female troll


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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You hate girls because youre a b*tch and cant get sh*t. Step your game up, son.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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Wow... Bitter much?

I'll go ahead and guess it's been upwards of two years for you. Perhaps your whole life?

You need to get some confidence.

Trilby said:
The looks test.
The job test.
The clothes test.
The area where you live test.
The car test.
All of these so called "tests" are non existent. Girls don't care about these. They want a someone to lead them who can handle the fact that they are emotional creatures.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
If you hate women so much, date men Jack-O.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like a woman in the first few sentences. That or an english gentleman from the 18th Century.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
I wish there was some way to encapsulate pain and make a weapon out of it.
You think you have it bad?? Hey, Hey, I'm a CUBS fan! Beat that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Trilby said:
I see this is your first post.

I regret to inform you that we actually love women here, so this won't be the place for you. I hope that you either leave on your own, or that a moderator helps in this process by disabling your handle and noting your IP.

Thanks! Take Care!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry sir, but if you hate women then your first obligation to yourself is to read some of the material on this website and learn about what you don't understand, not lash out in anger.

Whether this is trolling or genuine, posting here about you hating women will not help you.

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