I got no game....


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
There's a girl at work that I'm interested in, we share a few similarities (I'm not sure if she's aware of it herself however).

Because of a bad relationship she had previously she doesn't seem to trust men and is very cautious of revealing too much information about herself. I think that she would be a great girl to date, but I 'm not sure how to approach this.

Lately I've been printing off her school reports for her since she doesn't have a printer (my way of keeping contact with her outside of work). She's friendly and chatty, and we've had lunch a few times, but when I suggest we do something outside of work time (eat, go for coffee...) she is silent and doesn't say much, and it turns awkward until one of us brings up a new topic.

Over the christmas break she e-mailed me and said "oh a week without seeing you, i'm so depressed hahaha". I wrote her back saying we should meet up to get her happy again. When she wrote back it was more chit chat about work.

I see a potentially good gf in her and don't want to just give up. Should i continue helping her out with her school work and occassionally suggest we should go out? Or is there another route I should pursue?

Myself, I'm not a very flirty or mysterious kind of guy. In fact, a girl I recently dated made it very clear that there is no mystery to me and that I'm an open book. The only thing I have is humour, ppl think I'm a funny guy, but that doesn't seem to ever make it past the friend stage...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
1. Think very carefully about dating someone you work with.

2. Quit doing her schoolwork and taking her to lunch and find a chick

that's interested.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
bankai said:
There's a girl at work that I'm interested in, we share a few similarities (I'm not sure if she's aware of it herself however).

Because of a bad relationship she had previously she doesn't seem to trust men and is very cautious of revealing too much information about herself. I think that she would be a great girl to date, but I 'm not sure how to approach this.

Lately I've been printing off her school reports for her since she doesn't have a printer (my way of keeping contact with her outside of work). She's friendly and chatty, and we've had lunch a few times, but when I suggest we do something outside of work time (eat, go for coffee...) she is silent and doesn't say much, and it turns awkward until one of us brings up a new topic.

Over the christmas break she e-mailed me and said "oh a week without seeing you, i'm so depressed hahaha". I wrote her back saying we should meet up to get her happy again. When she wrote back it was more chit chat about work.

I see a potentially good gf in her and don't want to just give up. Should i continue helping her out with her school work and occassionally suggest we should go out? Or is there another route I should pursue?

Myself, I'm not a very flirty or mysterious kind of guy. In fact, a girl I recently dated made it very clear that there is no mystery to me and that I'm an open book. The only thing I have is humour, ppl think I'm a funny guy, but that doesn't seem to ever make it past the friend stage...

I went through a similar situation last year. All I can tell you is that this girl is not interested in you in a romantic way. You are just a friend at work, that's all. She told you she was depressed means little compared to the fact that you had asked her out several times and she didn't give a response or a direct no from her because that's how women are. They are afraid to say no to a man. All the women i've asked to go out they never tell me no, if the don't want to go out with you they tell the lamest excuse. In your case she won't tell you a big fat lie, she just won't answer or change topic like she has. In my case the times I asked the girl I liked at work (similar case to you), the first time she said "I'll have to see, I'll let you know" of course she didn't; and the second time she started asking everybody at the office to join us, after that second time (wich wasn't a good idea after her first response) I knew for sure this girl didn't like me in a romantic way.

The sooner you realize she's not into you, the better.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Because of a bad relationship she had previously she doesn't seem to trust men and is very cautious of revealing too much information about herself. I think that she would be a great girl to date, but I 'm not sure how to approach this.
Did you find this out indirectly or did she tell you? If she told you it sounds like an excuse. I've seen it used on gys before.

Try some kino and sex it up a bit, see what happens. Or you could be a pvssy and be just friends forever. Your choice.